Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

:( Well I guess I learnt to make a journal in 1 paragraph
M1; I'm doing as you instructed, flushing and fanning to dry out, and pH 6.5. I've got to get a better pH meter cause mine swings back and forth, up and down and I have to kind of average it. When I actually see that I can grow successfully, at least one plant, then I'll post a journal. Also, my cover has been blown so I'll have to sign up with a new name, then I'll do a journal with multiple plant. But I do greatly appreciate all the help and time yall give me.
Dont make a new profile. You can have a mod change your profile name.
Here's my journal: popped a ww bean today. Put it in coco/verm/perl mix. Watered it with pH adjusted water. Looking good, got its first real set of leaves today. Went to water today noticed a yellowing. Went to water with pH adjusted water today, noticed more yellow and curl up. Went to water today and noticed total brown and folded over, the end; anyone learn anything except that I suck!

Hi there! I would water the soil/jiffy/coco whatever the day i put the seed/popped bean in, and then i would leave it for about 5 days. The seed contains nutrients and/or water enough for the first week or so. And as long as your tap water is around 6,5-7, there should be no need to lower it. Soil have a pretty good "buffer", and will try keep the levels around 6,5. Levels around 5,5 are for indica in hydro.

Just my point of view...

Good luck:)
And be careful with water everyday!!!! Nearly killed mine that way!!!! Soke them until the water runs out of the bottom holes, and then water again, when it's near dried out!!! Lifting your media is a good way of telling if it needs water.
Also when you water too much, you can experience your soil in the bottom of your pot will "clay up".. This will make the pot unable to drain water and will leave it soaked for days!
Ph shouldnt be a problem in a soil grow bro..:Namaste:
So watch your soil and lady's reaction to your waterings when you do it man, and make sure she's draining well.
In your mix it doesnt sound likely though ;)
Btw how old was that girl, maybe it was from lack of nutrients if you only gave her water?

Believe it or not (this is shockingly embarrassing), but she was born 2/19/14. I don't know about you guys, but in a 4" peat pot with coco/perl/verm mix, I have to water everyday because they dry out so fast. So that girl was transferred to a 2 gal pot after about 6 weeks to see if that would help.
Sorry away but PH can definitely be a problem when your reducing it for a soil grow, I've seen soil growers use a PH of 8 in their water because the soil buffers it down but as he sates his PH meter swings and he is changing the PH of the water while guessing what it is basically.

If you don't believe me that that's bad please ask smokerjoe, or take a look at some of the problems he has faced in his grow

Hope your little girl makes it! glad you changed to 6.5 jammz, you will find that you probably should not PH your water. Good soil will bring the PH down in a good soil grow but it wont bring it up vary high so you want to be careful when playing with the PH of water because a couple drops in a gallon could change it 2-3 points.

EDIT: I think in fact smokerjoes favorite outdoor grower Jorge gets his water at a PH of 8 I found out in one of his vids, he then took the PH of the soil and it was indeed 6.5 to 7.0.:thumb:

Joe will tell you lol forget that PH stuff its going to get you in Trouble!. I also have a PH pen/meter guide on my thread you may want to look at as it could be the reason your getting mixed results!
Hi Away! Lovely sight to come home:thumb: They all looked good! But the weirdest shit happened to the hydro... The long and thin root, is simply GONE?! The plant looks ok, so....? What? Had to investigate... The small lump of soil is now PACKED with small, thick and Bactrex infested roots:) So i guess it started all over or something like that. Switched the water, and made a new mix with hydro nutes:) The shark shock is in a cup of water, and the skunk#1 thrown out. The second hydro pot is started up to. PH adjusted and no nutes yet:) My soil girls look BRILLIANT by the way. Even the white rhinos seems to find their way:thumb: So... All in all... A good day:headbanger:
Right I would tell him to forget about it I'm saying the PH becomes a problem when he is using a faulty meter and is in fact lowering the water's PH.

right i just misunderstood man ;)

Hi Away! Lovely sight to come home:thumb: They all looked good! But the weirdest shit happened to the hydro... The long and thin root, is simply GONE?! The plant looks ok, so....? What? Had to investigate... The small lump of soil is now PACKED with small, thick and Bactrex infested roots:) So i guess it started all over or something like that. Switched the water, and made a new mix with hydro nutes:) The shark shock is in a cup of water, and the skunk#1 thrown out. The second hydro pot is started up to. PH adjusted and no nutes yet:) My soil girls look BRILLIANT by the way. Even the white rhinos seems to find their way:thumb: So... All in all... A good day:headbanger:

Great to hear they're all doing good!
But what the F*** happened to the hydro girl?! :O Sounds weird! guess all we can do is wait and see if she will reach back down ;)
Possible stress from switching her to a hydro setup?
Great to hear the bactrex is working :) Skunk1 thrown out? as in, thrown in a pot outside or?
Glad to hear about your soil girls also.. We're in for a treat this summer :)
I started noticing a few cracks on the shell of the Auto Amnesia by now.. She will propably be cracked when i awake tommorow ;)
How was the taster-bud bro? :high-five:
Looking forward to hear more about the shark shock :) Has any1 in here tried that strain and what is your experience with it, grow and smoke-wise?
I threw it out out! Or it slipped in my fingers, and I didn't give s... to be honest! I have the shark shock in a glass for crying out loud:) Oh... And the free gift was.... drums...... and some more.... Original lowryder!!!!!! Coooool!!! Haven't seen them for a long time. It's auto you know? And considering the smoke.... Mmmmfff... Looked GREAT, but... And middle stone, but bad taste. :lot-o-toke: Rolled up a channel+ straight away and uhmmmm:) Me like:):ganjamon:
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