Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

the thing about heavy defoliation is you can put the plant into shock slowing growth
also the plant needs leaves to support photosynthesis if the plant doesn't have enough leaves to support itself is where you will slow the growth down cause its gonna want to replace whatever leaves are gone to support itself

Ah thats where it could become a bigger mistake.. If my defol messes with the photosynthesis.. I didnt know it'd affect that. Damn..
its a weed. some can handle it better than others. I always clean up the lower 1/5 of my plants and sometimes 1/3. I dont do any removing on top 2/3rds ever untill they are almost done and fan leaves are dead. Only way is to take 4 clones same size same mom. do 2 and dont do 2 to see how your strain handles it. I have cola's the size of my arm on my blueberry and i took 1/3 from her bottom. My WW didnt like it as much got a couple grenades so some strains love it and others dont is what i am seeing.
and good morning all i think i am still a little high i need a coffee injection.
its a weed. some can handle it better than others. I always clean up the lower 1/5 of my plants and sometimes 1/3. I dont do any removing on top 2/3rds ever untill they are almost done and fan leaves are dead. Only way is to take 4 clones same size same mom. do 2 and dont do 2 to see how your strain handles it. I have cola's the size of my arm on my blueberry and i took 1/3 from her bottom. My WW didnt like it as much got a couple grenades so some strains love it and others dont is what i am seeing.
and good morning all i think i am still a little high i need a coffee injection.

Morning brother :high-five: I think you're right... honestly i dont think it hurt her too much, she's grown 1-2cm over night on all tops (i can tell cause they were all ready to be tucked back under) The only thing im worried about is the nitrogen problem.. Hope i did the right thing and did it in time..
I notice if you give them tons of calcium they dont complain as much. I think its almost impossible to give them too much calcium. when they ample amounts to use the plants do allot better. i use ground egg shells in my soil takes a bit for them to break down. i also am a huge fan of molasses.

It's a little late for eggshells in my soil by now, but worth trying it out on another run man ;)
Now once and for all i gotta know.. What are molasses??
now there are other brands the only thing to watch out for is the iron. dont get 1 that has over 8% iron and also to use it heat 1 cup hot water disolve 1 tablespoon molasses into the hot water then just mix into 1 gallon of water/nute mix . It takes a few days for the soil to break it down that is why i start using it as soon as i put seedlings in first pot. for little plants i add it 1 time a week. for plants 4 weeks and older 2-3 times a week. in flower every water/feed.
there is another brand i like it is Brer Rabbit mild flavor black strap unsulfered molasses. it has 2x more calcium/mag with 6% iron. the reason for using the lower iron versions is iron can root lock your plants if its too high of ratio. I seen a label that has 40% iron in it. well for us humans that is good but not our plants. oh yeah Good morning away and all. I posted some pics on my thread and got the total for for my WW over 70 grams dried yeah i am so happy. My BB is gonna double that easy.

High Sara, nice to have you here :high-five:

I herd that Blackstrap type is the best. Ya know, all plants are equipped with natural responses to being defoliated in nature by animals munching on their leaves; especially the lower leaves. Just babbling

i guess thats why she hurry up and make new leaves everytime i pluck her ;)

there is another brand i like it is Brer Rabbit mild flavor black strap unsulfered molasses. it has 2x more calcium/mag with 6% iron. the reason for using the lower iron versions is iron can root lock your plants if its too high of ratio. I seen a label that has 40% iron in it. well for us humans that is good but not our plants. oh yeah Good morning away and all. I posted some pics on my thread and got the total for for my WW over 70 grams dried yeah i am so happy. My BB is gonna double that easy.

Hey man, congratz on your harvest!! :high-five:
I'll have a look at your journal ;)
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