Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

why chop him yes its a male 100% sure, make seeds. if you are not growing anything else then let him go if only for some pollen.
As for the links they are on a private site. I am sure no one else has heard of the boiling water. Sub to my thread and ill take pics of me doing it to my last BB On Sunday earliest. that is when i chop the Big BB and can start the other then if her trics are ready. I can then move my C99 over more to give me more room to get to the other BB. Its hard to move a 25 gallon tote full of soil on top with lava rocks and water on the bottom.

Morning dude ;)
I'm not really interrested in making seeds this round.. I only have my male bagseed plant and my Original Amnesia Autoflower.. Dont want to seed that girl.. I got seeds but i need bud hehe.
My thoughts right now is to start another autoflower and my Cream Caramel Fast Flower Version. Then i can veg the cream caramel for as long as the auto's take to harvest, and then switch her into flowering.. and this seed is feminized so hopefully no male! ;)
A question.. The pollen from the male can only seed plants right, i cant make anything smokeable out of it right?
Hello everyone:)

Please help me out here... Have been talking a lot with AWAY regarding to my taco leafs, and we're a bit lost here... Can you guys help me out? The leafs twist and curls. Not totally crazy but they've been doing it for a week or more now... Here are some pics...

I have lowered my temp to max. 80. I have a humidity between 50-65. I'm running 18/6 150 cfl. I haven't "nuked" them at all. Using biobizz grow, bactrex and root juice. The soil is biobizz light mix. Have a small fan on them every second quarter 24/7. The only thing I haven't tried yet is epson salt. But get it tomorrow.

Can anyone help me out? I'll switch to 12/12 in a week, and would really like to get them back on track before that. They are white rhinos and Ladyburn 1974.

Thanks;) See you and may you all have a awesome day;)

The upward leaf curl may be an early sign of a magnesium deficiency. Cannabis does not require misting and water droplets can magnify the light and burn the leaves.
Hey guys, i got a small question as well..
My Bagseed plant has started making this 'cup' shape on some random leaves.. any ideas what it is?



Here's a random bunch of update photo's of the Amnesia lady


The downward leaf curl is a sign that you are feeding too high of nitrogen.
The downward leaf curl is a sign that you are feeding too high of nitrogen.

I know i've got a nitrogen problem on the big one, i've been trying to sort that out for a week hehe.. ;) But is it the same thing on the little auto? Or is it just something auto's do with the lower leaves (read that somewhere) it doesnt look similar to me, the colour arent as dark green on her either.
Hi there:) My runoff is 7,0 straight. I haven't measured the ph of the water before watering. And that because the rhinos hate ph down... But perhaps I could try a bit of lemon juice. What ph level would you suggest for watering? Thanks for answering by the way;) Nice day to you...

You want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil. I would flush your pot with at least twice the volume of pH adjusted water as pot size or until your runoff waters pH is 6.5.

Here is a nutrient availability chart


Here is a cannabis leaf deficiency chart


here is the Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver and the Plant Abuse Chart

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

Plant Abuse Chart
Question: What do you guys think about defoliations during the stretch? I've got a bunch of fanleaves covering the light penetration, that i'd love to get rid of, what will happen if i do it during stretch? I wont mind a few days stunting during this period, cause i worry about how big she will get. maybe the extra light penetration from a defol would be nice actually?

When I defoliate in flower I defoliate at day 21-15 of flower when the stretch phase has ended and again at day 45 if needed. Defoliating in flower during the stretch phase will only reduce your yield.
Hey guys, sorry for my absence lately been a little busy!

Today i came home after a little longer day than usually, pretty satisfied and all.. I go and check up on the room as i usually do when i get home.. At first what i see is awesome!! :thumb:
Look at how the tops are going upwards!


Pretty happy i start checking for signs of pistils or sacks.. and here's what i'm looking at.. :whoa:


I dont know about you guys but that looks like forming ballsacks to me.. Can any1 tell me if it is indeed ballsacks or maybe just beggining buds?.. that would just be weird because i havent seen a single white pistil yet.. what do you guys think?

Hope you're all nice and chill out there! :high-five:

Edit: Sorry i cant get any closer without getting a blurry picture on this iphone!

