AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

So my first questions would be:

1) Were the coffee grounds "used" (i.e. after making coffee) or "fresh" (before making coffee)?
2) Any chance you're over-watering? (the most common cause of plant death among newbies!)
3) Any chance those banana peels are rotting and causing stem rot?

I'm assuming the temps are OK and you don't have a fan blowing directly on them, correct?

1. Used coffee grounds. dried to powder.
2 Yes most probably... I was there and every 2nd morning a soup spoon of water maximum...
but it has been stopped and I haven't watered for 3 days.
3 The peels were dried and fried in pan and then ran in blender.

temps 27-30 Celsius.. no fan just an open door for oxygen.. no wind blowing...

OK, so I'm now less concerned about fresh coffee grounds throwing off the PH and/or banana peels rotting your stem/roots and I'm leaning to the over-watering, especially with your agreement that it's probable.

It's a common thing since, as "growers" we like to "baby our babies" but the truth is, the plant is going to do everything it can to survive without us and, in the beginning it doesn't need much.

Once the germination process starts, it triggers a chemical reaction for the plant to start growing and it really doesn't need much water, it just needs that the roots don't dry out completely. And, in the early stages, the plant doesn't have much roots to uptake much water, so if the soil is too moist it creates an "anaerobic" environment and pythium (root rot) will set in. The roots need air as much as they need water.

I would do what you can to help the soil dry out and don't water again until the soil on top starts looking dry. Also, make sure you have good drainage in the BOTTOMS of a soil container. Don't try to make it like a hempy with drainage on the sides and a res at the bottom.

I hope that helps!

I am re potting tomorrow.. I think the soil I have at the moment is not good either... Hope I made a better choice this time.

Yikes, that happens. I did the same thing with my autos and they almost died from bad soil mix and too much water. After I repotted in fresh soil mixed with perlite they perked right up. The many lessons we learn from growing are endless....and then when it all works out brings a smile to your spirit!
OK, so I'm now less concerned about fresh coffee grounds throwing off the PH and/or banana peels rotting your stem/roots and I'm leaning to the over-watering, especially with your agreement that it's probable.

It's a common thing since, as "growers" we like to "baby our babies" but the truth is, the plant is going to do everything it can to survive without us and, in the beginning it doesn't need much.

Once the germination process starts, it triggers a chemical reaction for the plant to start growing and it really doesn't need much water, it just needs that the roots don't dry out completely. And, in the early stages, the plant doesn't have much roots to uptake much water, so if the soil is too moist it creates an "anaerobic" environment and pythium (root rot) will set in. The roots need air as much as they need water.

I would do what you can to help the soil dry out and don't water again until the soil on top starts looking dry. Also, make sure you have good drainage in the BOTTOMS of a soil container. Don't try to make it like a hempy with drainage on the sides and a res at the bottom.

I hope that helps!


Yikes, that happens. I did the same thing with my autos and they almost died from bad soil mix and too much water. After I repotted in fresh soil mixed with perlite they perked right up. The many lessons we learn from growing are endless....and then when it all works out brings a smile to your spirit!

Yes, I think I had a beginning of rot.. but I ( as I wrote in post before picture) dug around plant to kind of " lift it up" a bit so it could dry out faster.
Best of luck.. i think once they are in new soil they should Perk up.. if they look the same way in about 2 weeks you may need to transplant to bigger pot.. i had the same issue in my grow where i thought they where over watered.. i let the soil dry for three days with no change in plant.. i transplanted and within 12 hrs plant was as good as new.. i hope you have the same luck
so i'm just going to chime in here. I understand, you are having problems. I understand the frustration.

but if you are having problems with the soil and or possible nute burn, you probably shouldn't be adding more. ie: the orchid substrate and humus outdoor compost.

and if you are worried about the sharp edges of soft perlite, using a spoon and even your fingernails in your rooted soil will cause more damage than the perlite ever could.

take it with a grain of salt if you like.

the simplest way to diagnose by doing is altering one variable at a time. if you add the orchid, the humus, the perlite and new soil, and either continue or disconitinue the coffee and or banana peels, which one fixed it or made it worse then?

that's the old "keep throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks" idea.

you will have no idea which helped you or hurt you.

sorry it's not a pat on the back, just a bit of a reality check.

my hope though, is that you see it for what I intended.... kind of a yield sign. cause what you got going right now is a merging traffic sign from eight different directions.

good luck,
and yes,
have fun eh

I noticed the Pineapple Chunk had some slacking leaves.. (The pair of first leaves)
Intuition told me it must be from the fact that I dont have any fine perlite or anything else mixed in the soil to air the roots...
so gently gently digging around the edges ( soil is semi dry so it is easy) with a small spoon until I get to the bottom to fluffy up the soil a bit... My order of soil etc was shipped today and should be here by the end of the week. I will re plant Pineapple.. I can't find fine perlite..only coarse..and I don't like that at all!!! But I found a orchid substrate that looks like small bark pieces they will go in for air and also they have some nutrients.. Incoming is Humus outdoor Compost.. hope it will be good soil to work with.

here's an interesting discussion on the humus for ya birdie.

