Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Thank you but, guy's it aint looking good lol, the nute burns have become worse and it's on half of the new growth as well.. i'm 100% sure i did NOT over-fertilise this time.. i tripple-double checked!!
I can see the burns have progressed since i took the pics yesterday..
Also the soil are still soaking wet, since i watered her yesterday, she's not drinking anything..
Did i somehow mess up to flush and didnt get all the nutes out? Or was i merely too late..?

Edit: Watered her last wednesday, not yesterday of course LOL :tokin:
Hard to tell away, are you positive its nutrient burn? can we see some more Pics?

Hard to really mess up a flush but I must note you need a flushing agent to release the salts in the soil, otherwise you should run R/O water or the absolute next best thing you can get your hands on and water 2-4 times the amount of water to soil.

In conditions below 70F you are going to see water is not being "drank up" Honestly with temps low you might be better off putting a heating pad or something to that effect under the plants.

I've also seen people with those New induction cooktop thing you see on commercials, I see people leaving a giant pot of water simmering to not only raise heat a little but to raise humidity.

I'm gonna stick by my previous assessment, I believe it to be your temps compounding your issues.

The next time you water you could use water that is roughly 65-72F and measure the temp of the water that comes out, This will give you a pretty good idea how cold your root zone is, Because if your ambient temps are low then your roots could be even lower.

Lastly you should remember that tap water and most water still has chemicals in it that can be adding to your lockout.

Hope that you and your girls get better! Sorry I can't be of any more help, maybe someone else knows! lets chat it up people!:thumb:
The leaves doesnt really seem crusty as they should on the brown spots if it was nute burns... They feel more wet-ish.
I'll get you more pics in a bit..
The drinking thing seems weird, because all of my plants have been drinking just fine, also the Ed Rosenthal .. Then i messed up with the nutes and it's been all hell since man.. It's after i messed with the nutes that this drinking problem (lol) has started to occur, and it's only happening to the Ed Rosenthal!
I don't have anything to measure water temp with.. but hey.. it's payday!!
If the leaves are thick in texture. Thicker then usual and almost feel like a thick paper then its overwatering. Are they getting all limp or are the leaves and stems still strong and holding everything up? What sort of water do you use? Tap water,filtered,well,r/o?
Hmm wet brown spots? Have you checked under the leaves with magnifying glass or can you see anything on the top of the leaves? You may have aphids they like to pierce the leaves and suck out the sugars. Do you see any ants about? They herd the aphids to the plants and in turn the aphids secret stuff for the ants to eat. Just tossing some ideas around.
Pictures.. I noticed that the pictures i take always looks less frightening than what i'm seeing here in person. but it's what i can do with my girlfriends iphone..

An example of the wet-ish leaf burn:

Also the leaves are clawing down alot..
the stems seems pretty healthy though smoker, nothing there really..

The new growth burns:

Rest of the pics..
Hmm wet brown spots? Have you checked under the leaves with magnifying glass or can you see anything on the top of the leaves? You may have aphids they like to pierce the leaves and suck out the sugars. Do you see any ants about? They herd the aphids to the plants and in turn the aphids secret stuff for the ants to eat. Just tossing some ideas around.

I havent checked yet, but i've never seen an ant up here man, would be highly unlikely, but i'll check for anything that moves though!
- Using my tap-water it seemed pretty decent ph-ed when i checked with that liquid thingy (it's inaccurate but you get a feeling of the ph) normally i let it stay out for 3 days to evaporate, but obviously i didnt have time for that when flushing..
Give them nitrogen. If you dont have anything with a lot of nitrogen then dilute your urine.Or if you rather not pee in the water prick your finger and bleed for them bitches. Either way you have to do something. Hopefully we can save them this time as well.
Im just going by those pictures. They arent good quality pics. But your plants may be outgrowing those nutes plus you did just do a flush which leeches them from the soil. Its why I dont flush hardly ever but you didnt have a choice since your plants would of died before. So from now on you will have to supplement a bit more to replace what was lost.
If that is the nutrient you regularly use for available nitrogen then yes. If it says soluable that means slow release available means ready to use now. Dont go giving it 10 times the amount though ok :)
I replied to your pm away. I would of sooner but was helping my mom out with something
If that is the nutrient you regularly use for available nitrogen then yes. If it says soluable that means slow release available means ready to use now. Dont go giving it 10 times the amount though ok :)

Ha' Ha', very funny.. :rofl:
that is the nutes i use yeah..
here's another mistake.. There's a whole 2 page manual on the nute-bottles and i just found out now!!
Seriusly i have to get you guys a picture of this bottle tommorow so you can understand how i could have missed it! Damn!

Anyway here's some of the things it says

it's got amonium nitrogen, nitrate, phosporous and potassium.
This is what it says:
" 1: Use with every watering

2: used preferably durring vegetative and flowering period.

3: suitable for indoor and outdoor and all kinds of subrstrates and mediums.

4: keep out of the reach of children "

Then there's 4 pictures..
1: A hand shaking a bottle
2: a watering can with "1L" written on it, and a pipette with "2-4mL" sparying into the watering can
3: the sun and the bottle with "18 *Celcius* +/-" in the cornor.
4: Illustrates the bottles cap filled up, with "10mL" written on it

Man i feel tricked by this bottle!!
Whats up guys!
I've been out shopping today :)
I bought a couple of 3mL pipettes, a circulation fan, bunch of sprouting tabs and 50grams of Bactrex ("natural and totally organic soil bacteria for the root system area").
I'm going to order some Epsom salt on the internet in case i need it again and i'm buying some Fly-tape thingy tommorow.
I think that should cover my shopping list for now.. ;)

When i came home i mixed 1 gal. water + 1 gram bactrex + 6mL bio-grow and fed my girls (6mL is a little bit more than double of the dose i used last..)
I'm going to try and get up to the amount the directions on the bottle says (2-4mL per Liter)
hopefully we'll see some recovering happening! ;) have a nice day everybody!
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