Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Hi away,
The plants look good, they have certainly recovered nicely and the new growth is looking great. When you start adding nutes again start at 1/2 or even 1/3 strength, nice and lite to start.
Whew tons of pictures. Im gonna go back up and look at them.
Nice training looks like good genetics your plants are fine now. When will you resume nutrients?

Lol yeah loads of pictures! Thought i'd take a bunch now that i'm not able to upload any during next week..
I'm not quite sure yet, the soils still moist.. So not today atleast. I'm going to check the soil everyday and wait for it to be real dry before trying to fertilise again.
The plant is a clone from a SensiSeeds Ed Rosenthal Superbud motherplant.. I know for a fact that the guy i got it from produce very nice bud from these clones

Hi away,
The plants look good, they have certainly recovered nicely and the new growth is looking great. When you start adding nutes again start at 1/2 or even 1/3 strength, nice and lite to start.

Thanks bro!
I will give her 1/3 at first and go from there.. See how she reacts. I realise overfertilising can be quite fatal by now lol :)

Plant looking good!! Away sub'd

Thank you man and :welcome:
Here's the directions i'm following...
All measures are per 1 Gallon.


Week 1: 1 tsp Grow
Week 2: 1 tsp Grow
Week 3: 1 tsp Grow + 1 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 4: 1 tsp Grow + 2 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 5: 1 tsp Grow + 2 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 1 of 12/12 : 1 tsp Grow + 3 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 2: 1 tsp Grow + 3 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 3; 1 tsp Grow + 3 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 4: 1 tsp Grow + 4 tsp Bloom + 3 tsp Top-Max
Week 5: 1 tsp Grow + 4 tsp Bloom + 4 tsp Top-Max
Week 6: 1 tsp Grow + 4 tsp Bloom + 3 tsp Top-Max

(For Sativas or plants that need 7 weeks or more to bloom, continue with week 6 until flush)

- As i work with liters and not gallons and my water-containers are of 1.5 liters, how much do you reckon i should add per bottle?
My calculations tells me i need to use 1/4 of a teaspoon for my first feeding and then when i go to follow these directions it would be
half a teaspoon per bottle (1.5L).. How does this sound guys?
Why do you use flowering nutes during veg? Also if you are using that much nutrient for a 1.5 liter container of water your gonna run into over nutrient again and then we are gonna go into saving your plants again. I use maybe double that amount but that is for 5 gallons of water. The key is to start low and see how the plants react to it. You never want to overdo it and then react to that situation. If your plants want more they will let you know but if you give them to much then they will also let you know. 1 way will kill your plants and 1 way will have your plants alive and growing but needing more. I would suggest taking the under instead of the over.
After you grow out a strain a few times you will get so good you wont need to even measure anymore and can just read the plants but for now I would suggest going less is more approach. Eventually your plants will be big enough that they will need more water and more nutrient but when they are tiny or small they dont know how to cope with so many nutrients. Bending and forming knots in your plants help it take in more nutrients as well as increasing yield. Practice on training the plants.
Why do you use flowering nutes during veg? Also if you are using that much nutrient for a 1.5 liter container of water your gonna run into over nutrient again and then we are gonna go into saving your plants again. I use maybe double that amount but that is for 5 gallons of water. The key is to start low and see how the plants react to it. You never want to overdo it and then react to that situation. If your plants want more they will let you know but if you give them to much then they will also let you know. 1 way will kill your plants and 1 way will have your plants alive and growing but needing more. I would suggest taking the under instead of the over.

Thank you so very much But we have a young blood who is anxious and wants to succeed. Remind you of the joke about the old bull and young bull on the mountain top, looking down on a heard of

Away, I wonder if we are missing the point of your res size...what is it? I think what Joe is trying to say is that it's easier to adjust up then it is to adjust down. If your res is the deciding factor then start very small and work your way up.

By the way Joe what are the signs of under nourished?

