Appleberry & BabyBoom Autos: Meds In LOS

The fair Babyboom is coming along nicely. Not a leaf ever discolored, just green and slightly shiny, and not many of them too! I'd say an acceptable auto in my tent as long as her meds are good for us she's invited back. Unlike lady Appleberry hardly flowering still after 4 days in 12/12. She's cramping our style getting so big in the 3 x 3. Some of those giant paws are coming off soon when the Appleberries have to come back home in 5 more days I believe when I pot up the 4 photos to 10 gallon bags. I got some pics today of the dime size budz.

You're right, SO. They are lovely and green. Great Job, man. So, you're going to take down the autos and then flip the photo's? Cool. Cheers
You're right, SO. They are lovely and green. Great Job, man. So, you're going to take down the autos and then flip the photo's? Cool. Cheers
Hey Bode. I'm going to trying to get the auto Apple berries to flower @ 12/12 in the Mars tent while the auto babybooms get 18/6 in the Nextlight tent. In 5 days or so the photo tent will need to get potted up and will force them to cohabitate in the mars tent again hopefully jumpstarted into flower and back to 18/6. Those Appleberries got stuck and are throwing a wrench in my original plan. If I have to finish the autos in 12/12 I will but not my first or second choice. I'm really hoping the appleberries click into flower and stay there.
There's no way to test it, but I really wonder if moving an auto to 12/12 sends it into flower if it wasn't going to anyway.
Well these 2 have been there for 5 days. I have 5 more days before I want to switch back. No sign yet of fast flowering but stretch looks like it kicked in. I might have to go with 12/12 to finish the last few weeks of the real auto. That might be the only way to appease the monster. We'll see then.
No, not at all! I just mean that if it wants to flower on day 60, does moving it into 12/12 on day 40 make it change its mind? I personally don't think that's how autoflowers work.

On the other side, if it's a mis-labeled photo, moving it to 12/12 will definitely send it into flower!
I see. The breeder says 65 days. That's one reason I buddied them up with the others. Same finish times. I'm not sure if it's stuck or mislabeled. Maybe I'm 60% sure it's stuck. It didn't grow tall in the 50 days of veg so far as a photo would. The stem at the base is 3 times the thickness of a plant that tall too. I don't know what to think of that other than it has potential to produce. :)
It could really be an Appleberry plant that just does not carry the auto gene. If they did not cross it to auto dom plants for enough generations it can happen. It seems like you have to bring a cross to the F4 generation or beyond to get 100% autos out of it, or as close as you can get anyways.
I can see that happening. This plant is strong for sure and likely going to do some producing!
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