Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Ok, thank goodness I am "kinda" off work for the day...I've spent a lot of it reading this thread! lol.

Looks great. I have some suggestions for you after reading all 20 pages. Stay away from my: iPhone, computer, my thermometer and my nutes! lmao! I am kidding of course, but yikes with the bad luck dude! lol. Here's to better luck forthcoming!

Looks great man, keep it up. Love those pictures, keep them coming as you are able. In my most humble voice I would strongly urge you to stick with this indoor grow and then continue to devise the plan for the outdoor after this finishes. I can't honestly say this is my first grow, I grew last year outside. Well, "grew" is a bit of an exaggeration. I had a cluster-F of an experience that resulted in something that generally resembled plants, but not MJ plants, and they sure sucked to smoke. Goodness, it was soooo bad. Due to family staying with me they got moved to my folks house (that was hilarious) and got watered once, an fed zero times the last 2 months of growing. Like I said, it was an utter failure.

I think, even while the initial cost is (OMG) so much more, we indoor growers are able to so much more easily control environmental factors. Outdoors I had issues getting light to the plants, I got white flies, I got caterpillars (I hated those little F'ers!!!), I had neighbor issues, I had every problem you can think of (not being able to water or feed didn't help). Now that I am inside you can see my journal for yourself. Things have improved so very much, but I had to have that first grow to get anywhere near something resembling a "real" grow.

Please continue the great work, the great attitude and the great updates. I wish you all the luck my friend!

I'm glad to have you bro, and honoured that you would take time out to read all that ;)
Hahah your suggestions are fair enough, i wouldnt have me wandering around my growsite either!! LOL :rofl:

Your words puts me at ease, i feel more comfortable keeping up my mission with you guys around to tell me im doing alright..
I had a bunch of plants growing outdoors through the last couple of years but none of them ever had more than 3-4 leaf sets.. Either i overwatered or had bad soil etc etc. My mom even killed a couple of them by overwatering once :) Also i had no idea what i was doing back then, i thought i could just pop a seed and water it hehe ;) wisdom comes.. lol.

But like you said, the costs for indoors might be higher, but hell i can see you guys painting out the buds you want to get, and then achieving even better when the time comes, again and again.. Indoors also allows me to spend time with my plants, which i wouldnt dare doing outside.. You never know when some1 might come by.. It gives me a therapeutic effect though, so i'm happy i can do it in here ;)
besides.. the second i get a harvest it will all have been payed back :lot-o-toke:

The leaves though are still yellowing, so i'm about to give her a second flush and let her dry out. Then i'll follow SmokerJoe's advice and slowly start feeding a little again when the soil has dried..
I wonder when i should put her to flower though, i mean she's already got like 10 tops and a bushy figure.. Of course i need to have her come back before i do anything like it, but size-wise dont you think she would be ready by now if i didnt have these problems?
Just curious, i'm not flipping the switch till i'm certain anyway ;)
Also how old should the bagseed plant be at the very least before i switch her into flowering? I would love to have both of them going at the same time even though the yield on the bagseed will be tiny.. She's got 4 little tops peeping out from the wounds where i topped her right now ^^

- Also a little notice guys: My girlfriend is going to france tommorow so i wont be having anymore pictures untill next saturday.. Well hopefully i'll have another batch up before she leaves of course ;)

Enjoy you SativaDay every1, more pictures coming later!
3-4 weeks. If you switch before preflower there is a better chance for a hermaphrodite. To answer your question if this all didnt happen it be about time for the switch.
Clones can flower right after they root so yes. For plants started from seed it is around nodes 4-7 and yes the white hairs the show. There are 2 and they shape a v.
Its because a lot of people have found my posts helpful and gave me reputation points. Unfortunately it has nothing to do with the likes or id of had it a lot sooner.

As for the screen. Its good to put on before you switch and then feed the areas where the colas will appear up through the screen while keeping as much of the leaves under the screen as you can. I waited until after everything was sexed due to it being bagseed but due to good gardening techniques I was able to only have 2 males out of about 16 plants and they have been moved to a different area so I can extract pollen to produce more seeds.

Jammz the way you get rep is when people find your posts helpful to them they click the star at the bottom to the right of where it says blog this post.

