Auto Grow

Yea mate cupping of the leafes is a symptom of rootbound plants.took me alot of reading to find this out but it is true mate.i had no slow growth or yellowing or spotting which is typical signs of rootbound.and i added a second fan thinking it was temps but no change.the leafes were still cupped after lights out so i knew something was cut bottom off pot off she was rootbound.its been 2 days since i put her in a bigger pot and the plant looks loads better in everyway so im sure i did the right thing.thanks for stopping head over ur way now ;)
Good day all.just gave the autos there second feed 2.5 ml of a and b to 1 litre of water of sensi grow advanced nutrients ph perfect.these autos are 32 days old today and growing fast here is a quick pic until update day on monday;) happy growing every1:)
Thanks alot atrain mate they growing quick everyday raising the light a little hope dont run out of height .but all have preflowers so im hoping the stretch is not gona go far .time well tell ;)
U picked a perfect time then mate because soon preflowers will show and ur lovely ladies will start to flower;) good work;)
Well good evening all :) just here make a few notes and were fed lastnight and thats the only time i get to see these ladies once every evening so basically waterd and left to do what they want.also i have had the light as close as i can to the plants without burning them so had to raise it everyday with the stretch they grew that quick.i did this hoping they dont grow to tall as im restricted to about 5 foot max so time will tell.i just been to check on them tnite and they have enjoyed there feed so much so that all 3 autos have doubled in width in 24 hours i was very shocked when i opend the tent just beasts and so healthy made me smile:) they are all drinking a litre and a half of water each everyday.and all showed preflowers at the same time so all are at the same pace which is very good because sometimes that doesnt happen with autos as some people will know;) have a great day every1:)
Think there 11 litre pots mate i dont mind watering them everyday thats how i like it so i know there eating well;) autoultimate pot i think slightly bigger not as tall but wider deeper pot. There all in perfect dark green leaf health not 1 yellow leaf:);) these 3 autos are under 600 watt hps.thanks for stopping by;)
When i update with pics on monday ul see why there drinking so much.there not small plants made full use of the space they have in the tent so all good ;)
I feel for u mate i do tents are very cheap mate value for money.outdoors to me just the thought of bugs and stuff on my ladies and unpredictable weather i dont think il ever attempt outdoors. i taught myself to grow with a tent from the beginning and love the results:) maybe u could invest in a tent or make ur own outdoor shed / tent;)
I have not checked there hight as yet at a guess id say 2 foot at the mo maybe alittle more.and i never use finger method for watering i go by the weight of the pots. A mate gives them half a litre each at dinner time each day then i give another 1 litre each on eveving to see them through the night .they all hold every drop no run off.and these seeds are big yielders mate i went for something extra special than normal this run;) its paying off upto now:)
Ok, weight of pot is better, easier method, can't do that under screen. :)

Mm, you think give water spread out 2 times daily is more good?

When autos change closet gonna test,adjust, and try blumat irrigation.


Curious what final yield will be, looks promising. :high-five:
I arnt sure if watering 2 times a day makes any diffrence i just told my mate to give them that half litre at dinner as i didnt want them to wilt from 2 dry.then i give a litre at night works out spot on cause there just dry enough on the evening to hold there full litre;):)
i dunno maybe im not watering them enough the biggest i've had was just under 1m with maybe 80gr on her but againit was outdoor on my terrace check my thread she was the strike auto i water/feed every two days or so
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