Auto Growers Unite: A Community Thread

Sex is sex you want a girl...Ok I will apologize.. I have never bought a non-femenized auto seed. I know the seeds can hermie... etc.... I have grown quite a few and I have yet to have one...

But this is on the other branch...

1st Ever Grow - 450w LED - Blueberry Kush Auto & Dark Devil Auto

Those are male flowers also you for sure have a male. If it was a Hermi you would also see 2 random white pistils at the fan leaf and the stem "The Node" Male flowers look like a bunch of yellow bananas!!! Live-Love-Learn
phenos can tamper with maturing ... most plant will show sex starting from 2-3 weeks after germ ...some will show in extreme cases after as many as 6 months (100% sativa) ...

patience is the mother of all succesfull grows ... being impatient will for sure make you fuck up...

100% agree, just was curious to know. I thought I saw some girly parts but wasn't sure and didn't want to not look into it...
Q: how can i diagnose a saltbuildup in the medium ? i mean is this why my runoff is still to acidic after running 30l of phed water through my 10l pottingsoil

satursday i have the house for myself ... maybe i should flush again with unph'ed tapwater at 8.5 ish to compensate for runoff being around 5 ish ...i can do it in bathroom then hehe without the misses around to nag or go ballistic after she sees the plant sitting in the tub hehe

100% agree, just was curious to know. I thought I saw some girly parts but wasn't sure and didn't want to not look into it...

I suggest you start a journal if haven't already. Your questions can get lost on this thread as it is huge and has many, many people posting in it also. You are welcome to PM after your 50 posts are met. Pennywise and Demonic Angel are beyond helpful if you ask them. Sorry if I sounded gruff above, Why I dropped the apology in.
I'm looking for some insight on when to flip my auto northern lights ? I'm at day 37 since popping out of the soil and started bloom nutrients today. I topped at day 18 and started lst. This is my second auto grow the first one I flipped on day 50 and the yield was very light and airy buds so I could use some help. I'm running a 400watt hps 20/4 temps at 82*f. For the most part and Rh around 50% . Thanks for the help 420ers
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