Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Wow!!! She's got it:bravo: Damn! Many buds on those plants:) I'll "attack" mine tomorrow. You know... Just give them another day back on track, after my "tsunami" incident:lot-o-toke:
For now... Channel+ and a cup of coffee:) I wish you a nice LST session:thumb:
So i've been training and defoliating today.. the ER clone is looking ill still but the bagseed seems to love the treatment!
Here's some pictures..
First i took off 4 fan leaves of the bagseed plant to give more light to the tops and encourage new growth..


Then i trained the two tops sticking right up..


Then i took out Ed Rosenthal.. (took the first ones upside down lol >.<)



And heres one after defoliation..


And in their home ^^


Happy skunkday! :)
Depends~ are you going to train it? you could fit it in there!

But mind you Auto-flowering cannabis does not like much stress such as LST and because of that will grow smaller if you do it(good space control tho!)

Most people prefer to grow them straight up without doing anything to them this provides generally speaking better yields from auto's, Though I have found that some auto strains can take it better than others, could be even the Pheno types that make the difference lol so many factors!

I think you should have enough room, even if you have to squish em in there! enough space for 4 plants looks like haha! then you can just train where you want the branches to go just shove it in an empty spot!

Hope everyone has a great day!:thumb:
It's the aftermath of a failed feeding.. Nuked my plant with 10x dosage of growth-nutes few weeks back..
Had to flush her twice and she's still recovering from it. Not even sure if she's recovering to be honest..
After the flush i had to let her dry out and go easy on the nutes, therefor she also got some nitrogen defiencies and possible phosperous defiency.. Mag/cal defiencies also probably
I've given her a almost full feed last wednesday so hopefully she will feel it now.. Gonna give her a full dose next time and hope for a bounceback.. Elseway i might as well get something else going in there, dont really feel like wasting much more time.. "Wasting" is the wrong word though, i learned alot about different stress-factors, defiencies and what not lol, from growing that clone.
The bagseed is luckily doing great though so i'm feeling glad that i've got that one going ;)
Woah Jamz looks like you got a few things going on here man, let me come over to your thread and look and your other pics, but I can tell you right off its not Mg the bottom yellowed leaves is from severe lack of nitrogen and as that is a base chemical it is easy to assume you have a nutrient lockout my friend (vary easy to safely assume I must add)
I was told that my girl had a Mg deficit; then I was told she had nute lock due to bad pH. Diagnosing is really a black art; a mystery wrapped in an enigma inside a puzzle.


See how sickly she is!

Ok didn't find your thread so I'll try and give you my opinion here, This plant looks like its gone through a number of things in a chain reaction! to start as I previously mentioned I can see the N deficiency, but those leafs coulda been there for weeks right? because I see some damaging nutrient burn there on the tips of the new growth and possibly Heat stress, The wilting sided with curling up burnt leafs is what tells me this. What are your temps at and what kind of lighting do you use?

If this was my plant I would find some R/O water or water with PPM of less then 100-150 (spring water) and do a flush 2-3 times the water to dirt (if you can get a fan blowing directly on the pot , put the pot up on a screen. Anything that will help dry the pot fast) this will wash away any salt buildup that may have occurred in your soil I would also recommend using spring water to feed your plants next when the dirt is dry again as tap could be at an unknown PH and this could ( and I use the word "could" vary loosely because soil usually buffers the PH down a lot) be a PH lockout in the soil.

EDIT: To add a calcium deficiency would cause the plant to not stand up well to heat, so anything 80+ would just kill it over time. Also don't pull anymore leafs off lol she barely has any good ones! you gotta let her recover without introducing more and more stress or your gonna have a little 1/8OZ plant lol

I hope this helps, She is just a small plant. How old is she?
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