Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Here's a couple of questions..

From the look at the Bagseed plant how long do you guys think she will need till i can flip the switch?
I really just want to bud her as fast as i can, and the amnesia should be able to do fine under 12/12 as well.

Also, when do i add my screen for scrog?

And last how far from the canopy should the screen be when i introduce it?

Oh and the yellowing leaf problem seems to be all under control guys! ;)
Enjoy your monday! :thumb:
Lol sorry Away, Only thing I would point out is switching from 18/6 to 12/12 instantly can shock your auto's pretty bad and might stunt them for awhile.

When I grow with both or even when I don't I like to reduce the time down 15 mins every day, once you pass 16-15 hours of light per day you would consider that day 1 of flower.

Like bar said looks great on the train:thumb:
Here's a couple of questions..

From the look at the Bagseed plant how long do you guys think she will need till i can flip the switch?
I really just want to bud her as fast as i can, and the amnesia should be able to do fine under 12/12 as well.

Also, when do i add my screen for scrog?

And last how far from the canopy should the screen be when i introduce it?

Oh and the yellowing leaf problem seems to be all under control guys! ;)
Enjoy your monday! :thumb:

Hi Away.:ciao:
Plants are looking good man. :thumb:
You can flip the lights whenever you want, just bear in mind that the plant will usually double in size during flower, sometimes a little more depending on the strain.

You can also add the screen whenever you want but What I do is put my screen 11-12 inches above the reservoir or soil and let the plant grow into the screen. Once the plant is at the screen, I usually give it another week or two so I can start spreading the plant out using the net. Once the trellis is about 50% filled, you can flip the lights.

As the plant stretches during the first 21 days of flower, continue to weave the plant through the net, and spread her out more by pulling down longer branches and moving them over a square or 2 in the screen. This will make a nice even canopy.

At the 21 day mark I usually defoliate completely under the screen and then just let the plant grow for the remaining 5-6 weeks.

Glad you got the yellowing leaf prob worked out on Ed.;)

Hope the info helps and good luck buddy.:rollit:
Lol sorry Away, Only thing I would point out is switching from 18/6 to 12/12 instantly can shock your auto's pretty bad and might stunt them for awhile.

When I grow with both or even when I don't I like to reduce the time down 15 mins every day, once you pass 16-15 hours of light per day you would consider that day 1 of flower.

Like bar said looks great on the train:thumb:

Thanks man, how about turning it down by 1 hour every day for 6 days? or is that still too fast?
I dont mind stunting the size of the amnesia a bit, but i'd hate to stunt the bud development :)

Hi Away.:ciao:
Plants are looking good man. :thumb:
You can flip the lights whenever you want, just bear in mind that the plant will usually double in size during flower, sometimes a little more depending on the strain.

You can also add the screen whenever you want but What I do is put my screen 11-12 inches above the reservoir or soil and let the plant grow into the screen. Once the plant is at the screen, I usually give it another week or two so I can start spreading the plant out using the net. Once the trellis is about 50% filled, you can flip the lights.

As the plant stretches during the first 21 days of flower, continue to weave the plant through the net, and spread her out more by pulling down longer branches and moving them over a square or 2 in the screen.

At the 21 day mark I usually defoliate completely under the screen and then just let the plant grow for the remaining 5-6 weeks.

Glad you got the yellowing leaf prob worked out on Ed.;)

Hope the info helps and good luck buddy.:rollit:

Yo thanks man, it was something like that i wanted to hear! :high-five::thumb:
The yellowing problem was on my bagseed plant not Ed btw hehe ;)
Ed is a whole other story.. still pretty bad :(

I made a model of a screen and put it up... Obviously i need some gaffa to steady it, but something like this?:


Thanks for reply's :) :high-five:
I slept a little longer and miss out . It looks like M1 answered the ph question for you kjell. Sorry I wasnt here to answer. I use a bit of lemon juice but the ph of that will change daily but its cheap and the plants love the lemon juice.

Away I dont scrog until I identified the sex. Especially from bagseed I wait until the sex shows and the males have been culled from the garden. Even with feminized seed there is a chance for males and hermies and so I dont scrog until 2-3 weeks after the 12/12 flip once all the plants show. Since I do individual screens I put one on each plant when they show their pistils and I dont wait but it could be very troublesome to do it with all the plants before sexing just to find a male is in there to take it out. 12/12 is fine for a auto but your yield will suffer for it. What I am going to do is when I grow autos Im going to keep the photoperiods and autos on the same 18 -24 hour light schedule and wont switch the flower until the autos are done which should give the photoperiods about 2 months to be in veg.
I slept a little longer and miss out . It looks like M1 answered the ph question for you kjell. Sorry I wasnt here to answer. I use a bit of lemon juice but the ph of that will change daily but its cheap and the plants love the lemon juice.

Away I dont scrog until I identified the sex. Especially from bagseed I wait until the sex shows and the males have been culled from the garden. Even with feminized seed there is a chance for males and hermies and so I dont scrog until 2-3 weeks after the 12/12 flip once all the plants show. Since I do individual screens I put one on each plant when they show their pistils and I dont wait but it could be very troublesome to do it with all the plants before sexing just to find a male is in there to take it out. 12/12 is fine for a auto but your yield will suffer for it. What I am going to do is when I grow autos Im going to keep the photoperiods and autos on the same 18 -24 hour light schedule and wont switch the flower until the autos are done which should give the photoperiods about 2 months to be in veg.

