Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Hey Dark! Cat #1 tonight so hoping it gets even frontier! :smokin:

To my surprise 3 of 4 of my beans planted on Sunday direct in 1st run soil have popped their heads above ground and pretty sure I see the 4th in there too! :slide::yahoo::goof::happy-birthday:

Not much to see here but will share anyhoo. Is it ok to start them under the blurple? It is what is keeping the temps up in there right now so not sure if the CFL will keep temps up high enough....!


re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Hey Dark! Cat #1 tonight so hoping it gets even frontier! :smokin:

To my surprise 3 of 4 of my beans planted on Sunday direct in 1st run soil have popped their heads above ground and pretty sure I see the 4th in there too! :slide::yahoo::goof::happy-birthday:

Not much to see here but will share anyhoo. Is it ok to start them under the blurple? It is what is keeping the temps up in there right now so not sure if the CFL will keep temps up high enough....!



Congrats on the new babies!

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re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

Instead of starting a new Journal, I decided to just keep this one going, not ready to give up my clever title even though I have another one at the ready.

Not gonna go through all the details but I've got them in a 2.5 by 3.5 tent right now under a Mars hydro 96, 210w I think. When my money makers are done they will go in the 4 by 4 under the Goliath.

The 2 Sweet Pink Stinks are both up and 1 of 2 Coked out Girl Scouts is up, hoping # 2 will be up soon.

Is it OK to have these uNder the LED on 24 hours?

If not, I could do like 20/4. My worry is the temps may get down below 68 at light out. My tents are in my living space and the boss doesn't like the room too hot.

Looking forward to some plants with pistils this time around, not to take anything away from my beautiful Money Makers.
Subbed up now Ween... got some bad news... my microscope can't go any lower in magnification... sorry man. I did use a flash light to get some light on top of the cutting. I'm just using sugar leaf pieces to check the trichomes. Here are a few of the pics I got...

Definitely need a better scope... there are actually quite a few Amber trics I just don't seem to capture many in my pics. Doc has said some people have a hard time getting amber... in HB. So ima trust him, and others, that it's in the window and ready when I get time.

Looking forward to watching you grow some badass plants Ween!
Welcome Dajerm and thanks for the pics, they're really awesome! If you ever start a journal let me know, I'll follow along. That plant you posted over in the Q&A thread looks amazing. :high-five:

#4 has not popped her head out of the soil yet but it's only been 4 days since planted. I'm gonna keep these under the LED 24/0 unless someone advises against it. I'll change the light schedule in a week or so to give them a little down time.

Have a rockin night Dajerm and all!

Waiting for #4 to come up is nerve wracking and it's only been 5 days since I dropped the seeds in the soil, no soaking and no paper towel! I just find it odd that 3 of 4 came up in 3 days but that 4th one did not. Oh well, hoping she'll show up soon so I can stop worrying about her, glad I never had children! I think I'll name them, Pinky, Stinky, Blinky and Winky (when she comes up.)

I give you Pinky.


Have a Rockin weekend!

Waiting for #4 to come up is nerve wracking and it's only been 5 days since I dropped the seeds in the soil, no soaking and no paper towel! I just find it odd that 3 of 4 came up in 3 days but that 4th one did not. Oh well, hoping she'll show up soon so I can stop worrying about her, glad I never had children! I think I'll name them, Pinky, Stinky, Blinky and Winky (when she comes up.)

I give you Pinky.


Have a Rockin weekend!


Yup my last 3 i tried to pop 2 came up in like 3-4 days and the other didn't pop yet. It's still sitting there waiting for her to come out. As doc said all the magic is happening up the soil right now. Most times roots are already at bottom of pot before they sprout . I'll give mine another 3-4 days before I check to see what's going on. Enjoy your weekend as well ween
Thanks DS! I'm just so damn impatient. I fully expect it to come up but if it didn't, not sure if I'd drop another one or just go with 3 plants again....? I'm already thinking of changing my plan to stick with cloth pots and go plastic but have some time before I'd need to buy pots, if 3 then I will get #15's and if 4 I will go with #10's. Decisions, decisions.
Three 15's....three plants....long veg...:high-five:

I'm gonna let fate decide but since that was my original plan, I will not be heartbroken if #4/Winky does not pop her head above ground. I suspect the yield would be similar and more than I need either way.

