Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Maybe three days instead of two. Damnit.



Whats the rush? you're just a ear shot away :D
Evolution of a tester bud part 2: Post toaster oven




Don’t know why I even do this, lol. They’re always the same. Can’t tell a thing about what it’s gonna taste like. Only if it gets you high enough yet or you need to let the trichs develop more. And it’s always chest bindy. I just smoked that. I does indeed get you quite stoned. It’s gonna be very very good. But not ready. Two days maybe three. That bind has to chill. Way too much right now. Lingers for quite a while. Instant face sweat, that test got passed. And still a twinge of sweetness, so I’m sure it’s gonna be great. But not ready. I knew it wasn’t too. Just a waste of a bud. Like I said, I don’t why I even bother. Lmao.
Strawberry Banana Auto
Partial Harvest
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I took this one bud and couldn’t go any further. It was the only one that was actually ready. About as partial as it gets. Lmao.



My contribution for the day.

Another day another cola.

Still not all ready. Got this one more today. Much more of a real branch. Big chunky dense buds. This plant is super productive.


Strawberry Banana Auto organic
State of Play

Very close now. Two days and I’m taking her. No more adjustments. Sunday morning she comes down. Not so much cuz I’m sick of looking at her, she will be ready to rock and roll then. I don’t think I’d get sick of looking at stinky giant colas of juicy buds.



She's a beauty Jon😍. She does have the overall look finally of a plant that is just about finished. She likes to linger apparently🤣. I think your 2 more days diagnosis is spot on, her leaves are finally starting to sag. She's almost done. Stunning👊
Thanks @Gee64! Yes, finally is the right word, lol. A lingerer indeed. I prefer the term “long finish.” Like a fine wine. :rofl: I appreciate the positive commentary, gracias! I wish I could share the smell. Like cotton candy. It makes me crazy. Glad there’s a lot cuz I’m addicted to this strain. It’s hard to stop smoking it.
Then there were three. Okay maybe three a couple days early. But they’ll be the firecracker wild card buds in bags that will otherwise be a bit calmer. Lmao! This one is no joke either, damn. Big old chunky green bud. Gotta love it.


Harvest is officially on. Like the proverbial Donkey Kong.

I’m pretty comfy with this. I could easily have let them go another day or even two or three if I wanted. But hey they are way close enough for government work and they get you quite stoned. The first bud I plucked the other day is drying up nice and tight as it should, something I usually find to be a sign that you waited long enough.

Here’s what I have going on at the moment. With obvious individual spear type plants like this I simply take the branches one at a time. Better on the vine than in a box getting flat and just waiting for the knife.




Harvest is officially on. Like the proverbial Donkey Kong.

I’m pretty comfy with this. I could easily have let them go another day or even two or three if I wanted. But hey they are way close enough for government work and they get you quite stoned. The first bud I plucked the other day is drying up nice and tight as it should, something I usually find to be a sign that you waited long enough.

Here’s what I have going on at the moment. With obvious individual spear type plants like this I simply take the branches one at a time. Better on the vine than in a box getting flat and just waiting for the knife.




Here’s a perspective shot:

Harvest is officially on. Like the proverbial Donkey Kong.

I’m pretty comfy with this. I could easily have let them go another day or even two or three if I wanted. But hey they are way close enough for government work and they get you quite stoned. The first bud I plucked the other day is drying up nice and tight as it should, something I usually find to be a sign that you waited long enough.

Here’s what I have going on at the moment. With obvious individual spear type plants like this I simply take the branches one at a time. Better on the vine than in a box getting flat and just waiting for the knife.




Beautiful sparkly bud:circle-of-love:
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