What is the real difference between Compost and Humus?
I am re potting tomorrow.. I think the soil I have at the moment is not good either... Hope I made a better choice this time.
I've had multiple plants do this outside. It's normally either to much water or nutes way to early. Try hold on the nutes until around two weeks old then Start at 1/4 of the dose. I normally leave nutes until some sort of deficiency starts showing then it's time to start. Hope this helps!

so i'm just going to chime in here. I understand, you are having problems. I understand the frustration.

but if you are having problems with the soil and or possible nute burn, you probably shouldn't be adding more. ie: the orchid substrate and humus outdoor compost.

and if you are worried about the sharp edges of soft perlite, using a spoon and even your fingernails in your rooted soil will cause more damage than the perlite ever could.

take it with a grain of salt if you like.

the simplest way to diagnose by doing is altering one variable at a time. if you add the orchid, the humus, the perlite and new soil, and either continue or disconitinue the coffee and or banana peels, which one fixed it or made it worse then?

that's the old "keep throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks" idea.

you will have no idea which helped you or hurt you.

sorry it's not a pat on the back, just a bit of a reality check.

my hope though, is that you see it for what I intended.... kind of a yield sign. cause what you got going right now is a merging traffic sign from eight different directions.

good luck,
and yes,
have fun eh

Thank you for replying.
Thing is, I can not find "soil made for cannabis" so easy. soil I can find is really bad In many ways. either PH 6 or PH 7-7.5. The nutrients in it is hm..ok. I added dried banana peel since it helps rooting better and coffee grounds to lower PH in soil since the soil I bought had PH 7-7.5.
The Deep Cheese is doing just fine with it.. that is why I was thinking more of maybe over watered.
I appreciate your opinion and THANK YOU :circle-of-love:

I've had multiple plants do this outside. It's normally either to much water or nutes way to early. Try hold on the nutes until around two weeks old then Start at 1/4 of the dose. I normally leave nutes until some sort of deficiency starts showing then it's time to start. Hope this helps!


Hi Jim, thank you. and yes most probably too much water. I have left it alone for 4 days now and she seems to be picking up.
My new soil that I ordered from he internet (can't find it here) will arrive today.
So, big question.
The Deep Cheese is doing just fine in its medium sized pot.. no need to mess with it at the moment.
Pineapple Chunk is in a " solo cup sized" pot and question is.. she will be better off in a half big pot or shall I place here in the final pot immediately?
here's an interesting discussion on the humus for ya birdie.

What is the real difference between Compost and Humus?

And this is the problem.. since I only can order from online " normal" nurseries.. I sort of work in the dark. No real info on WHAT it has.. as of PH NPK values etc...
I have been trying to research on WHAT cannabis needs and adapt to the soil I CAN find.
I can not make my own soil or compost.
Pot size is up to you.. If you know how to garden you can go final, smaller pot will make each stage harder for you to damage the plant with over watering...
Don't stress AB. I'm sure the soil you ordered will work wonders. <3

Pot size is up to you.. If you know how to garden you can go final, smaller pot will make each stage harder for you to damage the plant with over watering...

Well,,, I know how to grow veggies, fruit trees etc... THIS is new to me.
I think I go with re pot slowly... but then.. that causes stress too.. that is why I am a bit confused.

Shall I slightly wet the soil before adding plant? It has been dried out for 4 days.
This is what I do, not saying best practice, just what I do.. Sit pot in the bigger pot, fill soil, lift out pot, remove plant from pot and stick into bigger pot, top up with soil, then watering to settle everything into place..... Growing tomatoes is harder than growing cannabis. Although neither is hard, just issues can arise any given season, some are better than others..
This is what I do, not saying best practice, just what I do.. Sit pot in the bigger pot, fill soil, lift out pot, remove plant from pot and stick into bigger pot, top up with soil, then watering to settle everything into place..... Growing tomatoes is harder than growing cannabis. Although neither is hard, just issues can arise any given season, some are better than others..

It is just as you say.. each thing you grow has its own likes and dislikes.. anything I have grown before was a success after a few mistakes..
It is just,,these ladies are more expensive to make mistakes on..not only money wise. I am growing to make capsules for a friend with cancer not at all for myself at this point..
Next round will be some for me too. Creme and capsules. Going Jack Herer :)
You'll hear this a lot, but don't over love them.. They aren't your babies... I think of them like teenagers, give them a bed and a feed but allow them to grow, they don't need the fuss.
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