No pics but my money makers are all getting a little crispy around the edges. They're on day 32 since flip, still have some nice color, except one that is still a little pale. Temp and RH have been good. They got First cat 3 days ago. Before that was RO except the one pale on got flush and mild trans. Canopy is thick so I'm not surprised to have a handful of yellow leaves down below which I plucked but the crispy edges are a little concerning, any thoughts or is that normal at this stage? My bottles are in a somewhat cold location, should they be moved to a warmer spot? I will say that both of my previous runs with the strain, the plants were in worse shape at this point with pretty severe tacoing and some crispness. I'll post pics tomorrow.

Rock on!

And there growing in cloth pots right now?

Yup. One thing I was noticing which got me thinking about plastic again was that it is hard to get water to the outside of the pots without it running right out the side. My pots just barely fit in the saucers so most that runs out the side gets wasted. I'm going to the nursery today to see what they have.
Yup. One thing I was noticing which got me thinking about plastic again was that it is hard to get water to the outside of the pots without it running right out the side. My pots just barely fit in the saucers so most that runs out the side gets wasted. I'm going to the nursery today to see what they have.

Yup after following most journals of the few of us that had same problems all seem to lean back to fabric pots. Except in my case both my first hb grows and my amnesia lemon grow I started both seedlings in non hb soil for the 1 gallon pots.
I've switched back to plastic pots again for my journal with doc.
I'm gonna let fate decide but since that was my original plan, I will not be heartbroken if #4/Winky does not pop her head above ground. I suspect the yield would be similar and more than I need either way.

No pics but my money makers are all getting a little crispy around the edges. They're on day 32 since flip, still have some nice color, except one that is still a little pale. Temp and RH have been good. They got First cat 3 days ago. Before that was RO except the one pale on got flush and mild trans. Canopy is thick so I'm not surprised to have a handful of yellow leaves down below which I plucked but the crispy edges are a little concerning, any thoughts or is that normal at this stage? My bottles are in a somewhat cold location, should they be moved to a warmer spot? I will say that both of my previous runs with the strain, the plants were in worse shape at this point with pretty severe tacoing and some crispness. I'll post pics tomorrow.

Rock on!


Feed on the high side, especially Transplant.
Yup after following most journals of the few of us that had same problems all seem to lean back to fabric pots. Except in my case both my first hb grows and my amnesia lemon grow I started both seedlings in non hb soil for the 1 gallon pots.
I’ve switched back to plastic pots again for my journal with doc.

Thanks DS! Ive been following the fabric vs plastic discussion and while I am not totally against fabric, I am going to try plastic anyways even though I may lose a little rh that the fabrics provided. Plenty of growers succeed, including myself with fabric but it can't hurt to try the plastic. Plus I need to get good big saucers so I can bottom feed some.

Feed on the high side, especially Transplant.

Ok will do, I typically give 1ml of drench per gallon of soil but instead of 10, I've been giving a little extra, say about 12ml per #10. So before this cat was RO and before that was trans. I'll up this next cat to 15ml per #10 and then RO with 1/4 trans then GE, sound good and should that GE be 15 too?
Thanks DS! Ive been following the fabric vs plastic discussion and while I am not totally against fabric, I am going to try plastic anyways even though I may lose a little rh that the fabrics provided. Plenty of growers succeed, including myself with fabric but it can't hurt to try the plastic. Plus I need to get good big saucers so I can bottom feed some.

Ok will do, I typically give 1ml of drench per gallon of soil but instead of 10, I've been giving a little extra, say about 12ml per #10. So before this cat was RO and before that was trans. I'll up this next cat to 15ml per #10 and then RO with 1/4 trans then GE, sound good and should that GE be 15 too?

Sounds good. I'd look at a Super Drench in that least one.
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