Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Use gloves without the powder coating. One is straight up latex (the best for freezing and peeling the hash) and one that has this powder coating. That powder one doesn't freezer the hash off. Sticks hard.
Thank you @Lerugged!
Use gloves without the powder coating. One is straight up latex (the best for freezing and peeling the hash) and one that has this powder coating. That powder one doesn't freezer the hash off. Sticks hard.
Chom! I've been using the powder coat pharmacy ones. Thanks!
👀 The Trizkit is a plant that keeps on giving! It's a lot of bud you seem to have there, big, dense nugs. Nice.
How do you get it off the gloves? Maybe I didn't accumulate enough for it to come away from the latex easily.
I used a butter knife. Some of it crumbled off. Good luck girl!!! I've heard other people fill the glove with water and freeze it and the hash gets trapped. I myself have not tried it. Makes sense though. Happy Tuesday!! 😎✌️
End of Harvest Day 2

I did not have fun today. I think you can see the way these buds are, it’s the biggest PITA wet trim ever. Ugh. Wet or dry it is a PITA plant. Try to finish tomorrow. My back hurts and my fingers are crampy. :laugh:




Then we were down to the final box! This still represents hours, but there is a peek of light at the end of the tunnel.

Here’s what’s left to do and the remnants. I may put this dead husk in the ground for the next people who live here. It’ll either stay a dead husk in the ground and become a petrified tree, or she may even sprout some leaves and start over. But I would not bet on the latter. I beat this plant up pretty good. And she is getting her revenge now and laughing at me.

Bye girl. You were amazing and weird and wonderful. And fucking productive as all get out.


It is done.

The pain of wet trimming to completion an entire large plant is offset by the knowledge that now all I have to do is snip and jar. Heh.


End of Harvest Day 2

I did not have fun today. I think you can see the way these buds are, it’s the biggest PITA wet trim ever. Ugh. Wet or dry it is a PITA plant. Try to finish tomorrow. My back hurts and my fingers are crampy. :laugh:




Trimming sucks, especially when it’s like a full time gig. But you’re making progress amigo. CL🍀
Jon those all look so tasty! When exactly is moving day?
Thanks @Gee64! Well, the movers come take all the infrastructure of the entire house, except my stuff, on July 21. At that point my parents are out and in Pa awaiting the truck. I stay here and go up as soon as they get the stairmaster to the upstairs suite (my living space at first) installed. No f-ing way am I sending my massive amount of weed infrastructure, which represents basically the only material things besides my music stuff I give a shit about, with an 18-wheeler. I’m taking it separate in a small tow behind U-Haul driven by my buddy, who I then fly back to Florida. So I figure I’m up there by August 1, and will certainly be up and running before September 1 in the brand new perfect space. Big ass grow. Thanks for asking. It’s been a long time coming.
Jon those all look so tasty! When exactly is moving day?
Also - the Strawberry Banana has some slightly burned leaf action but what you see there is the extent of it. Not bad.
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