Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

So you open the cap
and bend it over towards the soil. You flinch,
the bottle spills. The next thing you know half
of your raw feeding liquid has managed to find
it’s way into the soil. You curse yourself that
you did not follow the instructions. You grab
your hair, ‘What to do?’ you say. You pick up
this book and turn to this chapter. You read
about the soil flush and see that your plant
now has a small chance of survival. You know
that all the raw chemicals will kill your
plant. All hope is lost. This is your last
resort. Here is how to flush your soil.

(1) Take the plant to a sink.
(2) Turn the plant on its side making sure that
you do not break the stem!
(3) If you think the stem will break then
quickly find a long stick and place it in the

(4) Use a piece of sowing thread to tie the
plant to the stick at several points.
(5) Tape the stick to the pot.
(6) Tilt the plant on its side so that the top
of the pot with the soil is facing at an angle
towards the sink.
(7) Watch the colour of the liquid that runs
(8) Do this until all the liquid has poured

(1) Pull your plant back up and sit it in the
sink. Pour lots of water on top of the soil.
(2) Wait until the water flows out the bottom
of the pot. Look at the colour of the flow.
(3) Repeat this process until the colour of the
water becomes clearer. (The soil should get
very muddy when you do this and some of the mud
will pass out with the water.)
(4) Once the water is clear tilt your plant on
its side again and wait for all the water to
drain out. You may repeat this process several
times. If your feeding solution does not have a

colour then you should keep an eye on the
texture and smell of the solution that you are
flushing out. When this changes your flush has
(5) Quickly take your plant to a warm dry area
and wait for the soil to dry out.
(6) Use a pH meter to test the pH of your soil.
(7) Follow step D.

(1) You can use a screwdriver to make holes in
your pot if it is light and the plastic is not
tough. You can always use thick masking tape
later to patch the holes closed. If you can do
this then do and follow step B.
(2) If you can not then you need to do an
emergency transplant.
(3) Quickly set up a new pot and put in new
soil leaving a large gap in the middle where
your plant will go in.
(4) Take your plant and use a knife to cut
around the edge of the soil as close to the rim
of the pot as possible. Go as deep as you can.
(5) Put you fingers in down around the inside
of the rim and pull the plant out of the pot.

Try not to rip the roots.
(6) Hold the soil over the sink and place it
down near the drain holding it together with
your hands. If your root mass is big you may
need help doing this.
(7) Turn on the water and let it run slowly
down over the soil.
(8) Keep holding the plant for a number of
minutes until you see a change in the water
that is coming out from the soil. Do not crush
the soil just hold it. It will get muddy and it
will break up a bit, but this is to be
(9) When the water changes quickly place the
plant into the new pot.
(10) Fill up the spaces with new soil and use a
stick to prop up your plant if needed.
(11) Quickly take your plant to a warm dry area
and wait for the soil to dry out.

By: Gregg Green
Wait until the soil is dry. Once it is dry and if the plant recovers then start giving it nutes again
I had the whole thing unplugged to clean it up, and i have no idea how to plug it back in. Better not touch anything, i have friends who can help me check what it is luckily :)
But nice to know for future reference, i wish i knew where to plug the different chords in, so i could of checked it now though..

Wait... What? Your computer not working. It's unplugged. Mmmm. There's yer problem son.
Wait... What? Your computer not working. It's unplugged. Mmmm. There's yer problem son.

lol :) no man you dont understand.
I had a powerfailure in my whole apartment as i was playing some battlefield 4.
After i got the power back up and running the computer was dead.
THEN i unplugged everything and cleaned it up :)
Go to youtube type in your model for a how to video and watch them hook it up and follow along. It isnt to hard really you should be fine doing it yourself. Most of it should be color coded most of your devices should be usb at this point so those are self explanatory.
Go to youtube type in your model for a how to video and watch them hook it up and follow along. It isnt to hard really you should be fine doing it yourself. Most of it should be color coded most of your devices should be usb at this point so those are self explanatory.

The computer i have is home-build.. Its all parts i've gotten extremely cheap from one of my friends who play battlefield on a professional level.. he wins EVERYTHING he attends man, all these parts i have, are won pieces from different competitions or his own layed-off hardware.
so it's not a specific computer model, it's all random parts put together. But it's been running for a year and half without problems, so it's not because i have too much watt-output on my equipment.. I just dont hope the motherboard is the one that took damage..
By the way i've found a grow chart for the nute series i'm using.. after looking at it i'm pretty sure my plants are @¤#&ed!
It say's to use 1 teaspoon of bio-grow per week for weekly feeding for the whole grow, and i've been using like 10 tablespoons..
I feel like such an idiot >.< i felt like i read up on it all but even the simplest things can be overlooked easily apparantly.. Lesson learned i guess.. Still crossing fingers tho, really hope they're tough enough to survive this madness!
Oh dude you are fucked. Hopefully they wont die but damn 10 is well is that 1 per gallon per week?
Oh dude you are fucked. Hopefully they wont die but damn 10 is well is that 1 per gallon per week?

I have a bad feeling you're right.. still they still look pretty alive, so i'm still crossing fingers!
I measure in liters not gallons, but the chart i've found is for gallons.
1 gallon = 3.7 liters and i've got 2 liters bottles, so i'll be measuring by eye, going for half a tsp per bottle.
How does that sound?

SmokerJoe good info grab some rep :thumb:


Lol fred i was going to give smoker some rep as well, but it seems i cant give him anymore before i give some1 else some rep!
So here you go bro! :)
Well if they are still alive hopefully I helped you save them. If they havent wilted and the stems arent all limp with the leaves laying against the pot they should be ok. Can you post some pics so I can see. Is there any bleaching of the leaves or necrosis(black spots or patches) If the stems are still strong then chances are it is saved and they havent overdosed.
Well if they are still alive hopefully I helped you save them. If they havent wilted and the stems arent all limp with the leaves laying against the pot they should be ok. Can you post some pics so I can see. Is there any bleaching of the leaves or necrosis(black spots or patches) If the stems are still strong then chances are it is saved and they havent overdosed.

Honestly what i've noticed of change from last night till now (early morning) is that some of the leafs has got curled tips and starting yellowing on the side's of the leaves.. (happened over night) i'll take her out after i finnished smoking and check up on the stems, check if i can find anything else going on besides the tip-curls and yellowing.. It's hard to tell under the LED.

My girlfriend just left 2 minutes ago, so i cant get you pictures right now bro.
Oh ok. Well trim those yellow damaged leaves off. That will give the plant a better chance to heal instead of trying to repair leaves thats not going to happen.
okay so, i just had Ed Rosenthal out.
This morning when i checked her (under LED lights) she looked pretty curly and yellow, but after getting her out in the natural light now i could only find 2 leaves to trim :hmmmm: and 1 leaf i didnt trim because it was too close to a top growth.
Also i suspect the LED's must have messed with my eyes or i must have been tired or something, because when i look at her now she actually looks like she's alot happier than yesterday..
Also something i didnt notice this morning was that the bagseeds 2 new tops actually have grown overnight (i also flushed this plant, because i made some fert mistake here obviosly)..
Also there was no hanging leaves or limp stems, it all seems to have lifted up a little since yesterday. Again.. Either my eyes or the LED messed with me this morning, or else these girls just really liked that flush.. :hmmmm:
Well good job then friend. Seems like they will live. I have been out of smoke since pretty much new years and scraped my bowl for superbowl but other then that nothing so smoke a blunt for me sigh :)
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