Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Mutt and Jeff

So any auto guys or gals out there who have grown them in different mediums? I’m specifically looking for anyone’s experience of hydro vs coco for size. I’m currently thinking hydro, duh. But not always. I need more data. Biggest plant in this grow was the Gorilla Cookies auto, and not the hydro one. The one in a straight coco 10.

If anyone would like to relate their experience in this realm or whatever you may share about it it is most appreciated, thanks in advance.
Photo of the Day (for dumb me, lol)
Blue Dream Auto
Organic 7 gallon cloth pot
California Super Soil/FFOF/Amendments

She still needs another day or two, but yeah. This is her.

Strawberry Banana Auto
Organic - 7 gallon cloth pot
California Super Soil/FFOF/Amemdments

Bit of overwatering but she’s hanging on for me.

I ain’t gonna lie, this is pretty goddamn cool.

Here’s the yield on the kief haul for this grow so far with the two plants worth left to come. 100+ grams of kief. One grow. I’ll take it.

I ain’t gonna lie, this is pretty goddamn cool.

Here’s the yield on the kief haul for this grow so far with the two plants worth left to come. 100+ grams of kief. One grow. I’ll take it.

Where’s that damn press anyway, @Bill284? Lol
I ain’t gonna lie, this is pretty goddamn cool.

Here’s the yield on the kief haul for this grow so far with the two plants worth left to come. 100+ grams of kief. One grow. I’ll take it.

Nice! Is that from all your larf or did you sacrifice some good buddage too?
Where’s that damn press anyway, @Bill284? Lol
What's your secret?
I wet trim and never get keif in any volume.
Nice haul btw. :thumb:
Looks like Oldschool Blond Hash. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Nice! Is that from all your larf or did you sacrifice some good buddage too?
No I’d never get that much from flarf. For one I barely had any flarf. Most was from trimming. But probably half of it came from the Apple Fritter and Brice Banner, as on both of those I had to kill some buds. I never kief buds by design, only if they’re hermie or fucked up. AF was hermie, BB was fucked up. Lmao.
What do you do with your kief Jon? Smoke it as is, hash it, oil it, edibles?
When I get a press I’ll make all sorts of stuff but for now all I use it for is bong hit toppers and to give to people. As a result I have probably four or five times this already jarred.
What's your secret?
I wet trim and never get keif in any volume.
Nice haul btw. :thumb:
Looks like Oldschool Blond Hash. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Save the wet trim till you have a good amount, let it get bone dry, freeze it overnight, and kief in the bin right out of the freezer. You’ll get tons.
Save the wet trim till you have a good amount, let it get bone dry, freeze it overnight, and kief in the bin right out of the freezer. You’ll get tons.

And then you do the following:
The way I do it, it is part patience, part freezer, and part crushing technique.

You gotta wait til the trim is dry as a bone. I put mine under a fan to accelerate the process. This is vitally important.

If drying it completely is first, the freezer is next. I put the trim into gallon storage bags. Then I suck the air out. This is also very important. If you freeze your trim before it’s super dry or fail to remove the air from the bag before freezing, all that effort is for naught. The air will condense as soon as you remove it from the freezer and it hits the tray with moisture. Or the moisture in it will freeze and thaw in the tray. Once the air is out just freeze the bag or bags overnight.

Crushing Technique:
Now you have the empty trim bin and a frozen bag of trim. Do not dump a whole gallon of trim into the bin at one time. More like a third to half at the most. That way you are maxing the removal on each batch. When you overload, you leave a ton on the table and if you try to rekief it you will get green. Green is death to kief. So only enough at a time to cover the bottom an inch or two.

Then - I use a bare hand. Shake the trim to one side. Grab a big handful and move to center (open area) of bin, near center of screen. Then, with a flat palm, GENTLY cover as much as you can and press down lightly on the trim while using a circular, rotating motion to break that handful down. A rotating motion is far more effective than back and forth. If you have done it right, this will break down relatively quickly. Then grab another handful and repeat til you got it all. Then put it all in the middle and do a final light pass to get broken down anything you missed. DO NOT CRUSH IT TO DUST. If you do you’ll get a ton of green. The idea is to break it down completely without making any dust.

When that batch is done, set it aside. It’s done for kiefing but if you’re a butter/edibles person it still has enough juice for that too. Repeat for entire bag, setting aside each batch as you do it in a box or whatever.

Then, last step, re-dump the entire gallon you began with, now set aside for edibles, back into the bin. DO NOT TOUCH IT WITH YOUR HANDS. Instead, shake it to the center and take the whole bin, lift it off a table, and bang it onto the table as hard as you can without spilling it all. Do that two or three times.

Remove top screen part of bin, use small brush to transfer to storage container. You’ll have more than you imagined was possible every time.

I let mine sit out in a bowl for as many days as necessary to make sure it is bone bone dry before permanently jarring. You can jar it less than super dry if you like, and if you let it sit that was for like a year, it will cure, get better, and become what I call “half-hash.” Or I just top bong hits with a dash when I want to or need to for pain.
Blue Dream/Strawberry Banana Autos
California Super Soil/FFOF/Amendments
7-gallon pots

It’s more than just me overwatering a little. The Strawberry Banana is straight up N hog. But we’re scraping by. The Blue Dream continues to hold out on me. As usual my prediction for harvest day sucks. She’s painfully close but not there yet.

Here’s both girls today.








Blue Dream Tester Bud

Smallest bud on the plant. This bud is 100% toaster oven dried and ready to smoke as I’m about to. Best single bud toaster oven bud I’ve ever made. This is as good as a toaster oven tester bud gets. It’s very tricky to get it all the way dried through without browning it on the outside and destroying all the trichs. This will at least give me a reasonable idea of where she is in real life. Some shit on the tester bud. Lol. I get that, I shit on myself sometimes for doing it. On the other hand, it is a good indicator of where your buds are at in terms of strength only. Obviously you know nothing of taste from a tester, only inklings of maybes and pretty sures. But you can get a sense of the strength I feel. Besides it’s so fucking perfect it’s killing me to keep looking at it. Unquestionably my best result from my soil mix yet.

Blue Dream Tester Bud

Smallest bud on the plant. This bud is 100% toaster oven dried and ready to smoke as I’m about to. Best single bud toaster oven bud I’ve ever made. This is as good as a toaster oven tester bud gets. It’s very tricky to get it all the way dried through without browning it on the outside and destroying all the trichs. This will at least give me a reasonable idea of where she is in real life. Some shit on the tester bud. Lol. I get that, I shit on myself sometimes for doing it. On the other hand, it is a good indicator of where your buds are at in terms of strength only. Obviously you know nothing of taste from a tester, only inklings of maybes and pretty sures. But you can get a sense of the strength I feel. Besides it’s so fucking perfect it’s killing me to keep looking at it. Unquestionably my best result from my soil mix yet.

Report: it works. Well. Definitely strong enough. Way too chest bindy. She’s maybe three days out.
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