Auto Growers Unite: A Community Thread

Sounds like therein lies your problem. I have no idea what soil you used, but I would probably have added more nutes well before week 7.

I would tend to agree if I didn't have the same strains under the same regimen, with considerably more development. I was wondering...human siblings often don't grow at the same rate. I wonder if plants are the same?
If your run off ph is so low, try adding a sprinkle of dolomite (garden lime) on top of the soil. If you don't have dolomite, just make sure your nute solution has a ph of at least 7 - 7.5
I would tend to agree if I didn't have the same strains under the same regimen, with considerably more development. I was wondering...human siblings often don't grow at the same rate. I wonder if plants are the same?

Absolutely! You can indeed find different plants within the same strain growing vastly differently, especially with today's hybrids. Try a search on phenotypes and you will see what I mean.
Im flushing as we speak but... the runoff keeps at ph 4-5 even after 30 liters of phed tap water at 6.5 runoff stays at between 4-5 ...
i dont get it ...
also it stays orangy in color ... well dimmer now but still...
anyway next 5l will be 1/2 strength and then it'll have to do ... my wife is starting to complain .... fter me using 1.5h to do the flush she said with that special tone "for that mutt in the basement u allocate alot of time but for our lawn u dont find time" i replied i cant smoke the lawn ;) well ... i thought it in myself that is hihi...
owkay, smoke then check the runoff and prep the feed ...


Dude... dealing with same stuff. Lol x100. I've got 12 mutts. She's pissed/freaked/over it. #stressed everyday. Hard to concentrate with that shit in your ear while watering and whatever. Oh well. Not too much longer I hope.
If your run off ph is so low, try adding a sprinkle of dolomite (garden lime) on top of the soil. If you don't have dolomite, just make sure your nute solution has a ph of at least 7 - 7.5

i dont have time to get lime i was thinking about it as that evens the soil out at 6.5i read... so for now ill water with 7.5 then to counterbalance abit

Dude... dealing with same shit. Lol x100. I've got 12 mutts. She's pissed/freaked/over it. #stressed everyday. Hard to concentrate with that shit in your ear while watering and whatever. Oh well. Not too much longer I hope.

Im flushing as we speak but... the runoff keeps at ph 4-5 even after 30 liters of phed tap water at 6.5 runoff stays at between 4-5 ...
i dont get it ...
also it stays orangy in color ... well dimmer now but still...
anyway next 5l will be 1/2 strength and then it'll have to do ... my wife is starting to complain .... fter me using 1.5h to do the flush she said with that special tone "for that mutt in the basement u allocate alot of time but for our lawn u dont find time" i replied i cant smoke the lawn ;) well ... i thought it in myself that is hihi...
owkay, smoke then check the runoff and prep the feed ...

Same... as it's not legal here my girlfriends always so paranoid about it. I told her as long as her mouth stays shut no one will know and we will be fine. She doesn't smoke at all. Luckily it's been decriminalized so the 4 plants i have will be a slap on the wrist with a fine and them confiscating my grow equipment. As long as I'm not selling I'm not too worried.

My first grow Mars II 1600w coco grow -- 1600W LED 5x5 Tent
Hey PT,

do you understand how the different minerals are taken up at different ph levels?

Here's a chart that can help if you're not too familiar


As you can see, it is vital to get your ph above 6 for the phosphorous to be taken up and boy do you need phosphorous now!
Hey PT,

do you understand how the different minerals are taken up at different ph levels?

Here's a chart that can help if you're not too familiar

As you can see, it is vital to get your ph above 6 for the phosphorous to be taken up and boy do you need phosphorous now!

Yes i do understand... studied biotechnics in highschool


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Same... as it's not legal here my girlfriends always so paranoid about it. I told her as long as her mouth stays shut no one will know and we will be fine. She doesn't smoke at all. Luckily it's been decriminalized so the 4 plants i have will be a slap on the wrist with a fine and them confiscating my grow equipment. As long as I'm not selling I'm not too worried.

My first grow Mars II 1600w coco grow -- 1600W LED 5x5 Tent

I hear ya. Sadly, I just want it to be over. This will be my 1st & only grow in my state. Until I get to a friendly place, or out in a less populated area, I'm done. That is, unless I can get a place with my own room for it. Who the heck am I kidding. I love this. Hope I can keep at least 1 or 2 autos in the pot year round for my own use of course. I wouldn't dare sell this. I grew this man!!
I hear ya. Sadly, I just want it to be over. This will be my 1st & only grow in my state. Until I get to a friendly place, or out in a less populated area, I'm done. That is, unless I can get a place with my own room for it. Who the heck am I kidding. I love this. Hope I can keep at least 1 or 2 autos in the pot year round for my own use of course. I wouldn't dare sell this. I grew this man!!
They're a big tree but we're a small axe bro!

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Same... as it's not legal here my girlfriends always so paranoid about it. I told her as long as her mouth stays shut no one will know and we will be fine. She doesn't smoke at all. Luckily it's been decriminalized so the 4 plants i have will be a slap on the wrist with a fine and them confiscating my grow equipment. As long as I'm not selling I'm not too worried.

My first grow Mars II 1600w coco grow -- 1600W LED 5x5 Tent

Well, perhaps you could explain to me why the nutrients are taken up at different ph levels in soil and hydro. :)

Well I have no freaking idea, but is it because soil already has nutrients & hydro doesn't? See. Told ya I had no idea. Now. Going to google to get the answer if I can. Peace y'all smart M effers. Lol. Sorry, but I went to public school!!
In soil there are bacteria that work the nutrients in absorbable elements... they are not present in hydro so u need the chemical ferts ready to be absorbed at the proper ph... bacteria in soil will try to regulate ph Which makes soil more forgiving... this is out the top of my mind and maybe incomplete...


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Same... as it's not legal here my girlfriends always so paranoid about it. I told her as long as her mouth stays shut no one will know and we will be fine. She doesn't smoke at all. Luckily it's been decriminalized so the 4 plants i have will be a slap on the wrist with a fine and them confiscating my grow equipment. As long as I'm not selling I'm not too worried.

My first grow Mars II 1600w coco grow -- 1600W LED 5x5 Tent my wife let's me grow as many as I want and it's illegal here too but hopefully only until next summer. She let's me extract even the BHO method.... what's funny is I am not aloud a moonshine still but I can can get a frac still for pure well I guess I can't have it
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