Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

Looking good to me.

Ladies look beautiful Ween! Love those big fat leaves man! Beautiful.

Thanks guys!

The one got significantly worse over night and one other is starting to show signs.

I think the light may have been too close, 12-16" so I moved it up.

With this cold weather, I had a couple low night temps 66.

They got to dunk a few days ago and I used the old formula.

Rh got low a couple times but was quickly remedied.


Thanks guys!

The one got significantly worse over night and one other is starting to show signs.

I think the light may have been too close, 12-16" so I moved it up.

With this cold weather, I had a couple low night temps 66.

They got to dunk a few days ago and I used the old formula.

Rh got low a couple times but was quickly remedied.



My thoughts are that the new growth looks great! When you have environmental issues there's going to be some sort of effect, ranging from a few bad leaves to stunted growth, depending.

I'd say yours are acceptable in every way. Concentrate on the environment and they'll spring right along.
What was your last drenched and what did you mix too

Hey Dark! I did the first TP dunk with 2.5 oz TP and 5 ml of tea or it may have been 3, either way, the same as you did, all in 2.5-3 gallons of water.

My thoughts are that the new growth looks great! When you have environmental issues there's going to be some sort of effect, ranging from a few bad leaves to stunted growth, depending.

I'd say yours are acceptable in every way. Concentrate on the environment and they'll spring right along.

Thanks Doc! The brutal cold has been really bad so unfortunately I could not keep up with it. I will do the best I can. I was just worried about how quickly those leaves crisped up but your comment has put me at ease. Should I clip the bad leaves or only if they get worse?

I'm thinking of getting environmental controls. I wish I could just see what temp is at lights out so I could bump it up if needed. Is there such a thing as a wifi temp and rh gauge?
Yup... better then mine for sure. At least yours doesn’t have 3 blades leaves still... 3 weeks into flower and all new growth still has 3 blades fml -♂️
That lil lady will be ok, looks good!

I've been reading about that one in Doc's Q&A. I know you need the smoke or would have culled her by now. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses. I'm sure she will get through. Are the pistils/buds forming?
I've been reading about that one in Doc's Q&A. I know you need the smoke or would have culled her by now. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses. I'm sure she will get through. Are the pistils/buds forming?

Yes they sure are! Looks about like my last two... I'm sure the yield will be low but it's ok, I have a white Widow in veg that I'm pretty sure will put in a good show. Was actually thinking of starting a journal for her. Would be my first one.

I'm trying not to worry about it and just use this 3 blades lady as practice. Thanks Ween!
Yes they sure are! Looks about like my last two... I’m sure the yield will be low but it’s ok, I have a white Widow in veg that I’m pretty sure will put in a good show. Was actually thinking of starting a journal for her. Would be my first one.

I’m trying not to worry about it and just use this 3 blades lady as practice. Thanks Ween!

Cool. Please do start a journal and let me know when you do. Sending you a pm.
Dang Ween... I think your right!Those buds look so dense and heavy man! Bet those are gonna be delicious!

Thanks jerm! This strain has always had heavy/dense buds but the stems were much weaker in the past. Only a few are leaning over but there is 2-3 weeks to go so I'll probably bust out the bamboo supports.

That's a nice looking crop - for sure!

Thanks Rad! Good to see you round these parts. I read in your journal that you won't have much screen time, I think you also said you were looking for a job, good luck with that. I'm actually now thinking yields will be less than I expected but still plenty for our use.

So my little veg tent has been having some low temps but the 4X4 bloom tent lows are 68 and they're both on the under rug heater, only difference which I didn't think about is the veg tent does not have ridged insulation under it but will fix that tonight when lights go on. My temporary fix is to put a light with 2 bulbs right at the bottom of intake duct. I think the insulation, under the under rug heater should do the trick. I already have the intake duct extended to the top of the tent so it's drawing air from near the ceiling not from cold ground.


So my bloomers were +54 last night and got a nice heavy GE. This strain has been finishing at about 70 days but this is the first time I've backed the lights off by 1/2 hour evey 2 week so twice so far and am now at 11/13. Wondering if I should stick to GE and RO until done or sneak one more TP in? I water/feed every 4 days so:

1/11 RO +58
1/15 GE or TP +62
1/19 RO + 66
1/23 GE + 70

I'll check the trichs tonight but think they should be done a little early, maybe the 19th so probably only GE and RO going forward.
So my bloomers were +54 last night and got a nice heavy GE. This strain has been finishing at about 70 days but this is the first time I've backed the lights off by 1/2 hour evey 2 week so twice so far and am now at 11/13. Wondering if I should stick to GE and RO until done or sneak one more TP in? I water/feed every 4 days so:

