Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

A couple trichome shots from the Blue Dream, an environment check, and the end of an era.




More words on growing autos….
(Fwiw, as usual…)

Many of us are time keepers when it comes to autos. Until the last couple grows, I always was. Day 1 was the day the sprout broke ground. And I’d list the day it was and watch carefully for signs of flower so I could determine those exact days too. I’d always post Auto X, Day Y, Veg or Flower. The whole OCD shebang, and I’m not even particularly OCD. I had to know how many days everything took. There’s a few good reasons to do this, like if you’re keeping records for helping to determine what to grow later or again or more importantly to determine a nute change. Whatever. It can also drive you quite mad if you let it.

The one we all seem to get hung up on, and the one I have seen asked most often about on grow sites and such, is,
When do you begin to count flower? Or, When is Day 1 of flower?

I’m here to tell you it’s simple.

If you try to count flower based on pistils alone you are fighting a losing battle. There are many autos which will pump or create “pre pistils” as I call them. It’s very easy to fall for these as “flowering pistils,” and thus misjudge the beginning of flower. Autos will begin to show pistils just about whenever they want and they often precede flower by a good bit of time. Forget pistils.

If you try to go simply by time, you’re guessing in the dark blindfolded. Forget time.

If you wait til the plant has little budlets and count that as day 1 you have misjudged flower time and started that clock too late. Forget budlets.

Flower begins the first day you open the tent and say “Damn, that was a jump overnight!”
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

In seriousness though, it really does. The best way to count flower time with autos is to begin counting flower based on when the plant begins to stretch.

You can’t miss the stretch when it begins. It’s impossible. Even for the less observant. Even if the plant is a minimal stretcher. Impossible to miss. And every plant you grow will stretch. It’s the most consistent and dependable sign of flower that exists. I count day one of flower (when I count anymore, sometimes I do because it’s related to a nute change a lot of times), as the first day I notice the stretch.

The veg to flower nute change, chemically or organically if that’s in play, like with Geoflora for example, is really the only reason to even worry about when flower starts imho. And sure that’s important. But far from life or death and no matter what it’s just us applying artificial time constraints/definitions to the plants natural processes anyway. It’s a mirage.

I suppose that was rumination.

Argue amongst yourselves.

Blue Dream Auto
Grand Finale
Part 1

I checked the trichs on her this morning and no, not quite yet. And for once, lol, the trichomes are maturing almost exactly in time with the outward appearance of the buds. This is the best case scenario I hope for on every plant. Makes determination of harvest time WAY easier. The buds tell me two-three days. The trichs tell me two-three days. I’ll harvest in two or three days. See what I mean?

So her finish works out nicely with an expected brief run of perfect and not too windy weather outside. If not for the wind I’d have had her outside by day a bit sooner. But at least she will finish in the sun. And boy is she loving it already.

So that said, I took a bunch of photos as she only has hours of photo time left and she’s quite the looker. One of my best organic performances yet. If I ever feel growing pride, I feel it with this girl. Her size is irrelevant. She’s perfect. And @Gee64 - surely you have smoked and are quite familiar with Blue Dream. One of the ultra classic all timers by anyone’s standards and by existing long time reputation. Well, as you see, she’s about perfect size and perhaps strain for an outdoor smallish auto porch project. She’s in a 7 of my organic mix, basically California Super Soil and FFOF with inputs. And as you see her is as she grew. I literally have not touched this plant since she sprouted. Her structure had zero help from me. Remarkable. Classic looking pot plant and quite beautiful in person. I did my best to capture it.

Here’s a preview. I couldn’t do 13 photos. These three are the water and sun series.



Blue Dream Auto
Final Sequence
Afternoon Sun Spot
Say Goodnight, Gracie

It has been a while since I did the 18 plant grow with ten or twelve plants out here between the lennai and back yard. A few may remember that monstrosity. Lugging plants around all day every day. It got old. But mostly successful. Anyway, back then this was what I called the “afternoon spot,” where she was guaranteed to get as close as I can get to direct sunlight until almost 5 pm. The sun basically travels across the sky in a line with this space between the houses. And it’s relatively stealthy, not that it matters anymore. So after noon I’d lug the plants over here. Oy vey. How many times my chair got stuck on a rainy day I couldn’t tell you. Anyway, she’ll be fine here for the rest of the day. Enjoy. Say bye. This was photo overload by design today on this plant, and she won’t ever look better than this in the next couple days. I think you guys get it. Lol. See you at harvest she says. And she says thanks for watching her grow, she felt very secure. Me too. Thanks.



