Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Well good job then friend. Seems like they will live. I have been out of smoke since pretty much new years and scraped my bowl for superbowl but other then that nothing so smoke a blunt for me sigh :)

that sucks man, i feel for you!
luckily you have a very nice garden which should have you supplied in not too long :)
my girlfriend is going to germany with her school on saturday, and our cashstack is low so i probably wont be smoking anything next week, not going to pay for any atleast ;)
When I screwed up a nute feed and nuked instead of nute, I kept flushing the plants with plain pH 7 water. A couple of the little baby girls curled up and died, but the larger older plants just yellowed lower leafs but survived. So I attribute that 911 action to saving them from my screw up. Comprende?

Oh yeah, seems like it's the same reaction im having, i believe my water has a pretty good ph but in the high end (6.8-7 maybe even 7.1 idk, using liquid test kit >.<) just gotta watch what happens i guess.. i'm going to re-apply ferts when the soils dry and hope for the best :Namaste:
nice to hear your experience jaamz ;)
I reckoned that normally you should keep the water at pH 5.6 - 5.8 because at that range nitrogen uptake is optimized; so I figured if I flood with pH 7 water for a couple days it will flush the over-strength nutes I accidentally administered, and stop the plants from sucking up the nitrogen, which is the main thing that burns the plants if you give too much; Capeesh?
I reckoned that normally you should keep the water at pH 5.6 - 5.8 because at that range nitrogen uptake is optimized; so I figured if I flood with pH 7 water for a couple days it will flush the over-strength nutes I accidentally administered, and stop the plants from sucking up the nitrogen, which is the main thing that burns the plants if you give too much; Capeesh?

Makes good sence if the 5.8 is essential for uptake of nitrogen then 6.8 is gonna be alot worse, which in my case should be good because i have an insane amount of nitrogen from my overfertilising. I think i capeesh and comprende.. xD
If you are growing in organic soil the ph doesnt matter much as the soil is a buffer. Also if you are looking for a ph range 6.5-7 is ideal but no more then 7 and no less then 6. Because you will be locking out a lot of things out of those ranges. If you use organic soil look into mycorizhal fungi to innoculate the soil with. Those help release more of the nutrients and add to the root mass and penetration into the soil.
I would not feed again until they look healthier. The plants will grow without nutes, they mainly boost growth. But if they've already ODed on nutes more feeding can only harm them.
I'm having tech difficulties, my girlfriend left with the iphone, i thought i had sent the pics by mail from the iphone, but they havent arrived yet >.< Sometimes when you lock the screen too early, the messages doesnt send from her phone.. might be what happened..
She's back in 2 hours anyway, so if they dont arrive i guess i'll try again when she comes back
What mistake did you make bro, is your garden alright?
Yeah i guess this is probably one of the stupidest mistakes i could of made.. >.<

Hell mine is more comical then anything. That dam 96*3 has been calling my name since it arrived. I opened the box and plugged it in for giggles. Now I want this AG to be over. I'm in week 8 now and plan on flipping the lights back week 9 (next week). I haven't modified my cabinet for the LED's so I can't even use it yet. But there is still hope...I didn't sex it yet so I might be practicing with a male, in which case I can abandon this grow immediately.

But back to you. Can you push your plants off to the side and start another set? If so then great. Start the next one...he'll of a lesson learned and I bet you won't make this mistake again.

In the mean time you've got nothing to lose with the first set. If there is still some green then I truly believe there still may be a chance.

Here's my suggestion...REPOT it.

Get it out of that soil. Be gentle with it, maintain as much of the bulb as you can but remove as much of the rest of the soil as you can. Rinse the roots below the bulb in cold water. Prep the next pot's soil loosely and replant. Zero nutes till she shows signs of recovery. Just push it off to the side and leave her be. Extreme, yes but what do you have to lose. And some would say why waste the time. Blah, blah blah you already got the next grow starting. could just scrap it and start over but your already starting the next grow anyway.

Just my two cents worth.

A special note about measurements....

Not sure where you are in the world but I don't use American standards for measuring. It's just not acurate enough for me. I convert everything I see to metric which I'm not good at but my friend Mr. Google makes converting easy.

In any case you should already be thinking of moving on to the next.

I'm just going to write down the thoughts i've had since my 'big bummer'..

