Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

Big fat healthy 11-bladed fans? Hey, I don' ever remember that being anything but good! Suweet! :thumb:
Nice ....:passitleft:

Thanks Duggan. Right back atcha :passitleft:

Those are some lovely looking ladies Ween! :thumb:

Thanks Yeti! I can only imagine how they're gong to thrive once they're in the #15's! :morenutes:

Big fat healthy 11-bladed fans? Hey, I don' ever remember that being anything but good! Suweet! :thumb:

Thanks Gray! I'm really happy with them! :blunt:

It does seem like something is chomping on some of the leaves. I've looked on the bottom side of the leaves and saw no evidence of bugs, there are not that many chewed up leaves but I'm seeing more than the other day so something is up. You can just barely see it in my last pic if you enlarge, the top plant, left large fan. Any suggestions?
Ill pick up some yellow sticky traps. Suggestions for leaf wash? I think doc has some. There are no more than 5 or 6 spots that were chewed but take a look at the 2 close ups and a few other pics during their trans dunk. Some serious FIM action and one pic with no flash which I prefer.





Ill pick up some yellow sticky traps. Suggestions for leaf wash? I think doc has some. There are no more than 5 or 6 spots that were chewed but take a look at the 2 close ups and a few other pics during their trans dunk. Some serious FIM action and one pic with no flash which I prefer.






Are we sure that is not DAMAGE From the FIM ? I get that after I FIM and damage the
other shoots

Not seen until it grows out
Are we sure that is not DAMAGE From the FIM ? I get that after I FIM and damage the
other shoots

Not seen until it grows out

It has that look to me, too. :hmmmm: Made me wonder if the cat might have had a moment or two at some time in the past, to sniff and taste and nibble. Is there any way to tell how old the damage actually is? Just one test bite could cause FIM damage that could grow out like that ...

Jus' has a non-pest sorta look to it.
Looking good!!!

Thanks Stoney!

They're all jarred up. I was hoping for more but I'll take 10 1/2 zips. It's weird how it broke down, or maybe it's not, I kept the 3 plants separate when I hung them to dry, 99, 98 and 97 grams for a total of 294 and 10.5 zips on the button. Nice fragrant sticky buds! :Rasta:

After that, I cleared out the 4X4, pulled down the light and gave her a good wipe down, took down the fan filter combo and pulled the pre filter, gonna just buy a pre filter, put my other fan up for the mean time no filter needed, pulled the spill thingy and cleaned it and under it, wiped down the walls, tied the main power strip and fan speed control to one of the poles with zip ties and put it all back together moving my lil veg girls in to their new home. Broke down the 2X2.5 veg tent.

Right now the girls are on the ground, the Goliath is all the way to the top of the tent so it's 4 1/2' from the light to the plants. There is rigid insulation under the tent and then an under rug heater so floor is warm. Wondering if I should put the #15's in there upside down to raise the plants up? If so, should I wait a day or two to do that?

Nice haul bud! It should get you and the boss through for a bit! :high-five: :goodjob:

Ha, thanks Yeti! I should hope so since it's all for the boss. Forgot to mention that I gave her a sample and she was blown away by the taste and took her only 2 hits and she smokes a lot. Said it was a very heady buzz. It's only going to get better with the cure!

Congrats Ween!
She stankin huh?
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