Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Good morning to you guys, here's a little written update:

Last night i mixed a gallon with 1/2 tsp grow nutes and fed my girls.
Then i heavily defoliated Ed Rosenthal, she's a real skinny B now hehe..
Waking up today and after looking in i see no nute burns and no trouble so far ;)
I'll get you guys some pictures up tommorow, enjoy your day every1! :high-five:
Yes jaamz its only common sense. Most led growers who are experienced already know all of these things but you can ask any of them(including myself) Growing under just led will have lower temps because they have their own fans built in and they dont burn much hotter then a cfl. When air temps rise the drying effect increases. Think of anything that produces heat and you will see that I am correct. A hairdryer a hand dryer those all produce lots of heat and dry your hands or hair a lot faster then if you were to just sit there and let them dry at room temp. Its a well documented issue that the soil will stay wet for a few days longer and Since I grow with hps and led I can personally witness this to be the case.
Can't wait for pics!:goodjob:

Jamz Its not that you Can't Accomplish a grow without perfect conditions. Cannabis is going to fight to survive even in 55F temps and tho yield wont be much you still get something.

it is a literal weed, it just keeps on growin! But cannabis Like many many plants can grow faster if they are up taking water faster. One way of accomplishing this is by ambient temps or by the heat that is radiating directly on your canopy.

All those successful LED grows you refer to, did they all have the same yield? do all the same things? have the same ambient temps and RH.

Many things factor into growing this plant is one thing that has been beat into my head after growing all this time lol!:thumb:
Well i dont consider it a problem really, i mean its just a little slower growth. I got the patience, and the weather here is getting better these days so it might actually help itself out soon..

The only real problem i got right now are the freaking fungus gnats.. i kill a couple of them every day!
Can't do anything about it untill monday (payday!)..
But then monday... Mwuahahahahah! *evil grin*
I started LED growing 2 years ago... and LED growing started taking off in 2009, actually 420magazine had a article about some special NASA Wavelength LED's(these were of course soldered together, not in an enclosed unite like LED panels they sell now.

People successfully grew with LED's long before that as well especially when the Cree LED was made, The real problem back in the day was Led bulbs were not vary powerful at all! and as most of you should know you don't want those cheap LED's they sell because it does not have enough wattage, However People Have been Fashioning LED fixtures for a LONG time.

Yields vary of course but Some people knocked it out of the park back in the day, With their brain! :thumb:
To me LED is clearly the future, but as of now it's still pretty experimental.. I mean have you seen icemud's LED's?
He can control the output of his lights, and the spectrum on his digital panel.. so cool!
I can't wait till that technology is more developed!

By the way guys.. today the Mrs are coming home and i promised pictures today.. I'm picking her up at the train-station then we're headed out to eat so i might be too much on the red wine when i come home to interact with the girls and take pictures, in that case im hitting you all up with pictures tommorow morning! ;) Enjoy your saturday every1!
- Guys i took these 2 pictures with an old webcam, but can you tell what's the matter with this plant?
It's a pale yellow kind of spotting occuring.. I noticed a few of the newest leaves on Ed Rosenthal got the same thing going.

To me LED is clearly the future, but as of now it's still pretty experimental.. I mean have you seen icemud's LED's?
He can control the output of his lights, and the spectrum on his digital panel.. so cool!
I can't wait till that technology is more developed!

By the way guys.. today the Mrs are coming home and i promised pictures today.. I'm picking her up at the train-station then we're headed out to eat so i might be too much on the red wine when i come home to interact with the girls and take pictures, in that case im hitting you all up with pictures tommorow morning! ;) Enjoy your saturday every1!

Yeah I though that was amazing!
id say early phosphorous from the random pattern
magnesium has a consistent pattern
im just giving you another possibility I would look more into it before you make a judgement on what to do
I been reading a bit about it and some things are so similar looking to other things it makes it hard
Well yes, you're right it looks alot like a couple of different things.. Like i said, i was looking into root-rot because of the pale leaves, i cant get a look at the roots though, so its hard to say.. That's why i cut down that little plant i took pictures of last night.. To check the roots, but what i saw was normal white roots. It had a little bit of green algae in the bottom of the container where the drainholes were but that was it. Everything else looked white and healthy, no brown stinky roots at all.. So guess that ones off the table.
Getting pictures up in an hour or two guys ;)
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