Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Great morning to ya Ween and friends. Yes Ween...about timing ! After the branches have been hanging for a few days(3) start feeling and squeezing the buds big and small. The perfect time to get them off the strings and trimmed up/jarred , is when they (buds) feel dry and a bit crispy on the outsides...but still feel like they have a very small amount of moisture still in them OK. This is a lil tricky to get , just right , but it means a proper cure will take place in the jars , without worrying of mold attacking your jarred gold! Their is only a few hour window for this as those extra few hours may/will allow them to dry too much , and ya don't want that either as that is as bad as too much moisture left in them. Try picking off a bud and rolling it up ,...if it burns Ok without always going 'out' , then chances are , it's very ready to jar OK! Cheers bud ...hope this has helped. Mine usually take around 4-5 days at 50-60 RH with the exhaust /extraction fan/filter running 24/7. Do not have a fan blowing air on the hanging branches OK...that is NOT GOOD ,..they will dry improperly /too fast!
Have an awesome day my friend!:high-five::Namaste:

Duggan, great timing on this!! To cure do you run 4-5 days with lights on 24 hours?
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Duggan, great timing on this!! To cure do you run 4-5 days with lights on 24 hours?

Hey Beav! Dry and cure in the dark, light degrades THC. If I'm wrong, I'm sure Duggan or someone else will chime in. I jar mine up and put in a box and have been opening up the jars to burp them for a week to 10 days. I also use boveda 62% humidity packs, 1 per jar.

Rock on!

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Hey Beav! Dry and cure in the dark, light degrades THC. If I'm wrong, I'm sure Duggan or someone else will chime in. I jar mine up and put in a box and have been opening up the jars to burp them for a week to 10 days. I also use boveda 62% humidity packs, 1 per jar.

Rock on!


Mornin Ween, yes , you are very correct ! Beaves , dry your girl on the branches, from strings , in the dark for 4-5 days , then puff one. If it keeps burning but still has a bit of moisture in it , it's perfect, for the jars OK! Three things degrade THC,..light, air, and heat. That's why we dry in the dark, 50-60 RH and about 65-75 F with NO fans blowing on it as it dries....that will cause it to dry way too fast OK!
Cheers eh!
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

I agree with the fellas ween. Harvest time is all about personal preference. I try to wait until I don't see anymore white pistils personally. I don't really check the trichs anymore as they vary from the top of the plant to the bottom. Lately also I have been harvesting my top buds if they are dense to the touch and give the lower ones more time to ripen up. It's been working for me so far.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks Jgrow! I'm gonna go ahead an harvest this weekend. I would have liked to let her go longer so the buds could swell a bit more but there are more amber trichs than I thought and she's looking pretty tired. Still a decent number of white pistils, maybe 15-20%. My 2 money maker clones need a little room in the flower tent too. They've been in there for about a week, is it still ok to do some LST or should I let them go? I've only done 1 top and some SC, in veg.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Hey Beav! Dry and cure in the dark, light degrades THC. If I'm wrong, I'm sure Duggan or someone else will chime in. I jar mine up and put in a box and have been opening up the jars to burp them for a week to 10 days. I also use boveda 62% humidity packs, 1 per jar.

Rock on!


Mornin Ween, yes , you are very correct ! Beaves , dry your girl on the branches, from strings , in the dark for 4-5 days , then puff one. If it keeps burning but still has a bit of moisture in it , it's perfect, for the jars OK! Three things degrade THC,..light, air, and heat. That's why we dry in the dark, 50-60 RH and about 65-75 F with NO fans blowing on it as it dries....that will cause it to dry way too fast OK!
Cheers eh!

Perfect, thanks guys. Very timely info and I"m copying this into my Notebook as I hope to be here in 4-6 weeks.

Excellent on curing with lights out....less electricity and heat. Starting to get hot and humid as hell here in the South.

Couple more questions: with this cure method is it not necessary to use the Boveda packs? I bought some in preparation. I also read something about curing in a vacuum sealed mason jar. I have a vacuum sealer with the mason jar attachment so I can vacuum seal in a glass mason jar.

Do we still use the Boveda's and is a vacuumed sealed mason jar desirable way to cure?
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Good timing on this too. Duggs, do we supercrop even this far into bloom to keep leaders in check?

OK, couple things...boveda packs are NOT necessary in the curing process. If the correct amount of moisture is in the produce when it is jarred , they (boveda's) are not needed. I've NEVER used them,...not once ! Vacuum jars are NOT needed either,..never used them ,..not once! Dry the buds ,..on the branches until the smaller buds are crispy and seem too dry, feel the big colas,...they will be more moist. Take a budlet off a big bud and smoke it.....if it burns OK and doesn't keep going out and you sense it is dry enough...jar up the whole lot. The dryer smaller buds will re-moisten after a few days in a jar with some bigger buds/colas OK. This 'evening out of the moisture in the produce is what we're all after. This 'curing ' process is what causes a well cured bud/s to burn smooth and even....not unlike a fine 'Cuban' cigar. (I often compare my weed to ). If the produce is dried too fast (like with a fan blowing on it all) it will dry very poorly and un-even, causing a crappy burn and a frustrated grower! When you jar up the buds/colas ...mix it all up big and small together in the same jar/s OK,...this will help 'even' out the cure!

