Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

Pm sent Daj.

I think my blooming gals have stopped drinking. I gave em TD 4 days ago and the pots are still pretty heavy. I was planning on RO tonight and then GE in another 4 days but am wondering if I should skip the RO and go right to GE, what do you guys think?

Just my opinion, not a lot of experience with kit yet but I would go with the GE,
At this stage being so close to finish the clear water break will probably
not be needed
Thanks stage! I need to finish them on GE so will plan on that tonight unless someone says I shouldn't. Then how long before I should start the dark period? Ok to start that Sunday?

So you are saying I should clip those large fans? I'll need to give the 4X4 a good cleaning before they move on up but yes, time for them to get big!

Just thinking out loud but there must be a diminishing point were leaf clean up
is going to slow things down. Thinking these larger leafs are basically SOLAR PANELS
and there has to be a point were taking them will result in less energy for the plant
since the panels are now gone, Yes its a pull on the plants energy to keep them but
are they not producing there own energy ? I only take them when the plant is done
with them (very yellow)
I did a little research a couple years ago on hormone production and transportation within the plant. New growth, including new leaves, is an integral functioning part of the hormone process, while old fans are off to the side primarily producing carbohydrates. They're mostly unaffected by current hormones and produce very little themselves. If you prune new growth, it will produce hormones that encourage nearby growth. If you prune old growth, it has no real effect on the rest of the plant.

I'm not sure what I think about the plant consuming the leaf matter for fuel - I think that's probably not the case. Old yellow fans are fairly useless, the color attracts pests and they're ripe for fungi too. So, in my opinion, it's a tradeoff between some feeble carb production and risk of pests. I tend to remove them when they've lost most of their chlorophyll and their ability to produce carbs.
Thanks stage! I need to finish them on GE so will plan on that tonight unless someone says I shouldn't. Then how long before I should start the dark period? Ok to start that Sunday?

So you are saying I should clip those large fans? I'll need to give the 4X4 a good cleaning before they move on up but yes, time for them to get big!

High Ween,
Yes. Trim those large fans.
Don't go nuts.

Looking at the pics the leaves are covering the soil line. A no no.
I would say two to four fans per plant.
This is exactly the right time to take em. Why?Cause this is a prime time for shaping her.

You want to get those fans out the way so the growth shoots can get more light and extend away from the center stalk.

At this stage you plant has quite a ways to go so recovery time aint hardly anything to be worried about.
Your plants will thank you for the increased air circulation and light.
And you can thank me later.

Just thinking out loud but there must be a diminishing point were leaf clean up
is going to slow things down. Thinking these larger leafs are basically SOLAR PANELS
and there has to be a point were taking them will result in less energy for the plant
since the panels are now gone, Yes its a pull on the plants energy to keep them but
are they not producing there own energy ? I only take them when the plant is done
with them (very yellow)

Thanks Gazoo! I know it's a great debate, to prune or not to prune, that is the question. :passitleft:

I did a little research a couple years ago on hormone production and transportation within the plant. New growth, including new leaves, is an integral functioning part of the hormone process, while old fans are off to the side primarily producing carbohydrates. They're mostly unaffected by current hormones and produce very little themselves. If you prune new growth, it will produce hormones that encourage nearby growth. If you prune old growth, it has no real effect on the rest of the plant.

I'm not sure what I think about the plant consuming the leaf matter for fuel - I think that's probably not the case. Old yellow fans are fairly useless, the color attracts pests and they're ripe for fungi too. So, in my opinion, it's a tradeoff between some feeble carb production and risk of pests. I tend to remove them when they've lost most of their chlorophyll and their ability to produce carbs.

Thanks Gray! I'll trim them up shortly. :high-five:

Yes...follow Grays advise and words....they are sound!.....As usual...thanks Gray!

Yes, solid advice always from Gray! And a couple others on here.....:cool:

High Ween,
Yes. Trim those large fans.
Don't go nuts.

Looking at the pics the leaves are covering the soil line. A no no.
I would say two to four fans per plant.
This is exactly the right time to take em. Why?Cause this is a prime time for shaping her.

You want to get those fans out the way so the growth shoots can get more light and extend away from the center stalk.

At this stage you plant has quite a ways to go so recovery time aint hardly anything to be worried about.
Your plants will thank you for the increased air circulation and light.
And you can thank me later.


Thanks again Stage! I'll trim them and post some pics.

