Auto Growers Unite: A Community Thread my wife let's me grow as many as I want and it's illegal here too but hopefully only until next summer. She let's me extract even the BHO method.... what's funny is I am not aloud a moonshine still but I can can get a frac still for pure well I guess I can't have it

weed is imo alot less dangerous then alcohol ... if you think away the criminal aspect...
also ... what will they replace the lost tax income from tobacco ?? since more ppl do e-cigs they will eventually allow cannabis so they can make up for the lost cash cow named tobacco and replace it by a cash cow that is worth more then alcohol and tobacco together in tax revenue. once they smell the money many govs will change their laws ... wait for more and more peeps to vape and drop tobacco. :)


Please don't tell me this is what I think it is .

1st Ever Grow - 450w LED - Blueberry Kush Auto & Dark Devil Auto
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