I'm from northern europe.. Here it's outplanting time in early april. Ed Rosenthal has potential to be able to finnish in our short summer because of her short flowering cycle...
Since i've apparantly not killed her enterily but just set her back alot, maybe... It would be a better idea for me, to outplant her in a couple of weeks with the rest of the plants i've got vegging in there. I already have nice outdoor plots to transplant them to, but still i have to wait for the weather.
Also as i'm a broke ass i dont have any more soil or money to buy some, so repotting her inside is a problem for me. :/ so if i just keep them where they are and nurse them the best i know for the next couple of weeks, then there might be hope for them all outside...

In the meantime i've been thinking alot about my original plan i had for my closet... An ongoing steady source of bud.
I had originally intended to grow autoflowers in my closet for this project, because i think it's what can give me the most amount of bud in the most steady rate. I mean i dont have room for more than 1 scrog at a time.. And the veg time for making a good scrog is just too long for it to make sence for me with my space. Atleast as long as i live here.. there is no space left for a vegetative room to start up plants.. I used what i had for the room i've got now. Without a vegging room i cannot keep an ongoing supply..

I've been doing some maths and stuff and figured out a little plan..

I have room for 4 containers of 11 liters or 3 gallons aprox, as seen here:



1: Start first set and let them go for 30-35 days (i'm thinking DNA Genetics - 60 Day Wonder and Sagarmatha Seeds - Double Diesel Ryder) they finnish aproximately on the same time

2: after 30-35 days start the second set and put them in the room as well (Here i'm thinking Dinafem's Original Amnesia Auto, and Samsara Seeds Supersonic Crystal Storm)

3: after 60-70 days harvest first set (60 Day Wonder and Double D Ryder) and start third set (Thinking some Dinafem - Critical Jack Auto and Dutch Passion Seeds - Think Different)


I realise it'll be a little tight, and the new-started plants will be shaded a bit, but it's autoflowers so do you think it will do much different?
In that case i can maybe start them one by one on a 14 day basis to prevent shading by 2 mature plants at once..

I'd love to hear your inputs on my plan every1 :thanks:
Hell mine is more comical then anything. That dam 96*3 has been calling my name since it arrived. I opened the box and plugged it in for giggles. Now I want this AG to be over. I'm in week 8 now and plan on flipping the lights back week 9 (next week). I haven't modified my cabinet for the LED's so I can't even use it yet. But there is still hope...I didn't sex it yet so I might be practicing with a male, in which case I can abandon this grow immediately.

But back to you. Can you push your plants off to the side and start another set? If so then great. Start the next one...he'll of a lesson learned and I bet you won't make this mistake again.

In the mean time you've got nothing to lose with the first set. If there is still some green then I truly believe there still may be a chance.

Here's my suggestion...REPOT it.

Get it out of that soil. Be gentle with it, maintain as much of the bulb as you can but remove as much of the rest of the soil as you can. Rinse the roots below the bulb in cold water. Prep the next pot's soil loosely and replant. Zero nutes till she shows signs of recovery. Just push it off to the side and leave her be. Extreme, yes but what do you have to lose. And some would say why waste the time. Blah, blah blah you already got the next grow starting. could just scrap it and start over but your already starting the next grow anyway.

Just my two cents worth.

A special note about measurements....

Not sure where you are in the world but I don't use American standards for measuring. It's just not acurate enough for me. I convert everything I see to metric which I'm not good at but my friend Mr. Google makes converting easy.

In any case you should already be thinking of moving on to the next.


Thanks alot for your input man, the above post was also meant as a comment to your post ;)
Just a quick sidenote. If you use google you should use startpage. It returns googles exact results but is a proxy and so you arent tracked by google on every page you visit AFTER your google search. Just a privacy note. As for planting outdoors from growing indoors. You may want to gradually acclimate them to the outdoors a few hours more and more each day for about a week. This toughens the plants up for outdoors growth without risk any ill effects.If you are planting into the ground you want to clear any rocks roots and debris from the area. Forming a circular bowl with the dirt will keep the water in place and will collect rainwater better.
We're going to dig up a bowl of the original soil and fill it with some Bio-bizz Allmix instead and turn it in there nicely. Allmix got slow release nutes in it, so we wont be using fertilisers outside, the girls will just "do their thing" as we watch what happens.. The outdoors grow is more for the fun in it ;)
The indoor grow though was meant as my own steady supply.. So i'm starting to get pretty locked in on the autoflower plan, i think it's the way to go for me... This time i cant screw up man, i've got grow scheduals for my nutes AND the soil i will use, so that part just cant mess up (hopefully) besides autoflowers should be easy for beginners i hear..
Use half the recommended dose when you use them and build from there.
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