Blue Dream Auto
Grand Finale
Part 1

I checked the trichs on her this morning and no, not quite yet. And for once, lol, the trichomes are maturing almost exactly in time with the outward appearance of the buds. This is the best case scenario I hope for on every plant. Makes determination of harvest time WAY easier. The buds tell me two-three days. The trichs tell me two-three days. I’ll harvest in two or three days. See what I mean?

So her finish works out nicely with an expected brief run of perfect and not too windy weather outside. If not for the wind I’d have had her outside by day a bit sooner. But at least she will finish in the sun. And boy is she loving it already.

So that said, I took a bunch of photos as she only has hours of photo time left and she’s quite the looker. One of my best organic performances yet. If I ever feel growing pride, I feel it with this girl. Her size is irrelevant. She’s perfect. And @Gee64 - surely you have smoked and are quite familiar with Blue Dream. One of the ultra classic all timers by anyone’s standards and by existing long time reputation. Well, as you see, she’s about perfect size and perhaps strain for an outdoor smallish auto porch project. She’s in a 7 of my organic mix, basically California Super Soil and FFOF with inputs. And as you see her is as she grew. I literally have not touched this plant since she sprouted. Her structure had zero help from me. Remarkable. Classic looking pot plant and quite beautiful in person. I did my best to capture it.

Here’s a preview. I couldn’t do 13 photos. These three are the water and sun series.



The last picture would make a great picture of the month. CL🍀
Looks like maybe the purple trichome wasn’t just a one off. It might be a thing. This is ghostly fun and a welcome break from WW3.

Bonus picture: One of the rare harmelsss creatures I actually like to see around here. It’s a jackalope. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Today I am jarring the Trizkit. As it hits the jars it looks like this. Yield isn’t final, it’ll go down a couple grams, but it comes in at a rather disappointing 13.2 ounces. Call it 13 after the jars are stabilized. @CaptainLucky - damn were we ever off. It looked like a ton more bud than that didn’t it? A bit of a mirage. I think we were swayed by the sweetness of the 98 day veg and how big she was. I was absolutely sure she was a pound or more, and she didn’t even beat my all time record, 13.9, set with an auto!

Anyway here’s a couple little buds I grabbed at random. Small but mighty. The weed is great.


Today I am jarring the Trizkit. As it hits the jars it looks like this. Yield isn’t final, it’ll go down a couple grams, but it comes in at a rather disappointing 13.2 ounces. Call it 13 after the jars are stabilized. @CaptainLucky - damn were we ever off. It looked like a ton more bud than that didn’t it? A bit of a mirage. I think we were swayed by the sweetness of the 98 day veg and how big she was. I was absolutely sure she was a pound or more, and she didn’t even beat my all time record, 13.9, set with an auto!

Anyway here’s a couple little buds I grabbed at random. Small but mighty. The weed is great.


It would have been Nice to beat your Auto record with over a lb, but I am NOT disappointed in this grow at ALL!

I really Enjoyed the Journey!

I look forward to your Set-up in PA!

Thanks for sharing! ❤️
It would have been Nice to beat your Auto record with over a lb, but I am NOT disappointed in this grow at ALL!

I really Enjoyed the Journey!

I look forward to your Set-up in PA!

Thanks for sharing! ❤️

After a little thinking, I realized there is 1 thing that Disappoints ME about this grow...

Today I am jarring the Trizkit. As it hits the jars it looks like this. Yield isn’t final, it’ll go down a couple grams, but it comes in at a rather disappointing 13.2 ounces. Call it 13 after the jars are stabilized. @CaptainLucky - damn were we ever off. It looked like a ton more bud than that didn’t it? A bit of a mirage. I think we were swayed by the sweetness of the 98 day veg and how big she was. I was absolutely sure she was a pound or more, and she didn’t even beat my all time record, 13.9, set with an auto!

Anyway here’s a couple little buds I grabbed at random. Small but mighty. The weed is great.


I would’ve bet money that it would be over a Lbs. Maybe 🤔 the pictures were deceiving? Idk but I have to admit that I’m pretty surprised 😮. Still it’s a nice harvest of quality buds. CL🍀
I would’ve bet money that it would be over a Lbs. Maybe 🤔 the pictures were deceiving? Idk but I have to admit that I’m pretty surprised 😮. Still it’s a nice harvest of quality buds. CL🍀
Me too! Thanks!
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