Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

Hey Yeti! Thanks for stopping by and for the pics, she's a beaut! Can you drop a couple more pics in a few weeks if you think of it? Thanks again for sending me the link to that really crappy web site, crazy how any company could do business this way and stay afloat but it wound up being a good buying experience at a really good price. The Sweet Pink Stink is a cross of Purple Urkle and Bubblegum. I have high hopes of Some great produce!
Pretty sure the reccomendation will still be a super drench but below are some pics as promised. There are 3 pics of each plant, 2 close ups then the whole plant.









Cat #2 is tonight. So will do that and then flush and SD. Can I get away with flushing a couple gallons through each plant? If I need to do more, I'll need to haul these beasts to my bathroom which is a chore. I have a plastic tote that I can flush em in right outside the tent, the main limiting factor is access to water which I get from springs and only have three 7 gallon containers. I'll pluck the ugly leaves off. Thanks Doc!
Cat #2 is tonight. So will do that and then flush and SD. Can I get away with flushing a couple gallons through each plant? If I need to do more, I'll need to haul these beasts to my bathroom which is a chore. I have a plastic tote that I can flush em in right outside the tent, the main limiting factor is access to water which I get from springs and only have three 7 gallon containers. I'll pluck the ugly leaves off. Thanks Doc!

You'll be fine with the two gallons. Carry on as planned. These are going to come out just grow without the trouble in veg and you'll have something even better.....but these are going to deliver!
Perfect thanks Doc! Despite the issues I had with these girls, all me - not the kit, I expect the best harvest yet in yield and quality. It seems like I say that every time and I'm gonna say it again already for my next crew of 3, #4 is still hiding below ground.

Rock on!

Hey Yeti! Thanks for stopping by and for the pics, she's a beaut! Can you drop a couple more pics in a few weeks if you think of it? Thanks again for sending me the link to that really crappy web site, crazy how any company could do business this way and stay afloat but it wound up being a good buying experience at a really good price. The Sweet Pink Stink is a cross of Purple Urkle and Bubblegum. I have high hopes of Some great produce!

I have no idea how that company stays in business. They try to hide what they do it seems which i can get but it makes it very hard to do what you want and to know what they have. They do not even list the breeders they carry. If they were not the cheapest place I found CSI gear at I would not have tried them. I could not pass up basically half off on the gear I wanted. I tried to get Purple Urkle S1 seeds and Mendo Purple S1 seeds but they were sold out. I have a pack of Bubba's Girl (Bubba Kush x Girl Scout Cookies) that I need to try and run at some point. Their Forum cut of GSC that they use to breed with gets so dark it is almost black, leaves an all. I will be sure to try and get pictures for you before I cut it! That Sweet Pink Stink did take first in a small cup but I cannot recall which one it was.
One nice thing about ordering from that company is they're in CA so I didn't have to call my bank to notify them I'd be buying something from across the pond.

The big girl that has been havng the toughest time is purple-ing up some. Hard to see under the blurple, I'll get some pics under the CFL. Gave cat 2 tonight on the heavy side.



Hi All! I want my next grow to exceed all previous grows and I think my main issue with my veg tent is low temps at lights out which is why I have the lights on 24/7 right now, they're looking great, temps are at about 77 and RH is a bit high at 74 because if I run my exhaust fan, temps get too low. I've been opening the tent up a few times a day to lower rh and give em some fresh air. #4 has not come up and while I have not given up hope yet, 3 out of 4 ain't bad, it's time to start thinking about giving them some lights out time so I want to run my plan by you guys to see what you think.

I'm gonna move my veg tent to sit next to my flower tent so it will be on top of the under rug heater and that alone might help keep the night time temps above 68 but I was also thinking of having the veg lights out time (16/8) coincide with the flower lights on and sending the flower exhaust into the bottom of the veg tent to provide a little more heat, that air will then go through another exhaust fan and out the top of that tent. I currently only have 1 speed controller which I have a power strip plugged into it so it controls both of my fans but I can easily get another controller if you honk that would be better. Also, I have two Huey's.

I'll be doing this in the next couple days so any and all feedback is much appreciated!

Rock on!

:theband: :passitleft:
Hi All! I want my next grow to exceed all previous grows and I think my main issue with my veg tent is low temps at lights out which is why I have the lights on 24/7 right now, they're looking great, temps are at about 77 and RH is a bit high at 74 because if I run my exhaust fan, temps get too low. I've been opening the tent up a few times a day to lower rh and give em some fresh air. #4 has not come up and while I have not given up hope yet, 3 out of 4 ain't bad, it's time to start thinking about giving them some lights out time so I want to run my plan by you guys to see what you think.