1/11 RO +58
1/15 GE or TP +62
1/19 RO + 66
1/23 GE + 70

I'll check the trichs tonight but think they should be done a little early, maybe the 19th so probably only GE and RO going forward.

sounds like you have 16 days to go....why not do one more TP and then finish on GE? You'll get the best bud structure and yield with the GE. You'll get more sulfur and mag with the Trans......I think it's a winner.
So my bloomers were +54 last night and got a nice heavy GE. This strain has been finishing at about 70 days but this is the first time I've backed the lights off by 1/2 hour evey 2 week so twice so far and am now at 11/13. Wondering if I should stick to GE and RO until done or sneak one more TP in? I water/feed every 4 days so:

1/11 RO +58
1/15 GE or TP +62
1/19 RO + 66
1/23 GE + 70

I'll check the trichs tonight but think they should be done a little early, maybe the 19th so probably only GE and RO going forward.

Hey there Ween! I've read where doc and others prefer to finish on TP... they say the GE can give the finished product a gamey taste. If you usually do a GE before harvest it might be cool to see for yourself if finishing with TP makes a discernible difference with that strain. All up to you!
Hey there Ween! I’ve read where doc and others prefer to finish on TP... they say the GE can give the finished product a gamey taste. If you usually do a GE before harvest it might be cool to see for yourself if finishing with TP makes a discernible difference with that strain. All up to you!

Actually, I encourage people to finish on GE, which gives a sweet flavor. Cat Drench will make it gamey and stanky....TP is inbetween.

but GE plumps things up and won't cause more pistilate growth, so we like to finish on GE mostly, although it is 100% personal preference and you might find you like doing it in a different way. It's not "wrong" to finish on any drench you wish....but it is my practice 95% of the time to finish on GE.
Actually, I encourage people to finish on GE, which gives a sweet flavor. Cat Drench will make it gamey and stanky....TP is inbetween.

but GE plumps things up and won't cause more pistilate growth, so we like to finish on GE mostly, although it is 100% personal preference and you might find you like doing it in a different way. It's not "wrong" to finish on any drench you wish....but it is my practice 95% of the time to finish on GE.

Neiko shared with us last year that he finishes the fruity phenos on Transplant because he notices it enhances the fruity terpenes.
Actually, I encourage people to finish on GE, which gives a sweet flavor. Cat Drench will make it gamey and stanky....TP is inbetween.

but GE plumps things up and won't cause more pistilate growth, so we like to finish on GE mostly, although it is 100% personal preference and you might find you like doing it in a different way. It's not "wrong" to finish on any drench you wish....but it is my practice 95% of the time to finish on GE.

Ah, thank you for the correction Doc! That makes sense!
sounds like you have 16 days to go....why not do one more TP and then finish on GE? You'll get the best bud structure and yield with the GE. You'll get more sulfur and mag with the Trans......I think it's a winner.

That's what I'll do. If I water/feed every 4 days then it will be day 70 when I give that last GE. Should I give a liltle less water and go to water/feed every 3 days which would give that last GE a little time to set on before chop?

Hey there Ween! I've read where doc and others prefer to finish on TP... they say the GE can give the finished product a gamey taste. If you usually do a GE before harvest it might be cool to see for yourself if finishing with TP makes a discernible difference with that strain. All up to you!

Thanks Dajerm! I always finish on GE but form the comments below, it may be worth it to try trans one time.

Actually, I encourage people to finish on GE, which gives a sweet flavor. Cat Drench will make it gamey and stanky....TP is inbetween.

but GE plumps things up and won't cause more pistilate growth, so we like to finish on GE mostly, although it is 100% personal preference and you might find you like doing it in a different way. It's not "wrong" to finish on any drench you wish....but it is my practice 95% of the time to finish on GE.

GE it is for this one but I'll sneak a TP in before that.

Neiko shared with us last year that he finishes the fruity phenos on Transplant because he notices it enhances the fruity terpenes.

Hey Sue! This ones is pretty fruity. Just yesterday I was admiring her the odor. I was thinking blueberry but then asked my gf what she thought and she said diesel but sweet.

I'll check the trichs and post about them later and take pics if my microscope works, I think it broke after like 8 uses, grrr
Post #2000!

i put some rigid insulation under my veg tent and it has the under rug heater over that. What is really helping is the temps have increased here fairly dramatically. The past week to 10 days, the veg temps have not been getting above 72 at LIGHTS ON! Now it's sitting at 77 and lights out was about 70.

They're looking pretty good still. The perkiness one in the pics below, I removed some crispy leaves and the one with the most growth is looking a little droopy but damn she already has a lot of bud sites. Its been 9 days since their 1st drench (TP) and I think they'll need a RO dunk in 3-4 days based on the weight of the pots. They are about 1 month old, will they need Brix soon?



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