Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Geez Louise Pappa Cheeze :adore: now that is gorgeous. Hope you well bru! Have a blessed day further

Shot bru, you're too kind! Hope all is well with you too. Hope your liking your new digs and that you get your grow up and going soon.

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Shot bru, you're too kind! Hope all is well with you too. Hope your liking your new digs and that you get your grow up and going soon.

Man that's what it's all about, being kind and procrastination :rofl: I am loving my new place. I already dropped my bean into a paper towel so hopefully by today we have a nice taproot and then into the rockwool cube it'll go :passitleft:
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Man that's what it's all about, being kind and procrastination :rofl: I am loving my new place. I already dropped my bean into a paper towel so hopefully by today we have a nice taproot and then into the rockwool cube it'll go :passitleft:

Awesome Pat! It's gonna be your best grow yet! :passitleft:

So I'm a dumb ass, but y'all already knew that, ha! I knew my money maker needed some support but I didn't do much. Gave em an OG drench last night and today when I opened the tent, multiple massive buds were too much for the flimsy stems to handle and they collapsed. I'm talking bends over 90 degrees, not quite 180 but somewhere in the middle. Just the money maker. No more nanners.

I'm thinking I should go forward with the chop in a couple days but am wondering what you guys and gals think. I gave her an upside tomato cage for support and tied the buds to it, straightened where needed.

Will they be ok for a couple days, should I chop sooner or could I go longer?




re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Dude I really hope so, I am pretty excited for it :passitleft: fudge those buds must be top heavy like them big tittie girls we like you know :rofl::rofl: did any of the branches break when they bent over? I don't think it should be a problem if none of the stems broke

Yes, very top heavy. Think Dolly Parton. None of the stems broke but they were bent pretty bad.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

A couple more days is fine, but I think it'll be repairing/adapting to damage, more than it'll be blooming. :straightface:

It'd be chop time for me. :cheesygrinsmiley: Sure is a purdy one! :love:
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

A couple more days is fine, but I think it'll be repairing/adapting to damage, more than it'll be blooming. :straightface:

It'd be chop time for me. :cheesygrinsmiley: Sure is a purdy one! :love:

Thanks Gray! I think that's a good point and add on the recent nanners and I think it's time to chop this weekend.

Top heavy top schmeavy - it's all about the trichomes and pistils.

Since we can't see pistils on these buds, I say keep growing them until the trichomes look done.

Thanks Rad! The last time I checked a couple days ago, the trichs were mostly cloudy with a few still clear. My gf likes to have some day time meds which I'm guessing these will be. I think she'll have a hard time staying upright even with the supports I put it. I have 2 clones ready to take her place and I will not make the same mistake, will support and try to let go longer.

So I have 1 vote to chop and 1 to let go longer. Anyone else want to chime in?

I'm not sure how she did it but my gf is running low so harvesting now may be timely.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks Gray! I think that's a good point and add on the recent nanners and I think it's time to chop this weekend.

Thanks Rad! The last time I checked a couple days ago, the trichs were mostly cloudy with a few still clear. My gf likes to have some day time meds which I'm guessing these will be. I think she'll have a hard time staying upright even with the supports I put it. I have 2 clones ready to take her place and I will not make the same mistake, will support and try to let go longer.

So I have 1 vote to chop and 1 to let go longer. Anyone else want to chime in?

I'm not sure how she did it but my gf is running low so harvesting now may be timely.

I changed my vote! - If mostly cloudy, and she wants daytime, chop it now!
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

:hmmmm: What is it with the wives? Mine can outsmoke me, too, and we've both been doing it together for 34 years.

I'm good for a gram or two a day, at most!
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

:hmmmm: What is it with the wives? Mine can outsmoke me, too, and we've both been doing it together for 34 years.

I'm good for a gram or two a day, at most!

With my wife it's chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and planter's fasciatis - but she also really, really likes to get high and has been smoking for 43 years.

vs me who took a 30 year tolerance break and act as designated driver .

Now that I am doing daytime sativas, I can finish a bowl in 2 sittings instead of 5 :)
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

:cheesygrinsmiley: Another sativa convert. I'm going to have to give some selected indicas a try though. People keep saying they aren't necessarily sedative, but I'm soooo sensitive. With a hybrid, I'm gingerly gauging how much I can smoke and missing about half the time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

:cheesygrinsmiley: Another sativa convert. I'm going to have to give some selected indicas a try though. People keep saying they aren't necessarily sedative, but I'm soooo sensitive. With a hybrid, I'm gingerly gauging how much I can smoke and missing about half the time. :cheesygrinsmiley:


How about smoking a blend? That's pretty popular at my house :)
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

I absolutely love what you are doing with the Goliath. I mentioned you a few times in my videos. Do you mind if I show off some of your plants in a video?
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

I absolutely love what you are doing with the Goliath. I mentioned you a few times in my videos. Do you mind if I show off some of your plants in a video?

Wow, thanks! I don't mind at all.

I don't think he will, Ween is a pretty solid dude.

Aww, schucks Pat! Thanks Bud! :passitleft:

Money maker comes down tomorrow.
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