So today i flushed Ed Rosenthal for the second time.. The runoff started out yellow-ish and i kept flushing with water till it turned clear (aproximately 10 liters used) For the flush i had to untie the LST i had done, so i thought i'd take some pictures of how she looks without it:


After i took the pictures i LST'ed her again and put her back in the closet where she is now (hopefully) recovering from the last days emergency flushes.. Now i'll let her soil dry real nice and then start re-applying fertilisers slowly.. More on that later.
Also the bagseed plant has got 4 new tiny tops shooting out! It's great fun watching as she progresses!

A note on the next week: My girlfriend is headed to France for a week from tommorow. Therefor i wont be able to post anymore pictures untill next Saturday.
I will post a final bunch of pictures tommorow for you guys to see and then the next update will be 1 week away from those. I will of course post updates through the week if there is anything i feel needs to be said about my grow..
If you have a grow store near you buy beneficial nematodes. They are predators of 100 different garden insects. It was a fungus gnat. You will get those from overwatering which I expected. They wont really hurt the plants until much later but its good to get rid of them. You could also neem oil or make one of the organic insecticides I give the recipes in my blog. Your plants tips show a bit of nutrient burn but that was also expected and it looks like we caught it well in time bud. Im confident we saved your plant in time as its looking healthy. So just let it dry out really good almost to where its very thirsty and the top of the soil is very dry. So id say 4-5 days at this point. Then give 1/4th nutrients in the next 2-3 waterings then go up to 1/2. Wait to switch to 12/12 or 11/13 until we are sure these problems are fixed. I am glad to have saved your plants for you. Looking good and heading back on course :) Good job
If you have a grow store near you buy beneficial nematodes. They are predators of 100 different garden insects. It was a fungus gnat. You will get those from overwatering which I expected. They wont really hurt the plants until much later but its good to get rid of them. You could also neem oil or make one of the organic insecticides I give the recipes in my blog. Your plants tips show a bit of nutrient burn but that was also expected and it looks like we caught it well in time bud. Im confident we saved your plant in time as its looking healthy. So just let it dry out really good almost to where its very thirsty and the top of the soil is very dry. So id say 4-5 days at this point. Then give 1/4th nutrients in the next 2-3 waterings then go up to 1/2. Wait to switch to 12/12 or 11/13 until we are sure these problems are fixed. I am glad to have saved your plants for you. Looking good and heading back on course :) Good job

I read your blog on pests.. Great info man, every1 should read it!
I think i will go with drying my soil, then shaking the stem to make them airbourne and then suck them all up with my vacuum.
On payday i will buy some fly-trap tape thingy as er permanent addition to use whenever i experience pests.
I read up on beneficial nermatodes, sounds like an extremely handy pest-fighter!
I'm deffinately going to look into where i can get some of this as well. But it's not on top of my buy-list at the moment, if i can control the fungus gnats with my other remedies. Also i think i might try one of your pesticides if i cant get control over them, before going out spending money on something for now :thumb: Keep in my im a brokeass ;)
But you blogged a bunch of no-cost remedies for me to try first so i'm good i guess :)
I must admit you are the true savior of my plant Joe, without your on-the-spot guidance and the rest of the 420 guys of course, i might not of had a plant now :thanks::adore:
i will keep sucking knowledge out you and try to follow your advice :high-five:
Its what im here for. Hope you get the job. Im in the same situation trying to get the same exact job at a different location obviously
I hope they will take me.. I've been wanting to open up my own coffeeshop, but thats future dreams as long as its illegal here.. This job might give me some good knowledge on how to run a shop though.. heck maybe i can even become a student there instead of an employee, that would be killer.. time will tell, first i gotta go talk to them hehe.. ;)
Good luck to you man hope you find it.
So heres the last picture update for a week...
My girlfriend just left for the airport and im sitting alone in this empty apartment.. This next week is going to suck..
No woman and no weed.. :straightface:
Anyway heres the pictures guys hope you enjoy..

The room..

The Bagseed plant.. Got new tops shooting out ^^

Ed Rosenthal..

Please let me know what you think guys, i love to hear it all! :thumb:
Whew tons of pictures. Im gonna go back up and look at them.
Nice training looks like good genetics your plants are fine now. When will you resume nutrients?
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