Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

My usb scope is still working. Not sure how good the pics are but I feel like it's still mostly clear and cloudy with just a couple ambers.






These pics are from 4 days ago and they showed mostly clear and cloudy with only a few ambers. With no pistils, I need to gauge the harvest window on trichs and if they're still drinking which they are but I am curious about how many days they will finish early because I changed​ the lighting schedule, backing off 1/2 hour so far 2 times so from 12/12 and now at 11/13. Previous harvests of this strain were right at 70 days and they're at 59 now.

The plan is trans drench tomorrow, 3 or 4 days later RO, 3 or 4 days later GE then harvest in 2-4 days.

My COGS - Coked out Girl Scout is looking increadable! Pics later.
I know I have been contributing to the journal but I have just finally finished reading all of it. I enjoyed reading all of it and seeing you have some really good success with the kit very early on. Those money makers were funky but I ma glad you decided to give that first one that you cloned a chance. I look forward to seeing pictures of the COGS! :high-five:

Wow Yeti! I'm honored that you took the time to read through my journal and that you enjoyed it! I am so glad that I found And switched to doc kit, I love it and my GF loves the produce I grow her. I only did 1 grow prior and hated ph'ing the water up and down and flushing. I too am glad I stuck it out with the money maker but am looking forward to having some buds with pistils again and a BIG thanks to you for suggesting the CSI and specifically sweet pink stink and that wonky seller which had the best prices around. I can't wait to get these girls each into #15's of Doc's soil but am gonna veg them for a while to take full advantage of all that awesome soil! I actually just topped all 3. COGS looks ok but this morning she looked amazing. They all look pretty great. Environment has been good.






All 3
Thanks Bud! When you get a chance, I'd love to see a couple pics of what you got going on.

So my cogs is back to looking really great this am, I'm guessing it's the 15 hours of light she got. The slightly droopy looking pic was 3 hours after lights on, last pic. By weight, I think veg girls will be ready for water/feed in the next day or two. Last was trans water just a few days ago then before that was a strong TD at 2.5 oz plus 3ml of tea in 2.5-3 gals of water. Doc, what do you suggest? GE?



My plants are looking pretty scary at the moment. I have just started to try and mitigate my cold night temps and I hope that will help things look better. I took my Mendo Purple Urkle a week or so ago and have been meaning to post the pics I took of it before I chopped. I thought my pics were better than they are but here they are:


Also here are some pics of the last Pineapple Fields I chopped. This is final trim after dry:


Hopefully my plants will start loooking better soon and I will get back to taking pics then..
Thanks Bud! When you get a chance, I'd love to see a couple pics of what you got going on.

So my cogs is back to looking really great this am, I'm guessing it's the 15 hours of light she got. The slightly droopy looking pic was 3 hours after lights on, last pic. By weight, I think veg girls will be ready for water/feed in the next day or two. Last was trans water just a few days ago then before that was a strong TD at 2.5 oz plus 3ml of tea in 2.5-3 gals of water. Doc, what do you suggest? GE?




Bringing this post to page 100 just in case. What do you think doc?

Hope you plants turn around soon Yeti! That pineapple looks tasty! Is the purple urkle harvested or still going and how much time left?
Bringing this post to page 100 just in case. What do you think doc?

Hope you plants turn around soon Yeti! That pineapple looks tasty! Is the purple urkle harvested or still going and how much time left?

If your temps are too cold, metabolism will slow and over drenching will mess things up.....but they're already messed up if the environment isn't right.....soooo.....

I'd prune it back and give a nice warm, normal strength GE. At the same time, I'd fix the environment. Nothing is more important than the environment.

Have I ever mentioned that?
If your temps are too cold, metabolism will slow and over drenching will mess things up.....but they're already messed up if the environment isn't right.....soooo.....

I'd prune it back and give a nice warm, normal strength GE. At the same time, I'd fix the environment. Nothing is more important than the environment.

Have I ever mentioned that?

Oh yea Doc... a few times ...:slide:... To bad we cant all afford grow rooms like yours, cause if we could thats many less problems. I am so sick of the low humidity here... I bought a humidifier thats supposed to do like 2000sqft but it cant even get the one room its in up to 50%. So today I winterized the windows in that room with plastic, thinking most my humidity is literally going out the window. I sure hope this helps cause I have no other ideas, that are reasonable, that will work for my particular situation.Have a great one Doc!
Hey there Ween! Unfortunately the plastic doesn't seem to be helping with the humidity at all. I am at a loss, and its just gonna get colder over the next few days. Noel, the white widow looks so good, I will be very upset if she gets damaged by low humidity. I have been obsessed with this for weeks now, driving myself and my wife crazy. I think I need to just stop. I really dont think there is anything I can do in this old drafty house short of spend thousands on insulation and sealing every time crevice. I just dont have that kind of money, especially since I bought the stuff to build those lights. Anyway, I hope all of you guys have better luck and a great day!
Hey Daj,
I'm sorry but I forget if you have an intake fan. If you do, maybe try running the duct to where the vapor comes out of the humidifier and maybe slow down your exhaust. I have very low humidity here too and I keep my tents rh up with simple cool mist Huey's that sit right in the tents. I find that at lights out rh gets high so I hook them up to the lights timer with a electrical splitter so it goes off and on with the lights. Some of them have built in settings so you can set the rh level, mine just has a knob so I adjust as needed, i.e. Right after watering, I lower it and then back up in a day or two. If you get one, make sure to cover any kind of display lights or get one without lights if they exist. Mine are off at lights out, they have an annoying blue light around the dial the defaults to on.

Some people put a bucket of water in their tent with a rag or towel dipped in the water and hanging over the brim, wick some humidity in there!

