Autos Under A Mars Hydro FC 4800: Soilless & FN Fertilizer, By Farside05

Very nice garden @farside05
I like what you have done with the place.

I am going to trying a couple auto's in my next grow; I normally do fem's and reg.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

If you find a good breeder and/or strain, they can be very productive.
Over the next 10 days you might have one wedged between the light bars! :eek:

I've got a good deal of space left to raise the light.
Day 34

Cleaned up the bottoms and fed them all 2 gallons each of the 10's. They look a little sad here because they were dry, just fed an hour earlier, and snapped the photos just as lights came on. Give them 4 hours and i'm sure they will be their normal perky selves.

They perked back up as expected. Raised the light a little more today in response to some stretching.


Question: this - Raised the light a little more today in response to some stretching.

Can you please expound a little? Do you want more or less stretch? What’s your goal? And how much did you raise the light?


Question: this - Raised the light a little more today in response to some stretching.

Can you please expound a little? Do you want more or less stretch? What’s your goal? And how much did you raise the light?


Raised it about 2" primarily for the back right plant. She's stretching the most, rightfully so since she seems the most mature. Just trying to keep her from getting too close/too much light and bleaching out.
Day 37

Looking a little sad again. I had just watered them 3 hours prior to the photo so they'll probably look better in the AM.

Back right leaves are looking a little pale on the ends. Is that from the light being too close?

I believe that to be the case although some pics of Tropicana Cookies Purple show it as a mix of green, yellow, and red. So part of it could be the strain but I would think that color change would be later in it's development. I keep hoping she stops stretching and the others start to catch up but that hasn't been the case. I raised the light some more again tonight. She had stretched to where the lux was 72k.
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