Auto Grow

And here is think different automatic:);)will update with pics of ladies in another weeks time.happy growing every1;)
this was bagseed number 1right at the very begining of her training.she has come along way;)
this plant is now 10 days into flower.and she just had another trim and a tie down.thought id snap some pics to show you how i trained her before all the leafes grow back again;) this will be her 3rd haircut upto now and i have continued to keep all bottom growth gone and getting a good number of colas for flower.i have removed alot of nodes and some new growth also along the way so she isnt so crouded. Time will tell if it all pays off. happy growing every1
These 3 auto plants just had there first feed of sensi grow advanced nutrients part a n b. Ph perfect .2.5 of each.full dose these are sturdys girls now 4 weeks old on monday update on monday with pics;)
Yea mate there first feed.they havnt shown any signs of hunger but there getting bigger each day as ul see from pics tmz so i know they will enjoy there feed and grow even faster.all they had before that wad just 2 lots of takeroot for good roots .as u say looking very healthy so very happy;) thanks mate
Well today is sunday here in the uk. Update day for the bagseed.thia plant is 14 days inton12/12 today stretch is coming to an end and pistils and flowerimg growth is starting to are some pics of the lady.happy growing every1;)
Update day tomorrow for acid auto think different automatic and autoultimate these plants are beasts now cnt wait to show u all tmz.peace;)
Mono and medfarmer thanks alot friends for the kind words ;) all plants are doing great so im very happy just hoping my bagseed repays my love with some huge stinking bud;) il continue to try my update tomorrow just been to check on them and found it hard not to snap a pic right there .but tomorrow il wait and even more growth .there right monsters and this first time i have not topped my autos so hoping i can keep them in hand ul see my point tmz when u see the pics. Happy growing every1 on 420 mag i love this place;):)
Good evening and day to all.its monday evening here in the uk and its auto update time;) these autos are 28 days old today and beauties they have become;) here is acid auto:)
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