Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Caring for your plant to death is almost as easy as neglecting it to death.

These are some words i need to take in deep and hold on to... I'm on tip-toes all day man!

The nutrients are per gallon of water.

But yes this is deffinately a learning experience, by now i know 20 times as much as i did when i first started this journal. Seriusly.
And if this grow had been a smooth ride i would just of had these bumps later. I'm just glad you guys have been here to help me ;) Especially you Joe, you got my vote when you get nominated for MOTM!

Here's what i've done..
I took the bowl we do the dishes in and poured 2 full 1.5 liter bottles into it. 3 liters. Then i took a 0.5 liter bottle, filled it up, poured the water in the container. 3.5 liters. and then i filled it halfway and poured that in there too. 3.75 liters.
If i didnt mess that up too, then that should be 1 full gallon of water! :wood: (been waiting for a chance to use that awesome emote)
I'm going to let that stay there for 3 days to let chlorine evaporate. Then i'll add a half tsp (since you said she'll be able to take it Joe :) ) of Bio-Bizz Grow and feed my plants with it.
Away is a soil grower so he doesnt have a res. I keep my water in a 5 gallon bucket and dip a 32 oz cup in to use to water. ppm starts at 400 for seedlings works up to at or around 1600 of straight veg nutrients then in preflowering I use 600 ppm of veg nutes and 1400 ppm f flowering nutes. After preflowering is over I use 1600 ppm of strictly flowering nutes and work my way down from there so 1600 wk3 flower 1400 wk 4 flower 1200 wk 5 flower 800 wk6 flower 600 wk7 flower overdrive then 3 days later flush with pre water with lemon juice and cherry juice with a touch of honey and other citrus I may desire. The night before harvest I give them just citrus as a final treat to say thank you then harvest in the early morning befre any evaporation takes place usually 7 or 8 a.m

Yeah no problem man. Haha all the pouring you sound like a mad chemist. Thanks for wanting to vote me member of the month. Hope to be a entrant for april it be cool but helping keep your plants beautiful and green is my priority here right now
Away, here is a link to a metric to standard converter for volume, weight, temp, etc... bookmark it. Also, I hope you got a good compliment of measuring tools, such as 1ml > spoons, pipettes, cups.
Metric Conversion charts and calculators

Thank you, i've bookmarked it!
I'm going to my local growshop when i get my paycheck to get some appropriate measuring gear along with other stuff. Gonna get something that measures down to 0.5ml i think, that should be sufficient.
Sorry I'm a little late to replying been awful busy past few days but hopefully this helps someone, Its about as close as you can get to a universal feeding ( of course some plants can take more some cant take this much) But the increase of all the individual chemicals are spot on

Hi away, IMHO and believe me I grew with LED's for a long time nothing assisting them and you need heat! May I ask what your temps are?

One Benefit HID's have is the radiant heat that is much like the suns heat, that helps them perspire moisture. If your ambient temp is 75 with an HiD, your canopy should be up to 78-81F for good water uptake. I know its great the temps with the LED's( believe me I love them) however the ambient temps need to be higher for good water evaporation. I found that with LEDs i was waiting over a week sometimes for them to dry and their growth was good but not "fast".

Just some personal experience, I hope you get it figured out!:passitleft: with a little help maybe? lol
I suppose you dont have a space heater you could put in front of the fan so that the fan blows the heat around do you?
If you do get a energy efficient model so your circuit breaker isnt always fuckin up and the running cost wont be to bad. Hey at least being young and starting you will have a full decade over my current level by the time you get to your 30's Hmm well if it is warmer outside then your grow you could always open a window if that is a option.
If i could ever be at your level i'll be greatfull man.
It's 10celcius here in daytime at the moment.. So i can use it to lower temps, not the other way around sadly.
Or do you mean open a window to the growroom? that's not an option, if i dont want to be caught.. the LED's are spotted from the road outside whenever i open the door, so i gotta check if any1's looking everytime i enter.
Ah security risk dont want any of those more then it is. The thing with led is since they dont burnt hot the water stays with the soil longer as there is less perspiration and evaporation. Using led alone the plants will require less watering since it will take 1-3 days longer for the soil to dry dependent on container size.Since your grow is in the closet you could turn on the incandescent bulb since about 90% of that energy is in the form of heat that may help. I would suggest a idea but without good temps at some point in the day it wont work as it is more suited to greenhouses. So the regular lightbulb on while the lights are on is all I can offer without you needing to add any expense otherwise the energy efficient heater is the ideal way to go. Throughout the day 1 lightbulb will raise it 1-3 c for certain depending on the wattage of course. The heater is the better option as the electric for that 1 light on for 2 or 3 grows will pay for the heater by itself
That makes sence.. Maybe if i place the bulb at the bottom of the pots it might give a slight bit of light from below
About the temps i still dont have a thermometer.. I will have to get a temp-reading in the night when i get it though, to see if theres too great difference.
I have a whole list of stuff i want to buy at this point.. I figured i'm going to stick with this till i quit enjoying weed and thats not really something i'm planning on, so i figured i'd just make a list of all these, a little more expensive, items that i dont have money for this month, but maybe the next or the one after ;) then i can always expand.
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