Auto Grow

And here is autoultimate;)
Well i been observing bagseed lady for a few days as she had cupping up leafes on the edges.i have added a second fan thinking it was temps but no i have read up alot and this upward cupping is also a sign ur plant is rootbound here is a pic of the leafes for u to see;)
I did it this way cutting bottom of pot off and sitting in another pot as this is the best way of not shocking the plant or interupting the roots or slow down any growth.plant has shown no signs of stress from this now just gota wait and see if the leafes straighten out;) hope this info helps sombody someday:) this plant is now 2 foot 10 inch tall from the top of the pot to the top of the plant.i belive i have given her a better chance of loving her flowering period. Have a great day every1;)
Good day all.just like to say bagseed this morning is looking great.her leafes arnt as dry as they were yesterday she has gone back to her normal darker green colour and a fresh feel has apeared back in all leafes.she just had anothet trim and tied into her final position for the budding phase and to get her away from the light abit and make use of the full space of the tent.pulled all 4 main colas out let light in all more tying up now for this lady she will be left alone now il just trim leafes as it flowers if she gets some pics ;) good day all.
Also fgot to mentioned i replaced the bulb in the light lastnight in the small tent for the bagseed.brand new 600 bulb for flower she should enjoy the rest of her life;) happy growing every1;)
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