I hope you get it figured out!
Hey Daj,
I'm sorry but I forget if you have an intake fan. If you do, maybe try running the duct to where the vapor comes out of the humidifier and maybe slow down your exhaust. I have very low humidity here too and I keep my tents rh up with simple cool mist Huey's that sit right in the tents. I find that at lights out rh gets high so I hook them up to the lights timer with a electrical splitter so it goes off and on with the lights. Some of them have built in settings so you can set the rh level, mine just has a knob so I adjust as needed, i.e. Right after watering, I lower it and then back up in a day or two. If you get one, make sure to cover any kind of display lights or get one without lights if they exist. Mine are off at lights out, they have an annoying blue light around the dial the defaults to on.

Some people put a bucket of water in their tent with a rag or towel dipped in the water and hanging over the brim, wick some humidity in there!

I hope you get it figured out!

Hey there Ween! Well I do have a cool/warm mist humidifier but it's outside my tent... my tent is only 2x3 so I don't have room for it inside...
plus that little thing helps keep the humidity in the closet around 40-45% so my tent and cabinet that are both in there get a little help from that humidifier. The big 3.5 gallon humidifier , like Dark has, Is literally right outside the closet door where my tent and cabinet are. And it just seems to do no good. Doesn't matter if the fan is on 1 or 8 it doesn't seem to have any effect inside the closet.

I tried a large bowl, so it had a large surface area, with a towel hanging into it... I placed this right in front of my intake, hoping the fresh air being drawn in would carry the humidity... no go. It went up 2%... not worth the hassle.

I don't have an intake fan... my exhaust fan is plenty for both my tent and cabinet. I've only been running it at about 30-40% power. I've got it as slow as possible without to much heat build up in my grow areas.

Thank you for the ideas... I'm honestly out of em... but once I get my
New lights built... maybe with less heat I can turn the exhaust down even further. Hopefully saving some of that humidity from being sucked right out.
Hey there Ween! Well I do have a cool/warm mist humidifier but it's outside my tent... my tent is only 2x3 so I don't have room for it inside...
plus that little thing helps keep the humidity in the closet around 40-45% so my tent and cabinet that are both in there get a little help from that humidifier. The big 3.5 gallon humidifier , like Dark has, Is literally right outside the closet door where my tent and cabinet are. And it just seems to do no good. Doesn't matter if the fan is on 1 or 8 it doesn't seem to have any effect inside the closet.

I tried a large bowl, so it had a large surface area, with a towel hanging into it... I placed this right in front of my intake, hoping the fresh air being drawn in would carry the humidity... no go. It went up 2%... not worth the hassle.

I don't have an intake fan... my exhaust fan is plenty for both my tent and cabinet. I've only been running it at about 30-40% power. I've got it as slow as possible without to much heat build up in my grow areas.

Thank you for the ideas... I'm honestly out of em... but once I get my
New lights built... maybe with less heat I can turn the exhaust down even further. Hopefully saving some of that humidity from being sucked right out.

Wow dajerm that's weird that humidifier won't help you out some. Mine has made a difference in my hole house let alone my grow room. My humidifier is not even in the room my tent is in. And until the last few days it's been extremely cold here and my heat has been on steady. I've got my humidifier sitting by one of the fresh air intakes for my furnace/heat pump and because of that has made difference throughout hole house. Maybe something wrong with humidifier. My house is a 3 level house probably with 1000ft2 each level.
Wow dajerm that's weird that humidifier won't help you out some. Mine has made a difference in my hole house let alone my grow room. My humidifier is not even in the room my tent is in. And until the last few days it's been extremely cold here and my heat has been on steady. I've got my humidifier sitting by one of the fresh air intakes for my furnace/heat pump and because of that has made difference throughout hole house. Maybe something wrong with humidifier. My house is a 3 level house probably with 1000ft2 each level.

How I do wish mine did the same... honestly it's probably the house. I've been working here and there to fix the air leaks.... House was built in the 30s so it's a drafty place. We rent, and I've told my wife we need to move. But she refuses to move unless we can move form this town as well. So I'm stuck here for now.
Daj, maybe try adding an intake fan, put it at bottom of tent with flex duct on it and hook the duct to the Huey. I'm not sure how the humidity will get in there otherwise even with passive intake. This would probably be $30 or less. My veg tent is 30" by 24" and I have my Huey and 3 plants in there, granted once I harvest my bloomers in the 4X4 tent the veg girls with be "moving on up!"


Bloomers are bending more each day so bamboo supports were added. They got a nice TP drench last night and I took a sample, trich pics below (420 sexting :rofl:)


How I do wish mine did the same... honestly it's probably the house. I've been working here and there to fix the air leaks.... House was built in the 30s so it's a drafty place. We rent, and I've told my wife we need to move. But she refuses to move unless we can move form this town as well. So I'm stuck here for now.

Hey 119,..i feel your frustration ....everyone is struggling with low RH. Very tricky when our heating systems keep drying the air out more and more with every air exchange our furnaces do. A tip to maybe help. The wet towel in the bucket is good..but try this....find out where your tent ..or space is pulling in it's fresh air....put the huyey right there ,..just outside the tent , space etc. to FORCE the intake to draw in the moist air. Leave the huey set at at least 60 it does NOT shut off OK. Try and keep your temps on the low side too...not too hot ...then the RH becomes even more a factor OK. My GR is low RH too , but the temps are only 65 -78 which is a lot easier on the plants than say 90F with an RH of 20-30 ...those are NOT good ...know what i mean. Hope this helps ...even a lil bit for ya's. cheers guys!:Namaste:
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