I'm gonna move my veg tent to sit next to my flower tent so it will be on top of the under rug heater and that alone might help keep the night time temps above 68 but I was also thinking of having the veg lights out time (16/8) coincide with the flower lights on and sending the flower exhaust into the bottom of the veg tent to provide a little more heat, that air will then go through another exhaust fan and out the top of that tent. I currently only have 1 speed controller which I have a power strip plugged into it so it controls both of my fans but I can easily get another controller if you honk that would be better. Also, I have two Huey's.

I'll be doing this in the next couple days so any and all feedback is much appreciated!

Rock on!

:theband: :passitleft:

Your veg and bloom lights need to light up within 2 minutes of eachother. If you go forward with your'll have one-bladed, photoperiod stressed out messes.....please don't do it.

Again, lights must come on within 2 minutes of eachother. Sunrise must be the same time every day.
Your veg and bloom lights need to light up within 2 minutes of eachother. If you go forward with your'll have one-bladed, photoperiod stressed out messes.....please don't do it.

Again, lights must come on within 2 minutes of eachother. Sunrise must be the same time every day.

I'm confused, it will be two different tents, separate lights.
Do the plants go from one tent to the other? IE from veg tent to bloom tent?
If so, this plan is going to destroy your crop.

Ok got it now so I will want the veg tent lights on to be within 2 minutes of the flower tent lights on, correct? So in the next few days, when I move my tent onto the heated rug, I will got from 24/7 lights to 18/6 (instead of 16/8) where the lights come on at 9pm which is when the flower lights come on.
Ok got it now so I will want the veg tent lights on to be within 2 minutes of the flower tent lights on, correct? So in the next few days, when I move my tent onto the heated rug, I will got from 24/7 lights to 18/6 (instead of 16/8) where the lights come on at 9pm which is when the flower lights come on.

If you're currently on 24/7 veg and 12/12 bloom....when you make the change don't touch ANYTHING in the bloom tent. Adjust the timer on the veg tent to match sunrise in the bloom tent, but have them turn off 6 hours later than the bloom tent's sunset.

The important thing is that you never change when lights go on.....only when they go off. So, if you're on 24/7 you are good to go ONCE. Once lights on is established in veg, you must never change it.
Sorry doc, I'm obviously easily confused, ha! :rofl: when I move the veg tent, I CAN set lights on at what I want which for the plan would be ON at 6am then OFF at 10pm which is 1 hour after the current flower time to lights on time, doing this to provide a little extra heat in the veg tent. The only downside to this is that when it comes time to flip the current veg plants, lights ON will still be 6am then off at 6pm, it's a down side because electricity costs less after 9pm, I think. No big whoop.

Please let me know if you think this looks ok and if you see any other issues with the plan.

Ween, Doc,..if i may. Ween , one thing as Doc has said is the MOST important,..keep both tents lights coming 'ON' at the very same matter what. OK!! Your veg tent lights will remain on for 6 or whatever hrs. you choose.

I currently go with 16/8 in veg and bloom starts at 12/12 then about half way thru bloom i start to shorten the days another 1/2 hr. at a time to help speed them along. I also recommend burning your lights at night , as much as is practical ...way better! Cheers eh!
Sorry doc, I'm obviously easily confused, ha! :rofl: when I move the veg tent, I CAN set lights on at what I want which for the plan would be ON at 6am then OFF at 10pm which is 1 hour after the current flower time to lights on time, doing this to provide a little extra heat in the veg tent. The only downside to this is that when it comes time to flip the current veg plants, lights ON will still be 6am then off at 6pm, it's a down side because electricity costs less after 9pm, I think. No big whoop.

Please let me know if you think this looks ok and if you see any other issues with the plan.

Weeen....if your veg and bloom lights don't come on at the same time, when you transplant you will ruin your plants. They simply, absolutely, 100% MUST come on at the same time.

If I'm reading you correctly this will not be the case if you make these changes.

In case I was not clear....sunrise needs to be the same in both veg and bloom. Always.
Ween, Doc,..if i may. Ween , one thing as Doc has said is the MOST important,..keep both tents lights coming 'ON' at the very same matter what. OK!! Your veg tent lights will remain on for 6 or whatever hrs. you choose.

I currently go with 16/8 in veg and bloom starts at 12/12 then about half way thru bloom i start to shorten the days another 1/2 hr. at a time to help speed them along. I also recommend burning your lights at night , as much as is practical ...way better! Cheers eh!

So with my proposed plan, I was also going to veg 16/8 but if I cannot utilize the heat from my flower tent exhaust, then I may do 18/6 or even 20/4 because I'm worried about low temps at lights out, again the rug heater may take care of it, it did for the flower tent but not sure. I cannot add a heater in my current situation. If you think it's more important to have the lights on at night, I can veg tent to lights on at 9pm just like the flower tent.
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