Appleberry & BabyBoom Autos: Meds In LOS

Looking good mate,the baby boom I ran a few years back exploded once it hit flowering time
I'm down there today wondering when it's going to happen so I lifted some of her leaves and there's a whole lot of leaf growth going on down there, it just hasn't gone past the big fans yet. 30 days give or take a few now so any day now I hope. How did it yield for you?
Mine started the stretch around day 30,went from around 1ft to around 3.5ft in a couple weeks.I think I ended up with 60ish grams + maybe 15 of larf
Nice! I can see they are starting to that right now at day 33. They are opening up and coming out! 1 foot is the current height. They're very succulent! Here we go! Edit: Actually it is day 31 today.
Just wanted to swing through and wish you Happy Holidays. Hope the season is filled with love & family.

From mine, to yours...
Merry Christmas

(Sorry, it's a cut & paste, I've got 4 pages of ppl to catch up with)
Another message I would have liked to have read back when the give was in progress.
Teach me for not keeping current with the Stone. :)
Don't help my alerts don't work so well.
Seen you sneaking around otter...we're gonna need an update! Also, belated happy new year: :party:
Whew brother lets see if I have a pic and can make a few words. Nope, just the appleberry never flowered before I got sick so I put them to 12/12 2 days ago and put the 2 baby booms which are flowering like crazy in the veg tent until they settle into flowering hopefully themselves. I have to water in a while. Picks then. I'm slower than I was but maybe better. Let's see.
Good morning, the appleberries are three days into 12/12 and have not really felt nudged into flower yet. Soon I hope. I removed the babybooms to the nextlight tent for their 16 hour blast of light. This has to work in the next few days as the neighbors need to get potted up and take place in the tent leaving no room for the autos.
The northern lights dud is showing milky trichomes and in with the appleberries now. It's on drought now for trichome building. Won't last more than a couple of days being in the 1 gal pot. Maybe a half oz in there. I wasn't expecting it to be northern lights however it smells just like the ones I grew a few years ago so I'm happy with that. Buds are dense too. Here's the BB's and northern lights.

Lol, why is it a dud? :hmmmm: Looks pretty great to me!!
What double H said! And I like that one faded leaf too :).
Good question! I too think the little leaf is the cutest thing. On the reality side of life though the plant is a northern lights photo planted with the others. (stankberries, blue dream cbd, northern lights) I was to have 2 northern lights but this one went into flower automatically while her sister went on to veg to this day. Fortunately the stankberries went 2 for 3 females so I have a full tent to grow. She is a cutie with milky trichs and getting thirsty(drought) as I type. Funny how much she smells like the canuk nl autos my first grow consisted of. I'm convinced she's nl. I don't know why she'd auto flower like that.
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