Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Hey guys! :Namaste:
This weekend i wont be around much, i'm taking care of my parrents dog and house with my mrs.. Wish you all a happy 420 and a nice weekend! :thumb::high-five:

I've been looking around a bit, to find out what the problem on my Bagseed plant is.. What i think it might be is Nitrogen toxicity/abundance.

It's got dark green leaves, the 'claw' shape only appears on 2-3 random leaf's and i have a random yellowing leaf.. the only thing that doesnt fit is that it's supposed to have stunted growth.. I think that would be a shame to say :) she's growing just fine still.

From that assumption i fed her with a slightly lighter nute mix, hoping she'll get to use up some of that extra N she might have. ;)
Hi There! Began LST yesterday and the result is really nice. Gave them a "bend" each with a pipe cleaner, and the are already straightened up again:) The shark shocks are doing nice and it's the soil girl who leads the race! The Low Ryder for my friend is putted in a pot, and damn she looks nice! Really really thick stem already although she's only 1,5" tall:) Nice and "buff":) The Kalashnikova goes up and down... But if she doesn't make miracles soon, she'll be in for a "survive this! summer holiday" in the garden:) That way she'll still have a chance and the shark's getting much more tension and space indoor. AND a can have to two buckets running. That'll give me the chance of dialing the ppm in properly before feeding her/changing water;) Looking forward to another week of vacation with my girls:) See ya:)
According to those leaf pics, can you really tell the difference between the N deficiency and the Sulfur; close,and the thing is, I have only 1 leaf thats yellowing on the whole plant.

on those pics you cant really see the difference no, but i've been consulting other websites for answers. for example.. that page was what made me most certain its N not sulphur.. Im not sure though, it's what i've acted on anyway, so we'll have to see how she looks when i get home tonight.. Im done sending links hehe :) but if you know the site im talking about you can go have a look for yourself, they've got very nice in-depth descriptions of each kind of problem on there.. ;)
Hi There! Began LST yesterday and the result is really nice. Gave them a "bend" each with a pipe cleaner, and the are already straightened up again:) The shark shocks are doing nice and it's the soil girl who leads the race! The Low Ryder for my friend is putted in a pot, and damn she looks nice! Really really thick stem already although she's only 1,5" tall:) Nice and "buff":) The Kalashnikova goes up and down... But if she doesn't make miracles soon, she'll be in for a "survive this! summer holiday" in the garden:) That way she'll still have a chance and the shark's getting much more tension and space indoor. AND a can have to two buckets running. That'll give me the chance of dialing the ppm in properly before feeding her/changing water;) Looking forward to another week of vacation with my girls:) See ya:)

Yo man! :) hope you're enjoying that vacation! ;)
Sounds nice about the lst bro, dont be afraid to tie them down roughly though, they'll get back up after a day or two! :high-five: Sounds exciting about the lowrider man ^^ yeah man, i guess you can just tie her down along the wall and let her have the sun :) And those sharkshocks.. hehe so excited to see them grow individually :) :high-five:
Hope you enjoy the rest of the vacation bro, say hi to the girls from me :) :headbanger:
Loving that double drummer setup Kjell :) thats the way it should be.. haha ;)

Just arrived at home.. The amnesia has exploded over those two days lol, she's got a whole new leafset going on now! She's curling real funny, doesnt look like she's struggling at all though..
The bagseed plant as well is looking beautifull, she's bushy as ever and looking like she could use a defoliation soon. The yellowing leaves has not progressed at all as far as i could see so i guess i got the problem under control! :high-five:

i'll get the girls out tommorow for a photoshoot and a defol/LST session :) :thumb:
Nicely trained

Hi Joe:) Happy 420;) Have a hydro question for you... Any good advices how to keep a low ph without raising the ppm's? I'm keeping a solid 1,7 ec before adding nutes!? And I used plain 8 ppm water from start... Could I be using a shitty "ph down"? It's from hydroponics... Kjell:420:
Hey, You could go with advanced nutrients"PH perfect" line It will come out at the right PH no matter what your water is.

Not sure what you mean, you didn't tell us how much PPM's the water is going up by when you change the Ph, What are you changing it too? EC is a diffrent measurement than PPM is..

After adding nutrients for me My PH is around 5.9-6.0 and have no problems lowering it from there, however My water starts at close to 8.0PH and I have to adjust 1-2 days previous, as adding PH down will unstable the water making an accurate PH reading impossible, over the next 1-3 hours of adding PH down it will stabilize and more than likely go up in PH a lot than what it shows if you tested it right after adding PH down.

I would advise not to go looking for something else to lower the PH, essentially the only way you can lower the PH is with nitric acids etc and it will change your PPM's but should not by that much. Smokerjoe will tell you he use to lower his PH with lemon juice and higher it with baking soda and with VARY negative results.

Can you give a little more info about what nutes you add and the PH/PPM's before and after(not EC). I use the general hydroponics PH down and have not had much problems but I did tell you I have 1 plant that does not like the PH being adjusted on her lol.:thumb:
Whats up guys! :)

Last night i came home to a nice view.. the bagseed and amnesia plants were doing great :thumb:
Not much going on with Ed Rosenthal still, so didnt bother doing pictures of her.

Today i defoliated my bagseed plant who had become rather bushy in the couple of days i was away.. Then i tied her back down.
Here's the pics..

Before defoliation:



After defoliation:


Here's the Auto Amnesia who has been growing alot since i left :) Funny way she's curling her leaves though..


Groupshots and under LED's:

Nice job on the training Away.
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