Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Hello everyone:)

Please help me out here... Have been talking a lot with AWAY regarding to my taco leafs, and we're a bit lost here... Can you guys help me out? The leafs twist and curls. Not totally crazy but they've been doing it for a week or more now... Here are some pics...

I have lowered my temp to max. 80. I have a humidity between 50-65. I'm running 18/6 150 cfl. I haven't "nuked" them at all. Using biobizz grow, bactrex and root juice. The soil is biobizz light mix. Have a small fan on them every second quarter 24/7. The only thing I haven't tried yet is epson salt. But get it tomorrow.

Can anyone help me out? I'll switch to 12/12 in a week, and would really like to get them back on track before that. They are white rhinos and Ladyburn 1974.

Thanks;) See you and may you all have a awesome day;)
Additional info... I use tap water but let it stand for three days with a air pump in it before using it. I spray the plants twice a week with pure steamed water (10-12 ppm). ;)
okay if you mists your plants do it at lights off. do you have a fan blowing across the tops of your plants? if not get one. looks like your light is to intense also so move it up till they can build a tolerance. the damage on the leaves look like heat stress. now you say you are using cfl so is it 1 bulb at 150 watt or several? i ask cause i found the plants hate 5000k and will turn towards and other light spectrum if 5000k is being used. dont ask me whey they just do.
okay if you mists your plants do it at lights off. do you have a fan blowing across the tops of your plants? if not get one. looks like your light is to intense also so move it up till they can build a tolerance. the damage on the leaves look like heat stress. now you say you are using cfl so is it 1 bulb at 150 watt or several? i ask cause i found the plants hate 5000k and will turn towards and other light spectrum if 5000k is being used. dont ask me whey they just do.

Hi there! Thanks for your reply;) I use one 150 bulb about 12-15" from the plants. I have sprayed both on and off from lights. Bad idea i guess. Specially if the light is to close or powerful. Perhaps thats what caused the small stains on the leafs. Magnifying glass effect from water drops? Just a crazy thought... Would you recommend several cfl's instead of one?
Nice day to you;)
Have you been measuring your ph with every watering? Whats the runoff ph?

Hi there:) My runoff is 7,0 straight. I haven't measured the ph of the water before watering. And that because the rhinos hate ph down... But perhaps I could try a bit of lemon juice. What ph level would you suggest for watering? Thanks for answering by the way;) Nice day to you...
Hi there! Thanks for your reply;) I use one 150 bulb about 12-15" from the plants. I have sprayed both on and off from lights. Bad idea i guess. Specially if the light is to close or powerful. Perhaps thats what caused the small stains on the leafs. Magnifying glass effect from water drops? Just a crazy thought... Would you recommend several cfl's instead of one?
Nice day to you;)
yes never spray unless you have to kill bugs then raise the lights first and add another fan to dry it faster.
Also look what Kjell gave me today :)


And some pics from the closet - the leaves on the bagseed is still nitrogen toxic i suspect, so im thinking that since they are fed every 3rd day by now maybe i could only feed them every second time. So feed nutes then water plain water, then nutes, then plain water, so on.. or is she too used to getting nutes with every watering, so it might stress her? Oppinions?


Question: What do you guys think about defoliations during the stretch? I've got a bunch of fanleaves covering the light penetration, that i'd love to get rid of, what will happen if i do it during stretch? I wont mind a few days stunting during this period, cause i worry about how big she will get. maybe the extra light penetration from a defol would be nice actually?
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