AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Don't even trip AB your in good hands here, well not here cuz I am a 1st timer as well but here as in these forums LOL

Everyone on here I have met have been very helpful and nice. I doubt there is much ppl like you or I could do to one of our babbies that couldn't be turned around and back on track within a few posts from our friends


That being said I can TOTALLY get those panic/stress/oh crap! late night searches as I may have slowed a few of your seaches clogging up the webz at 4 am doing them myself

Have fun
Hi Billy and :welcome:
to 420 mag and my journal.
Grab a chair hop on a pillow or curl up in the sofa.. make yourself at home. This is a beutiful forum with beautiful people and I am so blessed to be a part of this community.
Finally!! We found the old fish tank thermometer.. it is 27-30 C in the grow space... It is a fact Pineapple C has some heat problems.. ( see the "dancing" she is doing with her leaves.. always twisting away from the light.) I keep door open at day time and she is doing a lot better.

More ideas are popping in my head about training the ladies. Tomula had some good ones in his journals.
just getting on the bus now.. but will ride for a bit.
:welcome: to 420 mag in general. This is your new virtual family if you let us be :)
Enjoy the ride :) better late than never..( that is how the saying are not late :)
I noticed the Pineapple Chunk had some slacking leaves.. (The pair of first leaves)
Intuition told me it must be from the fact that I dont have any fine perlite or anything else mixed in the soil to air the roots...
so gently gently digging around the edges ( soil is semi dry so it is easy) with a small spoon until I get to the bottom to fluffy up the soil a bit... My order of soil etc was shipped today and should be here by the end of the week. I will re plant Pineapple.. I can't find fine perlite..only coarse..and I don't like that at all!!! But I found a orchid substrate that looks like small bark pieces they will go in for air and also they have some nutrients.. Incoming is Humus outdoor Compost.. hope it will be good soil to work with.

I noticed the Pineapple Chunk had some slacking leaves.. (The pair of first leaves)
Intuition told me it must be from the fact that I dont have any fine perlite or anything else mixed in the soil to air the roots...
so gently gently digging around the edges ( soil is semi dry so it is easy) with a small spoon until I get to the bottom to fluffy up the soil a bit... My order of soil etc was shipped today and should be here by the end of the week. I will re plant Pineapple.. I can't find fine perlite..only coarse..and I don't like that at all!!! But I found a orchid substrate that looks like small bark pieces they will go in for air and also they have some nutrients.. Incoming is Humus outdoor Compost.. hope it will be good soil to work with.

The coarse perlite will work fine and, personally, is what I recommend/prefer. The fine stuff is mostly dust, but the coarse has a bunch of nooks/crannies that creates air pockets and the microbes love to populate in soil.
The coarse perlite will work fine and, personally, is what I recommend/prefer. The fine stuff is mostly dust, but the coarse has a bunch of nooks/crannies that creates air pockets and the microbes love to populate in soil.
Hi Mr. K I get the technical part of using coarse perlite.. it is just now in the beginning when the stem is so weak.. little pebble like perlite just seams to BIG...and the edges too ..edgy... not smooth or rounded. do you know what I mean?
But I trust your knowledge.. so... shopping time

Hello Birdy and good evening. Things are looking pretty good over your way :) great job !!!!!!!

Blessed Buds Birdy.

p.s. Try saying that fast 3 times after a good bowl. :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: just made a knot of my tongue
Hi you :)
Hi Mr. K I get the technical part of using coarse perlite.. it is just now in the beginning when the stem is so weak.. little pebble like perlite just seams to BIG...and the edges too ..edgy... not smooth or rounded. do you know what I mean?

:rofl: :rofl: just made a knot of my tongue

Hi you :)
I've dropped plants down steeeeep banks in the bush and not found them till weeks later when i go out. These little suckers can grow anywhere, i wouldn't worry about a little pebble of perlite if anything it will toughen it up!!

I've dropped plants down steeeeep banks in the bush and not found them till weeks later when i go out. These little suckers can grow anywhere, i wouldn't worry about a little pebble of perlite if anything it will toughen it up!!


ok so I will go and get the coarse with no fear and mix it with the soil and stuff I got (still waiting for it) :thanks:
The coarse perlite will work fine and, personally, is what I recommend/prefer. The fine stuff is mostly dust, but the coarse has a bunch of nooks/crannies that creates air pockets and the microbes love to populate in soil.
I recently ordered some, and I have to agree with your statement. There's still a lot of actual pieces in the bag, but I did notice a lot of "dust". Will look for the coarse stuff, next time around.
And My soil will arrive tomorrow!!!! not a day too late!! The leaf looks bit loopier today.... I need to take a picture so you guys can brainstorm with me...


I know pic is not super.. but.. Yesterday leaf was not colored differently.. just hanging and slightly curled and today this.
Is this because of roots? and to compact? If yes ok I fixed that yesterday.
Is it due to the 1/5 teaspoon of coffee grounds mixed with same amount of banana peel in soil?

or is my water not low PH enough??
And My soil will arrive tomorrow!!!! not a day too late!! The leaf looks bit loopier today.... I need to take a picture so you guys can brainstorm with me...


I know pic is not super.. but.. Yesterday leaf was not colored differently.. just hanging and slightly curled and today this.
Is this because of roots? and to compact? If yes ok I fixed that yesterday.
Is it due to the 1/5 teaspoon of coffee grounds mixed with same amount of banana peel in soil?

or is my water not low PH enough??

It's very hard to see from the pic other than there's an obvious issue. Your plant is too young to need any more nutrients than should already be available in the soil, so it's likely something environmental, including the possibility of the coffee grounds and banana peels having some ill-effect.

So my first questions would be:

1) Were the coffee grounds "used" (i.e. after making coffee) or "fresh" (before making coffee)?
2) Any chance you're over-watering? (the most common cause of plant death among newbies!)
3) Any chance those banana peels are rotting and causing stem rot?

I'm assuming the temps are OK and you don't have a fan blowing directly on them, correct?
So my first questions would be:

1) Were the coffee grounds "used" (i.e. after making coffee) or "fresh" (before making coffee)?
2) Any chance you're over-watering? (the most common cause of plant death among newbies!)
3) Any chance those banana peels are rotting and causing stem rot?

I'm assuming the temps are OK and you don't have a fan blowing directly on them, correct?

1. Used coffee grounds. dried to powder.
2 Yes most probably... I was there and every 2nd morning a soup spoon of water maximum...
but it has been stopped and I haven't watered for 3 days.
3 The peels were dried and fried in pan and then ran in blender.

temps 27-30 Celsius.. no fan just an open door for oxygen.. no wind blowing...
Have to agree with Mr Krip on this one. Looks like overwatering. Get some good soil, add perlite and leave the baby alone until it gains some strength. Do not overwater or add any nutrients.
I am re potting tomorrow.. I think the soil I have at the moment is not good either... Hope I made a better choice this time.
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