You have a male cannabis plant, kill it!
Its part of the game. My biggest plant was a male it had 8 tops that BB looked great but what can you do. As for defoliating (lollipop) diff strains act diff. If the light cannot get into the lower 1/3 do to it being a 5 ft tall plant yes. if its a 3 foot tall plant i would not unless you have mainlined it and made 8 or more tops. My c99 i did mainline and clean up my bottom 1/6th had to they was dying anyway. to thick of canopy. Leave as much on as you can and learn to make bubble bag hash. My BB and WW i did 1/3 of the bottom and it affected the WW more than the BB. THe BB loved it as you can see my clubs(elephant dicks 4 inch diameter). I do suggest doing 2 clones from same mom and lollipop one and not the other but do the same training to each so they look the same. then you will know if your strain likes it more or less. I hope i wasn't rambling i have a cold.
Excuse me your balls are showing :) Sorry for the dude plant - that's part of the game I dread so good fortunes for your next attempt. Maybe start 2 or three at a time for the next or at least take an early clone and sex it asap instead of taking the hit after 3 months of tender loving care :peace:
That sucks man.

Yep.. but it's part of the game, like the others said hehe.

Its part of the game. My biggest plant was a male it had 8 tops that BB looked great but what can you do. As for defoliating (lollipop) diff strains act diff. If the light cannot get into the lower 1/3 do to it being a 5 ft tall plant yes. if its a 3 foot tall plant i would not unless you have mainlined it and made 8 or more tops. My c99 i did mainline and clean up my bottom 1/6th had to they was dying anyway. to thick of canopy. Leave as much on as you can and learn to make bubble bag hash. My BB and WW i did 1/3 of the bottom and it affected the WW more than the BB. THe BB loved it as you can see my clubs(elephant dicks 4 inch diameter). I do suggest doing 2 clones from same mom and lollipop one and not the other but do the same training to each so they look the same. then you will know if your strain likes it more or less. I hope i wasn't rambling i have a cold.

Too bad about that BB man.. I can honestly say i feel ya :laughtwo:
Thanks for the advice man, think you're right.. defoliation is a 'feel-thing'.. You gotta look at the individuals and do whatever benefits the plant in the long run. Also you're very right.. different strains act very differently when stressed, also when being fed. Kjell has experienced it in particular.. He's got one that like's very low nutes and stress and then he's got one in the total opposite end.. Loves nutes and being tied down hehe..
I'm still only getting started hehe.. i havent found the strain i wish to grow yet.. When i do though i will do different methods on different clones to see what works best. Also looking forward to keeping a male plant one time for breeding sakes ;) So many things i still want to try and do though :)

Excuse me your balls are showing :) Sorry for the dude plant - that's part of the game I dread so good fortunes for your next attempt. Maybe start 2 or three at a time for the next or at least take an early clone and sex it asap instead of taking the hit after 3 months of tender loving care :peace:

hahah :rofl::rofl:
Yeah that is just part of the game.. i knew it was a 50/50, so it's just back on the horse ;)

I didnt even mean to go this far with my bagseed plants at first. I started 4 seeds because i was impatient and couldnt wait for my friend to deliver a female clone. Figured it'd be good training and i could just move them outside when i got the clone.
I ended up killing the clone with too many nutrients and only 1 bagseed plant left. So figured i'd just take the chance and keep it going..
It's all in the journal.. anyway it's just bad luck i guess :)

Currently i only have my Original Amnesia auto in the closet.
I'm planning on starting my Cream Caramel Fast Version from Sweet Seeds and my Barneys Farm - Sweet Tooth auto and let them go along with the amnesia.. Then when the auto's are done i can start flowering the cream caramel.
And the best thing is.. All 3 of these plants are feminized, so it's quite a slim chance of males this time.
Oh and sorry to hear you have a cold DC.. I hope you get well soon man! ;)

My girlfriend's got a pretty bad cold as well.. and it's our 2 year anniversary today.. I feel sorry for her, you know.. women value these days so much. So i've been backing her up all day, got her icecream candy and flowers :) just sucks i cant take her out for dinner..
Yeah but with mothersday weekend you would have a hard time not finding yourself a hour wait. Take har when she is better. It was nice that you got her ice cream and flowers.
great job away. yes take her out when she is better. If you want a great strain from one of the original crew (brothers grim) look into C99 it is there cross of pineapple xpress and Bubblegum. IT rocks hands down a great strain. I also love Blueberry. Allot of new strains/mixes i have to try but the old favs are never a bad choice.
:rip: mr. male. you'll be missed.

if you don't defoliate you'll have that big of a plant in 2-3 weeks @ 18/6 :thumb:

I say pop a bean, veg for 2-3 weeks, and anything that grows above the screen cut straight across like a flat top. after you flip to 12/12 no more trimming, besides lollipopping (if you want).

I lollipop just after the stretch is complete. lollipopping is the removal of the lowest buds.
Congrats on your 2 year anniversary Away. That was the easy part, Now the fun begins... after you really get to know each other.

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