About Supercropping late in bloom. You will find that after a plant has been flowering for a couple/few weeks, the stalks seem to get very, very hard and strong. This is the plants reaction to strengthen herself as buds and heavy branches need to be supported as bloom continues. It's best to have all, or almost all your training done by this time. That's why I'm soo anal about telling everyone to train the leaders and manage the canopy BEFORE bloom is initiated! With my BT's right now , there are a few leaders getting away a bit but not too bad, because I was RIGHT ON TOP OF THEM for many days checking, SCing and training them. There is a point where I just let them go....this is now for me and these Blueberry Twists...I have done my best with them up to this they will grow and finish , how they will, period. Next time I take pics of them I will show you one leader that I SCd a bit too far down on the stem and like I've said before it becomes much harder for them to right , or straighten all the way back up....this particular branch is now a lil lower than the rest cuz I SCd her too late . It's OK cuz she (that branch) is high enough in the canopy not to cause me any grief!
Cheers Beaves , Ween and friends!
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks so much Duggan, that is invaluable info I've copied into my many pages of notes.

Thank you thank you thank you!
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

My better 1/2 tested a j and she burned good and didn't go out until she stopped smoking it, then it did go out. I took this as a sign to jar it up. It hit her like a ton of bricks pretty quickly, was very heady, helped somewhat with her pain and gave her a little of a confused feeling. The smell is very good but hard to describe. I do use the boveda pack but if you think I should go without, let me know. I got 107 grams so close to 4 zips which is what I was thinking. This all fit in 3 jars while my previous harvests were about 1 zip per jar so that shows how dense these buds are. My best quality buds so far! Special Kush is up next!




re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Ween, bud , lookin really nice my friend! Congrats on a great harvest. Well done sir! Yes , you prolly are Ok without the Boveda's but if you feel better using them , then go ahead , no big deal OK!
Hits pretty hard does it...LMAO.....too strong .....ah , that's too bad eh...LMAO.....great job ! Enjoy. Ya that confused feeling...know what ya mean....sometimes I go into my kitchen after puffing a lil .,....woops forgot why I came in here.....:lot-o-toke:...Good shiz man!
It's all about timing Ween...a few hours one way or the other makes a big difference. I've checked on produce drying in the morning that was just about ready...but decided to wait till after work....bad choice too dry throughout the day. Good thing ...put the big colas (still a lil too damp) in with the really dry stuff to even things out a bit, good. Cheers bud , and once again congrats on a great harvest of TOP shelf produce!:high-five::bravo:
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Ween, bud , lookin really nice my friend! Congrats on a great harvest. Well done sir! Yes , you prolly are Ok without the Boveda's but if you feel better using them , then go ahead , no big deal OK!
Hits pretty hard does it...LMAO.....too strong .....ah , that's too bad eh...LMAO.....great job ! Enjoy. Ya that confused feeling...know what ya mean....sometimes I go into my kitchen after puffing a lil .,....woops forgot why I came in here.....:lot-o-toke:...Good shiz man!
It's all about timing Ween...a few hours one way or the other makes a big difference. I've checked on produce drying in the morning that was just about ready...but decided to wait till after work....bad choice too dry throughout the day. Good thing ...put the big colas (still a lil too damp) in with the really dry stuff to even things out a bit, good. Cheers bud , and once again congrats on a great harvest of TOP shelf produce!:high-five::bravo:

Thank Duggan! I wish I started growing many years ago but better late than never.

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

My better 1/2 tested a j and she burned good and didn't go out until she stopped smoking it, then it did go out. I took this as a sign to jar it up. It hit her like a ton of bricks pretty quickly, was very heady, helped somewhat with her pain and gave her a little of a confused feeling. The smell is very good but hard to describe. I do use the boveda pack but if you think I should go without, let me know. I got 107 grams so close to 4 zips which is what I was thinking. This all fit in 3 jars while my previous harvests were about 1 zip per jar so that shows how dense these buds are. My best quality buds so far! Special Kush is up next!





Badass ween way to go. Sounds tasty and also sounds like your better half will be happy. 4 zips of your best bud!!!
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Badass ween way to go. Sounds tasty and also sounds like your better half will be happy. 4 zips of your best bud!!!

Thanks Beav! You'll be jarring up some primo buds in no time. I'm thinking your gonna pull over 6 zips from yours. I gotta do some better training to get a canopy like you have.


Looking great Ween congrats on the harvest bru, some tasty looking buds for sure. Hope you had a great week thus far :passitleft:

Thanks Pat! My Special Kush comes down this weekend, I think she'll be in the 5-6 zip range, stay tuned. Hope you're having a great week too! Heading over to your journal shortly.

Rock on!

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