Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

How is the pineapple smoke-wise? I've been looking at it alot :)
I will get the bean soaked today, yes! :) :thumb:

Its the Auto-Pineapple from G13 labs, I first got em as freebies at attitude seeds and I just LOVED it, Also the Blue OG I have growing She is also from g 13 labs! hmm I think I might go look at their selection eh?:thumb:
Ok didn't find your thread so I'll try and give you my opinion here, This plant looks like its gone through a number of things in a chain reaction! to start as I previously mentioned I can see the N deficiency, but those leafs coulda been there for weeks right? because I see some damaging nutrient burn there on the tips of the new growth and possibly Heat stress, The wilting sided with curling up burnt leafs is what tells me this. What are your temps at and what kind of lighting do you use?

If this was my plant I would find some R/O water or water with PPM of less then 100-150 (spring water) and do a flush 2-3 times the water to dirt (if you can get a fan blowing directly on the pot , put the pot up on a screen. Anything that will help dry the pot fast) this will wash away any salt buildup that may have occurred in your soil I would also recommend using spring water to feed your plants next when the dirt is dry again as tap could be at an unknown PH and this could ( and I use the word "could" vary loosely because soil usually buffers the PH down a lot) be a PH lockout in the soil.

EDIT: To add a calcium deficiency would cause the plant to not stand up well to heat, so anything 80+ would just kill it over time. Also don't pull anymore leafs off lol she barely has any good ones! you gotta let her recover without introducing more and more stress or your gonna have a little 1/8OZ plant lol

I hope this helps, She is just a small plant. How old is she?

First, I don't have a journal because it would surely be an exercise in failure and futility.
Second, The date she was born was, (this is embarrassing) 2/19/14.
Those leafs are there a while.
Third, the numbers: my temp range has been low 60's night, mid 70's day. pH aimed for 5.7 -6.0. 600 watt MH light.

I just introduced a fan about 3 -4 days ago due to the fact that I noticed that it felt stagnant to me, and it is getting warmer in my basement.

OK, I'm gonna do as you recommend above. As it stands, and this is my first ever, 1/8Z would be alright; better than dead plants.

M1; I so greatly appreciate your time and consideration. Away; I apologize for trespassing on your journal, I appreciate your patience my friend.
First, I don't have a journal because it would surely be an exercise in failure and futility.
Second, The date she was born was, (this is embarrassing) 2/19/14.
Those leafs are there a while.
Third, the numbers: my temp range has been low 60's night, mid 70's day. pH aimed for 5.7 -6.0. 600 watt MH light.

I just introduced a fan about 3 -4 days ago due to the fact that I noticed that it felt stagnant to me, and it is getting warmer in my basement.

OK, I'm gonna do as you recommend above. As it stands, and this is my first ever, 1/8Z would be alright; better than dead plants.

M1; I so greatly appreciate your time and consideration. Away; I apologize for trespassing on your journal, I appreciate your patience my friend.

Glad you decided to bring in a fan. Jaamz if you need help you know I will.
First, I don't have a journal because it would surely be an exercise in failure and futility.
Second, The date she was born was, (this is embarrassing) 2/19/14.
Those leafs are there a while.
Third, the numbers: my temp range has been low 60's night, mid 70's day. pH aimed for 5.7 -6.0. 600 watt MH light.

I just introduced a fan about 3 -4 days ago due to the fact that I noticed that it felt stagnant to me, and it is getting warmer in my basement.

OK, I'm gonna do as you recommend above. As it stands, and this is my first ever, 1/8Z would be alright; better than dead plants.

M1; I so greatly appreciate your time and consideration. Away; I apologize for trespassing on your journal, I appreciate your patience my friend.

Wait, you aim for a PH of 5.7-6.o of the water? have you ever tested the PH of the run off? Ideally you want the soil's PH to be at 6.5 what your doing sounds more like a hydro setup.

Anyhow depending on what kind of soil you use it could be way low and the reason you have these problems, But its fixable! Take a look at this photo.

Notice what ones you don't get at lower than 6.5 ;) This tells me better why your plant isn't bigger for its age.

Here's to getting your baby back strong!:high-five:
Also sorry Away one last thing to add, Stagnant air? do you have an inlet of some kind? cracked window or something?

Honestly Plants will have airy weightless buds if you have no air exchange or fan powerful enough to blow air through the buds, Just in my experience anyhow.

But there is always next grow! I say if you get her health CLONE her or drop some new beans!

@Away you are going to love the taste of the pineapple man! Decent size plant too
@ M1 It was jaamzhow who posted about the stagnant air because there was no fan present
M1, I grow in coco mixture and mix up a bucket of water and nutes then pH test it to 5.6 - 6.0, then hand water. You saying my nute/water mixture should be 6.5. I don't usually get a runoff; you mean after watering the plants, the water that comes leaking out of the bottom of the pots into the tray? Because I try to water until the soil is wet, not till it leaks out; so I usually don't get runoff.
Thank you Away for renting the space-time again.
First, I don't have a journal because it would surely be an exercise in failure and futility.
Jam a rough grow is much more informative than a perfect grow. It helps other members learn from your mis-haps.
I agree with BAR make a journal, Further more you should fully water you plants and then fully dry them out, you can get good and know how much your pot needs But yes the PH should be around 6.5 and if it is not you will be locked out to a lot of nutrients.

Hope you get it figured out! If you have anymore questions you can drop it on my thread!:thumb:
Here's my journal: popped a ww bean today. Put it in coco/verm/perl mix. Watered it with pH adjusted water. Looking good, got its first real set of leaves today. Went to water today noticed a yellowing. Went to water with pH adjusted water today, noticed more yellow and curl up. Went to water today and noticed total brown and folded over, the end; anyone learn anything except that I suck!
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