If I give GE tonight, when would be ideal time to start dark period and would Sunday be ok, chop on Monday?
Hey Ween,..your plan is good...i would follow it thru! The dark period is NOT to increase resin...remember that OK. It's just to give the plants time to 'dump' their fluids and nutrients back into the soil it?This is when it's best to chop..after these fluids are 'out' of the plant,..before she starts to pull them back up for the start of each day. cheers Ween , Gazoo, Gray and gang!
Sorry to keep bothering you guys. I did one but felt like I went a little heavy so wanted to see what you guys think before I go forward with the other 2.





Leaves clipped, 7 large fans and about 6 smaller ones.

Hey ever see me cut that much off? FFS. When they are very small, it's best to let them grow man...stop cutting off all the good healthy leaves....go easy Ween. Try just taking the very bottom stuff off for now,..leave everything else. Too late arn't i...

They will grow back,...but that is not the best practice for high brix plants. Too much taken off. Those small shoots will do without fuel now , from all those leaves, get it bud?
Hey ever see me cut that much off? FFS. When they are very small, it's best to let them grow man...stop cutting off all the good healthy leaves....go easy Ween. Try just taking the very bottom stuff off for now,..leave everything else. Too late arn't i...

Dag nab it! Yup your too late. Gray said it looked good so I went ahead and did the other 2. I guess there's no use crying over spilt milk or over trimmed plants, D'OH!

Here they are.





Ween , , i don't mean get in your way , you are doing a fantastic job, cultivating a lot of top shelf weed,'s just that that's a touchy subject with me and there is history with other growers and friends. I have proven many times , to myself and others , that plants on the smaller side , grow better , bigger, faster if most of that growth is left on. I'm not saying they won't recover , and do well , but at a cost. Just my thoughts , Ween.

Just took a look ,...they are fine . Next time do the very same , but don't come up the branch quite as far , know what i mean. You have basically removed everything from the top 'knot' down. Next time try leaving the next set of leaves on , but all below those removed.
The structure is good and solid , nice and green,..looks good Ween.
Nah, those would have been goners anyway. Take 'em now or take 'em later. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I had Duggan's reaction at first when I saw that they weren't faded old fans, but the ones you pruned would have been pretty weak and useless with a week or two anyway. No biggie. Doc trims his like you did, so it can't be all bad. :cheesygrinsmiley::slide:

They look mahvelous!
Nah, those would have been goners anyway. Take 'em now or take 'em later. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I had Duggan's reaction at first when I saw that they weren't faded old fans, but the ones you pruned would have been pretty weak and useless with a week or two anyway. No biggie. Doc trims his like you did, so it can't be all bad. :cheesygrinsmiley::slide:

They look mahvelous!

I am really going to have a VERY HARD time doing this to HER,
even if its for Her own Good

Probably be apologizing the whole time
I was thinking maybe a few too many leaves were cut off for such a small plant but I think they will bounce back and those new colas will stretch out more. She's a healthy plant so I bet it won't even be an issue in a month!

Thanks J! I felt weird about doing it which is why I asked after the first one. Maybe I should've waited a little longer for more responses but I'm so damn impetuous.

Ween , , i don't mean get in your way , you are doing a fantastic job, cultivating a lot of top shelf weed,'s just that that's a touchy subject with me and there is history with other growers and friends. I have proven many times , to myself and others , that plants on the smaller side , grow better , bigger, faster if most of that growth is left on. I'm not saying they won't recover , and do well , but at a cost. Just my thoughts , Ween.

Duggan, I'm not sure what you mean bout getting in my way, I'd be no where without all of your support. Again, I probably should have waited before I did the others and maybe I would have trimmed em differently. To be honest, I was not even thinking about trimming them until today and had already trimmed a bunch of lower leaves. Those large fans were covering all the new shoots so the advice I got earlier made sense to me so I went for it. I'll try to store this in my memory for next time and will keep more of those healthy upper leaves until they're a little bigger. I've gotten lots of good advice from a lot of great growers but you by far have beenthe biggest help of all and it's much appreciated so I hope you'll stick with me brother! :Namaste:

Nah, those would have been goners anyway. Take 'em now or take 'em later. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I had Duggan's reaction at first when I saw that they weren't faded old fans, but the ones you pruned would have been pretty weak and useless with a week or two anyway. No biggie. Doc trims his like you did, so it can't be all bad. :cheesygrinsmiley::slide:

They look mahvelous!

Thanks Gray! I may have slowed em down a bit but like stage said, they've got a long ways to go, especially since they'll each have 15 gallons of 1st run soil to get busy in.

Thanks everyone for the insight and help! I'm hoping this will be my best crop yet.
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