Hey Joe ;) no worries, a man's gotta sleep :)
Thanks for the heads up, but I only have 1 plant to be sexed, the other one is an auto, and the Ed Rosenthal is being moved outside before scrogging. I guess if i get male i will just have to pull and start over.. next run is with feminized seeds though.
Next run i will start 2 auto's along with 1 feminized photoperiod plant, so that i can flip when the auto's finnish. ;)
For this one the amnesia will have to suffer the 12/12 sadly though, she was started too late.. cant really grow the bagseed plant more than a couple weeks more, elseway she might outgrow my space hehe..
Ive been busy im harvesting the plant in the big yellow container that is the biggest(im guessing) I took the pictures before I do anything to it and then again once the leaf is gone and separated. If I remember right its the one you were interested in the most.
Ive been busy im harvesting the plant in the big yellow container that is the biggest(im guessing) I took the pictures before I do anything to it and then again once the leaf is gone and separated. If I remember right its the one you were interested in the most.

Oohh nice!! :)
yeah the structure on that one was nice ^^ Looking in soon to check it out man
Hey, You could go with advanced nutrients"PH perfect" line It will come out at the right PH no matter what your water is.

Not sure what you mean, you didn't tell us how much PPM's the water is going up by when you change the Ph, What are you changing it too? EC is a diffrent measurement than PPM is..

After adding nutrients for me My PH is around 5.9-6.0 and have no problems lowering it from there, however My water starts at close to 8.0PH and I have to adjust 1-2 days previous, as adding PH down will unstable the water making an accurate PH reading impossible, over the next 1-3 hours of adding PH down it will stabilize and more than likely go up in PH a lot than what it shows if you tested it right after adding PH down.

I would advise not to go looking for something else to lower the PH, essentially the only way you can lower the PH is with nitric acids etc and it will change your PPM's but should not by that much. Smokerjoe will tell you he use to lower his PH with lemon juice and higher it with baking soda and with VARY negative results.

Can you give a little more info about what nutes you add and the PH/PPM's before and after(not EC). I use the general hydroponics PH down and have not had much problems but I did tell you I have 1 plant that does not like the PH being adjusted on her lol.:thumb:

Hi M1:) Thank you very much for answering me;) First of all... I replanted my kalashnikova yesterday! Back to soil!! That way I only have one hydro pot running (only one to keep focus on). It's a shark shock from cbd crew! And because she's just nearly a week old, I don't add nutes before next week! Started out yesterday with pure water at around 8 ppm, then added ph down until my ph was around 6. Three hours after I measured a solid 1200 ppm!?!?!? And the ph was still 6?! Have to measure again today and perhaps try with the lemon juice... I'm just worried that my ppm will go sky high when I nute it in a week or so...?! And i know you're running nutes from seed:) Wild!!! Will try that for my next grow:) By the way.... Considering my next grow... Have plenty of seeds to choose from, so was wondering... Do you know/can you recommend any of them.... Her we go... K-train, Chemdog, Royal cheese fast, chocolate kush, black to black, black russian, fruity chronic juice, special kush, dance world, white widow, nl x skunk, speedy chile, low ryder etc... I know there's a lot of difference in taste, strength etc., but are any of these strains "easier" to grow than others? You know... We both found out that the white rhino is a sensitive strain... Would really like a fast grower, big yielder and strooong indica at the same time. Perhaps a bit to much to ask:thanks: Looking forward to your answer:) And thanks again:)
Hi again M1! Think i found the sinner... My PH measurement is fucked.... Plain water is 7,0 and pure lemon juice is 6,5?! Don't you think that that sounds weird?
Oohh nice!! :)
yeah the structure on that one was nice ^^ Looking in soon to check it out man

Hi Away! A quick question... When do you start to remove big fan leafs? Mine are huge considering the overall plant size... Would like to remove them to boost inner growth... Post a picture later...
Hi there:) Ok... Here we go;)

White Rhino 1 close to the cam and Ladyburn 1974 1 in the background

Ladyburn 1974 2

White Rhino 2

When would you guys remove the big fan leaves? :allgood:
Hi again M1! Think i found the sinner... My PH measurement is fucked.... Plain water is 7,0 and pure lemon juice is 6,5?! Don't you think that that sounds weird?
Hello Kjell. With PH at 7.0-7.5 it will only take a small drop of lemon juice to bring your PH down to around the desired 6.5.
Hi there:) Ok... Here we go;)

White Rhino 1 close to the cam and Ladyburn 1974 1 in the background

Ladyburn 1974 2

White Rhino 2

When would you guys remove the big fan leaves? :allgood:

Plants are looking good my friend :) :thumb: but i dont think they're ready to defoliate yet, there's barely anything to pinch yet. but in a week or two when they become more bushy i'd give them the whole round. Defol everythin except leaves close to top-growth and then watch them grow..
How about topping though? will help make more bushy plants ^^
A plan could be like this: Top your girls now (or when there's new tops ready to be topped) and let them recover for another week or two. Two weeks later she'll have two little new tops going on, and she'll probably have bushed up pretty hard again. This is when i defoliate. Then wait two more weeks, defol again, and then you wait 1 week before putting the girls into flower, to allow them to recover before the big stretch. Then you wait 21 days till the stretch is over and you defol one last time... That's pretty much what i've been doing/plan on doing, i topped twice though hehe.. in rough measures obviously.. you cant follow a schedual when defoliating.. the plants will tell you when they need it.
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