Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Yeah but with mothersday weekend you would have a hard time not finding yourself a hour wait. Take har when she is better. It was nice that you got her ice cream and flowers.

lol you're probably right. I will take her when she's better ;)

great job away. yes take her out when she is better. If you want a great strain from one of the original crew (brothers grim) look into C99 it is there cross of pineapple xpress and Bubblegum. IT rocks hands down a great strain. I also love Blueberry. Allot of new strains/mixes i have to try but the old favs are never a bad choice.

as for now i've got my seeds, but i note all the strains i want to try in my notebook :) So im keeping them in mind thanks ;)

:rip: mr. male. you'll be missed.

if you don't defoliate you'll have that big of a plant in 2-3 weeks @ 18/6 :thumb:

I say pop a bean, veg for 2-3 weeks, and anything that grows above the screen cut straight across like a flat top. after you flip to 12/12 no more trimming, besides lollipopping (if you want).

I lollipop just after the stretch is complete. lollipopping is the removal of the lowest buds.

I dont think im going to be lollipopping because i'd like to make some butter or bubblebag hash with my trims, so the popcorn will just go in with that hehe ;)
as for now the plan is to go get some more soil. Then i will germinate my Barney's Farm - Sweet Tooth auto and my Sweet Seeds - Cream Caramel Fast Version feminized (photoperiod).
Then i will be vegging for 70-80 days (depending how long the auto takes to finnish) while scrogging the cream caramel.
That way i can harvest my amnesia auto around the 4th-11th july and harvest the sweet tooth auto a week or two later and then i can flower my Cream Caramel.
She takes around 60 days to finnish so i will be having continuing bud's throughout the summer :)
And yeah i dont think i will be defoliating alot throughout the veg period this time.. Possibly do the first one around a month in, so she can make some extra branches before i scrog her, and then one more a week or so before the stretch for best light penetration.
It's just thoughts at the moment, but i'll get it all started soon as possible! :high-five:

Congrats on your 2 year anniversary Away. That was the easy part, Now the fun begins... after you really get to know each other.

Click DETAILS in my sig.

Thanks man i appreciate it :high-five:

Sorry i cant attend the reps are right.. Wish i could.. But it's a little too late for me, cause i got work in the morning. Hope you all have fun :)
sounds like a plan. a healthy auto that's drinking well will show sex in about 3 weeks and then flower for 9-10 more.
Whats up guys, last night i took some pictures of the Amnesia auto but forgot to upload them lol :)
So here they are, look how she's coming along ^^

Hey away, I'm not sure if I see anything out of the ordinary here if you mean the way the fan leafs are curving around the main leaflet then it is normal, My white rhino does this same exact thing.

If you mean something else some better pics might help, better angle but this is the pic I'm talking about

Here's a pic of one of my girls a few months ago

I find the plants I place on the outside of my light do this more often then the ones directly under the light.
okay at some point the plant couldn't breath right either heat stress or lack of c02. when that happens the leaves will do that. dont worry it wont affect it in the long run. just tell your friend to make sure to have a fan blowing and he has good air exchange. they look great. i have a plant still flowering that did that i called her fugly. it was from stress to the roots. she is doing great now.
Hey away, I'm not sure if I see anything out of the ordinary here if you mean the way the fan leafs are curving around the main leaflet then it is normal, My white rhino does this same exact thing.

If you mean something else some better pics might help, better angle but this is the pic I'm talking about

Here's a pic of one of my girls a few months ago

I find the plants I place on the outside of my light do this more often then the ones directly under the light.

This picture is the one that describes it the best. :thumb:
I believe that picture is of Kjell's white rhino.. that one has been doing it all along as i understand it.. The other plants just started doing it a bit recently though.. but the light thing you mention might explain them as well then.. thanks for the response man :high-five:
okay at some point the plant couldn't breath right either heat stress or lack of c02. when that happens the leaves will do that. dont worry it wont affect it in the long run. just tell your friend to make sure to have a fan blowing and he has good air exchange. they look great. i have a plant still flowering that did that i called her fugly. it was from stress to the roots. she is doing great now.

There has been some stress factors through out the grow i guess, nothing serious but probably enough to cause these leaves i guess..
We spoked about the fan earlier, he's had a timer on his fan for a while now, so it's been blowing for 15 minutes then off 15 minutes and so on.. I think we agreed that it was worth trying to just blow it full-time.
Im glad it's nothing serious though, now Kjell can sleep tight at night again :) :high-five:
I don't see anything wrong with leaves or the plant at all besides that it's chopped up lol. are you still in veg?
wish him the best of luck, does he still have his hydro plant?

or was the rhino the one he moved back to soil, forgive my memory lol.

Tell him to make a thread!:high-five:

i will man and again thanks for the help ^^ we've been wondering about it for a while now lol
Honestly i dont even remember, i'll try to remember asking him though :)
Looking good overall man! Congrats, and sorry to hear about the male. Good riddance.

Have a great week everyone, love to all.
Hi everybody;) Here's a little picture of my girls:) Day 3 of flowering...
Thanks for your replies to AWAY the two days I didn't had computer:) Almost all of the curly leafs are good again;) Nice days to all of you;)
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