If your leaves are yellowing its a loss of chlorophyl and needs nitrogen if your leaves are drooping its usually over water. If tips are burning it is usually to much nutrient. If the leaves arent facing towards to light like they are happy to see it then its malnourished. If leaves are getting all crispy and falling off underneath the canopy they usually arent getting enough light. All undergrowth is usually trimmed out to promote airflow it is determination call as to if you feel a branch will reach the top and form a cola or stay low and receive very little light as that just adds to the plants wasted energy when it could be diverted elsewhere. If leaves are turning blue it is a sign of cold damage. If leaves are turning black in spots its nutrient lockout or bug damage.In resevoirs the ph needs to be maintained on a dime but in organic soil the soil is a buffer to ph issues. Mycorizhal is a beneficial fungus that helps roots absorb more nutrients and snatches the nutrients from soil. It helps roots by 100-1000% it eats the sugars the plants roots give off in return helps plants grow faster,better,stronger
Away is a soil grower so he doesnt have a res. I keep my water in a 5 gallon bucket and dip a 32 oz cup in to use to water. ppm starts at 400 for seedlings works up to at or around 1600 of straight veg nutrients then in preflowering I use 600 ppm of veg nutes and 1400 ppm f flowering nutes. After preflowering is over I use 1600 ppm of strictly flowering nutes and work my way down from there so 1600 wk3 flower 1400 wk 4 flower 1200 wk 5 flower 800 wk6 flower 600 wk7 flower overdrive then 3 days later flush with pre water with lemon juice and cherry juice with a touch of honey and other citrus I may desire. The night before harvest I give them just citrus as a final treat to say thank you then harvest in the early morning befre any evaporation takes place usually 7 or 8 a.m
I didnt write the chart by the way i coppied it from 420's "nutes and how to use them" post.
All the measures are per 1 gallon, which is whats messing with me.. I'm very bad at maths and i use liters here..
Like Joe said im growing in soil bro, so no res here.. I have 1.5 liter bottles for my water... For now. they're already annoying me now cause they're too small.


I need to add 1 tsp per gallon.
1 gallon = 3.7 liters.
My water containers are of 1.5 liters.
That means i gotta use 2 bottles + a little extra for 1 tsp.
Therefor i thought that half a tsp would be good for each bottle..
Obviously i should use less because i want to go easy on the nutes, but i'm just trying to do the math here.. Which im a complete idiot at!!

So 1/4 of a teaspoon per bottle for starters, then take it up from there?

Again guys it's my maths that makes this confusion.. sorry about that.. >.<
Yeah thats true but I just dont want ya to waste nutes if ya can help it. With the way you went through them before dont want ya to run out in a grow. I have bottles ive used for 6 grows now that are just finishing up. Your plants look like they could use some nitrogen bud they are recovered now so give them a dose of nitrogen. What do you have that has nitrogen? You arent in flowering yet if I remember right so they need some nitrogen. If you dont have anything you could use a bit of your urine(mid stream) or you could take some coffe grounds and put them in a nylon stocking or scarf even and dip them in water and use that. You really should purchase a simple bucket like a bucket you would use for cleaning with the handle. Its cheap and effective if you leave the water in that the chlroine will evaporate after about 3 days sitting and then add the nutrients. Dont add them prior to evaporation because thats just silly.
Are your nutrients per gallon of water or per gallon of container? I will help you when I get a reply. but her is a quicky. 2 teaspoons equal a tablespoon. 2 half teaspoons equal 1 teaspoon so 4 half teaspoons is 1 tablespoon. If you are using a 1.5 liter bottle then you would use just over a third required per 1 gallon of water but that is for something close to 1:1 ratio you want to get half of that. So if it calls for say 3 teaspoons per gallon you are going to want to use just over half a teaspoon but not a full one. Since 1/3 is 33% and 1/2 of 1/3 is about 16% so lets call it 50%. Sorry hope this makes sense.
I have 2 bottles of nutes.
1 bottle of Bio-bizz Grow and 1 bottle of Bio-bizz Bloom.
As far as i remember the Grow nutes should be the ones with Nitrogen since they need that in veg.
Should i not just wait for my soil to dry then add some Grow-nutes?

i realise now i made a huge mistake by not having anything decent to measure with and a bigger water-container!!!
Yeah your plants can wait it out a bit but you will have to defoliate once that happens because those leaves wont be coming back to health but the structure of the plant is done very well and so it will be no problem to shed em.
Yeah 1/4 is fine but you can go up to 1/2 without a issue. After that flush your girls will need it. Dont use it yet though because of what I said earlier about evaporation and letting the chlorinated water to sit so it loses its bond to the water.
After your soil is dry since you did a double flush they are going to be craving those nutrients because a flush washes away the ones you added AND a lot of the ones in the soil which is why I dont understand why people flush constantly. It really is only needed 1 time and with proper watering I debate that as well. In your case it had to be done and we see the result is a plant that is fairly healthy in stable condition vs lots of frustration and maybe some crying for good measure but its all a learning experience. Ive done that shit before too. I remember when I first started I was impatient with how fast it was growing and added rooting agent it stunted the plant cause multiple nutrient lockouts and died.
Caring for your plant to death is almost as easy as neglecting it to death.
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