Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Ah I see so it was the one we saved. I didnt know which one we saved. I thought it was a new issue.
Hi there:) Do you have any experience with curly leafs in veg? It's only my White Rhinos! And the big leafs curl down along the side, NOT the tips! Actually one rhino does that and another looks like it has a bit to much nutrients. Not yellow or burned, but whole leaf sets pointing upwards and the edge of the leafs are a bit curly... It's the second time in veg my Rhinos mess with me. Seems like they are super sensitive about ph adjustment, nutrients and water in general. Anyone who has got any experience?
Happy420, Kjell.

If you look closely at some of my white rhino Pics you can see that Mine does this too and I have not been able to shake it off but She seems to be doing Ok regardless (After adding nutrients I Have to adjust anywhere from 1.5-.5) Some weeks I've left her a little bit off to see if it makes a difference and it does seem to but my guess is she just is not a hydro girl. The Co that sold me my white rhino is Greenhouseseed Co and they have a video on the youtube with a hydro/soil grow, Of all their strains and comparisons the white Rhino is the only one to actually stand a bit of a chance to hydro, Hydro still won but not by much!

Anyone else care to comment?:thumb:
If you look closely at some of my white rhino Pics you can see that Mine does this too and I have not been able to shake it off but She seems to be doing Ok regardless (After adding nutrients I Have to adjust anywhere from 1.5-.5) Some weeks I've left her a little bit off to see if it makes a difference and it does seem to but my guess is she just is not a hydro girl. The Co that sold me my white rhino is Greenhouseseed Co and they have a video on the youtube with a hydro/soil grow, Of all their strains and comparisons the white Rhino is the only one to actually stand a bit of a chance to hydro, Hydro still won but not by much!

Anyone else care to comment?:thumb:

Hi there:) The leafs on your Rhino looks a lot like the ones on mine! As Joe posted... They don't like the PH down! Mine are both in soil, so think i'll just give them water and nutes from now on. In hydro I have a kalashnikova, who had a terrible start of life, with overwatering:( She took some time settle but finally looks ok. And today I just transplanted a shark shock to hydro:) Really excited by that one!
When do you start adding nutes to your hydro? And what ph level do you have on your indicas? Thank you for answering me:) Happy easter.
I'm going to let her be for now, feeding her tommorow and then we'll see.. So far it's only on that 1 leaf ;) Let's hope you're right Kjell :)
And let's hope Mr Channel+ is ready today :thumb:

Oh!!! You're starting channel+ NOW? But it isn't an auto is it? By the way.... Shitty jiffy's!!! They can't hold moist for more than two days apparently! Dry as fuck!!! The highest shark was laying down this morning:( So planted her out in a hurry:high-five: Witch site did you use for buying your latest seeds? Think I will be in for some cozy shopping later today:reading420magazine: That caramel of yours drives me nuts:) So have to upscale a bit... Think i'm in bubblegum mood or something like that:)
No no, not starting it today hehe, it's going in the next batch after i harvest this round :)
I was talking about the guy we got channel + from haha :high-five:
Dude i've been looking at those jiffy's wondering how the f*** they work LOL.. Havent used any yet!
Good thing you got her over in her new home though, she'll stand up again soon :thumb:
Bubblegum, isnt that an autoflower? And yes the Cream Caramel is going to be awesome! 90/10% indica :)
I used this one: https://www.-----------------------------/
Looooots of different seed banks to pick from, and alooooot of different seeds :high-five:
You can also Pick-n-Mix on that site ;)

Edit: Okay the link isnt working, but you can just google "attitude seed bank"
they aren't a sponsor is probably why it would be almost like advertising for a competing
that's probably why
Hi there:) The leafs on your Rhino looks a lot like the ones on mine! As Joe posted... They don't like the PH down! Mine are both in soil, so think i'll just give them water and nutes from now on. In hydro I have a kalashnikova, who had a terrible start of life, with overwatering:( She took some time settle but finally looks ok. And today I just transplanted a shark shock to hydro:) Really excited by that one!
When do you start adding nutes to your hydro? And what ph level do you have on your indicas? Thank you for answering me:) Happy easter.

Ah didn't see your's was a soil! You could attempt to adjust your PH a day before you water, as it takes 2-3 hours for the PH of water to stabilize after changing it more than 1.0, My white rhino is the only one of my plants that does this. as even for my hydro girls the PH is done 2 days before an actual watering. If you have good soil, you shouldn't need to PH your soil's water unless its incredibly off

Might come as a shock but I actually tried a new method with this grow, I actually pushed nutes right from seed! Yes sir, I dropped my seeds in a low concentrate of R/o water and nutes(roughly 1/12 reg veg strength) to germ them, Seeds were popped quickly and were moved to rock wool cubes(that were soaked in Nutes 1/6 strength of normal veg nutrients). Keep in mind I'm using R/o water with a PPM count of less than 6PPM, So be sure to test your water before attempting. Previous to attempting this, on my first DWC grow I started nutes after second set of leafs started at 1/2 my normal strength.

There shouldn't be a specific PH you aim for you should get around 5.8 but you must realize the numbers fluctuate and that aiming for exact PH or playing the PH up and down roller coaster game can create problems. In a healthy grow your PH should rise over time so if you land at 5.7 or so your golden!

Most all my indica's with the acceptation of the chemdog's much prefer a lower PH, 5.6-5.8 My sativa dom Blue dream and chemdogs seem to prefer more 5.85-5.9 to even 6.0. I've noticed with the chemdogs they develop a Nitrogen deficiency within 2-3 days if the PH is left below 5.8 Though you must remember that you probably don't have a 100% indica plant that it is likely a hybrid and could like diffrent PH levels then say your other's.

Its more important to feel out your own plants and see what they like the best, Just pay attention to the coloring and discoloration of the vary bottom leafs and vary top leafs, examine everything and try to keep your plant as healthy as possible.

As always hope everyone has a great day!:thumb:
I cant send a link in here for some reason.. I will try a private message, if that doesnt work you got to google: "Attitude Seed Bank" ;)

I've ordered now:) Following beans are on their way.... Special kush, dance world, chocolate kush and fruity chronic juice:) And ALOT of freebies are included.... black to black, nl x skunk, speedy chile, royal cheese fast version, bubblegum and black russian:) Niiiiiice:) All feminized:circle-of-love:
I've ordered now:) Following beans are on their way.... Special kush, dance world, chocolate kush and fruity chronic juice:) And ALOT of freebies are included.... black to black, nl x skunk, speedy chile, royal cheese fast version, bubblegum and black russian:) Niiiiiice:) All feminized:circle-of-love:

Nice dude!! :) i'll check them all out!
did you order from the one i tried to link? ;)
By the way, we should order seeds together next time so we can get more freebies! :headbanger:
The more you buy for, the more freebies they include hehe.. :bigtoke:
Black Russian man! Had a friend grow this, was absolutely one of my favorites, awesome high with a VARY sweet fruity taste :)

Sounds like a nice plant! :)
Black Russian man! Had a friend grow this, was absolutely one of my favorites, awesome high with a VARY sweet fruity taste :)

I found a cool site, where there were freebies included with certain seedbanks and an additional bonus the more you bought:) Original sensible seed company was the name. Check it out:party::theband::rocker::allgood::tokin:
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