Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

Thanks Stage! Follow up question. Is it ok to have the veg tent lights out temps at 73-74 or should I try to get that down some?

If not mistaken I believe we are looking for a 10 deg difference between the day and night temps,
so I shoot for 79f day 69f night
Thanks Gazoo! One day, I'll have better control of my environment. Probably when I go forward and build a dedicated grow shed.


Oh I wish my environment was under control, The only control
unit at the time is ME :) We continue to improve it, run by run,
so as long as we are moving forward were working it
Thanks Gazoo! One day, I'll have better control of my environment. Probably when I go forward and build a dedicated grow shed.


That would be nice! A completely environmentally controller shed, big enough for a dedicated veg and flower area! Right now I am at about 48 Sq ft of flowering room and probably 20 or so sq feet of veg space. So theoretically an 8x10 shed would suffice so long as I need no room to move or cook soil :laughtwo:
That would be nice! A completely environmentally controller shed, big enough for a dedicated veg and flower area! Right now I am at about 48 Sq ft of flowering room and probably 20 or so sq feet of veg space. So theoretically an 8x10 shed would suffice so long as I need no room to move or cook soil :laughtwo:

Things sure seem to SNOWBALL on us don't they, its like
when you Build up a Car everything added affects 3 other things
Thanks Stage! Follow up question. Is it ok to have the veg tent lights out temps at 73-74 or should I try to get that down some?

Thats fine man.
The lights out to lights on difference is important too.
Oh I wish my environment was under control, The only control
unit at the time is ME :) We continue to improve it, run by run,
so as long as we are moving forward were working it

M pretty much the controller. I have the temp controller but it's really only a fail safe for low temps which will only happen if or should I say when we get sub zero temps again.

That would be nice! A completely environmentally controller shed, big enough for a dedicated veg and flower area! Right now I am at about 48 Sq ft of flowering room and probably 20 or so sq feet of veg space. So theoretically an 8x10 shed would suffice so long as I need no room to move or cook soil :laughtwo:

Why not up it to 8X12? Wondering what it would cost to build, thinking 5-7k but then add in an AC/head unit and 2 controllers and bam, 10k! I already have most everything else I'd need.

Things sure seem to SNOWBALL on us don't they, its like
when you Build up a Car everything added affects 3 other things

Yup, my shed just went from 5k to 10k in an instant! :rofl:

Thats fine man.
The lights out to lights on difference is important too.

I guess that was my concern Stage. Day and night is pretty similar. Day is 75-80 and night is 72-74. Moving to the big tent is going to raise the daytime temps by 4-7 degrees but night will be about the same.
M pretty much the controller. I have the temp controller but it's really only a fail safe for low temps which will only happen if or should I say when we get sub zero temps again.

Why not up it to 8X12? Wondering what it would cost to build, thinking 5-7k but then add in an AC/head unit and 2 controllers and bam, 10k! I already have most everything else I'd need.

Yup, my shed just went from 5k to 10k in an instant! :rofl:

I guess that was my concern Stage. Day and night is pretty similar. Day is 75-80 and night is 72-74. Moving to the big tent is going to raise the daytime temps by 4-7 degrees but night will be about the same.

If I were to actually do it I would go 10x12 probably. But I really could just build rooms where my tents are and control it better that way. I have considered just partitioning off the part of the basement the tents sit it and trying to control temps that way. i am sure if I built a shed 10k would be spent really easily. Where as I already have circuits ran to my grow area and I could really just build a couple of 8x6 rooms for fairly cheap. I priced it out at one point and it was about $1000 in material without insulating it. If I used paneling and not sheetrock it would have been cheaper. One of my issues is rearranging where my outlets are. The circuits for the big tent are over head as opposed to along a wall.
Can 33 pre filter question - to clean or replace? They're about $15 which seems like a lot so am thinking of cleaning. If you reccomend cleaning, should I do it by hand and air dry or put in the washer/dryer?

Is it a big deal if lights on temps get down to 68? They ar usually 75-80 but my lovely lady opened the window last night, temps were at 68-69 for a couple hours.

Have a rockin day and weekend!


Evenin to ya Ween...throw that pre-filter out. It's had it! If you try and wash it ,..ya , it will come clean but will lose it's integrity.What ive been doing Ween is i am able to grab some of that white filter mat'l that comes in a roll.It's used in big air handling units,..Neiko would know what im talkin about. Just make sure it's wide enough to completely cover the filter. Please don't wait to get that taken care of Ween,..if you keep that clean and fresh, the actual filter will last ,..well, mine is going on 6 yrs. now coupled to a Ostberg 6inch , inline,...running at between 70 - 80 %. bestest combo, .
Evenin to ya Ween...throw that pre-filter out. It's had it! If you try and wash it ,..ya , it will come clean but will lose it's integrity.What ive been doing Ween is i am able to grab some of that white filter mat'l that comes in a roll.It's used in big air handling units,..Neiko would know what im talkin about. Just make sure it's wide enough to completely cover the filter. Please don't wait to get that taken care of Ween,..if you keep that clean and fresh, the actual filter will last ,..well, mine is going on 6 yrs. now coupled to a Ostberg 6inch , inline,...running at between 70 - 80 %. bestest combo, .

OK, will do, thanks Duggan! I'll drop over to Neikos journal to ask for details on it.

My veg girls have been looking really great. Ones a little droopy now but you'll get the picture. Lotsa 11 bladed leaved and good color. One concern is it looks like something has been chomping on some leaves, not too many spots and I see no evidence of any bugs hanging around. See pic 1.





Hey bud!...ya mon, Yeti got it..Should take between 4 -6 days to reach proper dryness for further curing. Make sure there is NO air flow in drying room , and it's conditions for a slower proper dry. Tasty looking for sure . Great job Ween.

Thanks Duggan! I'm drying in the tent so no problem on darkness. I've always turned the regular fans off but left the intake and exhaust on, was that wrong, I.e should I turn them off? I feel like if I did that rh would skyrocket.
Perfect, thanks again! LOVE me the smell of some fresh MJ! The lady said skunk which I see a little, what I Keep getting is blueberry. I'm thinking yield is gonna be a good deal less than I was thinking. Maybe 10-12 zips when I was thinking 14-16. Should get us (her) through til the next round is ready, ha!:rofl:
Dag nab it! Yup your too late. Gray said it looked good so I went ahead and did the other 2. I guess there's no use crying over spilt milk or over trimmed plants, D'OH!

Here they are.






It's been 5 days since I pruned the crap out of them and they're already back to being major bushes. Need my harvest to dry so I can get them in the big tent! 3-5 more days.

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