Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Oh BTW Kjell:
The leca you gave me.. Should i mix it in the soil or? what did you do again bro? :thumb:
My thought was to fill the bottom of the pot a couple of inches with leca and then drop the soil on top of that.. What do you think?
Another question: It's lightmix not allmix right? :) :lot-o-toke:

It's light or litemix!! And yeap... 2 inches of leca in the bottom!!! Drains well and help getting air/oxygen in the pot:) Works great:)
Everyone makes mistakes though changing your name because of that seems silly. Dont be embarrassed by mistakes but learn from them as they will teach you more in failure then in sucess
Okay great!
Filled 2 inches of leca in the pot and added lightmix to 1 inch from the top of the pot. Now i believe her home is ready ^^

While i was doing it though, i found that i had a half bag of leca and some leftover soil.. I took all the leca (4-5 inches) and the rest of the soil and added.. sadly theres not enough soil to transplant the bagseed plant :/ i need like 1/4 of a bag more soil lol. Would of been nice to get her out of that bottle though :)
Okay great!
Filled 2 inches of leca in the pot and added lightmix to 1 inch from the top of the pot. Now i believe her home is ready ^^

While i was doing it though, i found that i had a half bag of leca and some leftover soil.. I took all the leca (4-5 inches) and the rest of the soil and added.. sadly theres not enough soil to transplant the bagseed plant :/ i need like 1/4 of a bag more soil lol. Would of been nice to get her out of that bottle though :)

Soil packed and ready for you:) See ya later:)
- Still no sign of life from the Amnesia-pot but i bet she'll be peeping out in the morning :) ;)
For today i got a transplant on the menu and i am about to get that done.. :thumb:
Might get you a few pictures of the result tonight ;)

Hi there! The shark haven't pop yet... I'll give it the rest of the night and if it doesn't peep out, I'll try another one. Have just finished setting up the big pots:) Watered slightly and putted in the room to settle:) Then I'll transfer tomorrow and NUTE them:high-five: The hydro is looking even better:) Fantastic:) See ya later....
hydro is a lot faster growth rates away
I only veg 3 weeks 4 from seed I give 1 week as seedling before I get into my feed schedule
the growth rate compared to soil is amazing because of the easily and readily available nutrient and oxygen
at the root zone
hydro is a lot faster growth rates away
I only veg 3 weeks 4 from seed I give 1 week as seedling before I get into my feed schedule
the growth rate compared to soil is amazing because of the easily and readily available nutrient and oxygen
at the root zone

Yeah man it all makes good sence to me.. But for now i'll wait and learn from Kjell's experience with it, cause right now i just want a successfull grow under my belt :)
-but im watching you hydro guys!!
So i've transplanted the bagseed girl now, and hopefully she'll love it... It went down a little rough because the existing soil is so sand-ish, so it all kind of crumbled on me... But i think i got her covered up nicely. Then she got a light feeding..

Here's the pic's..


And the room as it looks now ^^


Enjoy your evening guys :Namaste::thumb:
'Mornin:) Everything looks good:) Have you seen the Amnesia yet? The Shark didn't come out:( Thats the first seed that won't pop. Had 100% success rate until now... I hope it's just one of the 2-5 %, and not generally for CBD crew seeds... See ya later...
Hellooooo:) Everything is perfect! The first shark has popped:high-five: So guess i have another one popped one of the following days? Do you want one? :) Or perhaps give it to mr channel+? If not it just goes in the garbage can... The kalashnikova kind of "freezed" or stands still. It looks good but doesn't grow... Guess is just settles? The ladyburns and the rhinos simply goes nuts:) I'll leave em be for another day and then transfer them tomorrow or friday:yummy: And for now.... Channel+:token: Peace over and out...
Hello my friend :) sounds good! There she is, guess you were just too impatient then :high-five:.. I guess i can just ask him if he wants it tommorow, i dont think i can fit it in there, i need the last spot for my fan hehe :)
The kalashnikova is deffinately stressed out from that stuff, give her a couple days more, i bet she will go nuts!
Haha i figured you'd get to that conclusion about the soil-ladies after today :lot-o-toke: see you my friend, now its spacetime! :) :Namaste:
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