AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Ha, funny I should see this as I've just finished eating a nice thick slice of Black Pudding on my full English. I'm glad there was an answer as I might just have tried it lol. This is an ex part of Europe where I'm typing from :thumb:
Ha, funny I should see this as I've just finished eating a nice thick slice of Black Pudding on my full English. I'm glad there was an answer as I might just have tried it lol. This is an ex part of Europe where I'm typing from :thumb:

:hmmmm: UK? :rofl:
UPDATE 30/8-2016

It has been a few days and a few changes have been made.
We now have 3 different types of lights

Lets start :
The electrified Deep Cheese is the perkiest of them all.
She is 30 days today!!!
This lady really loves the 12V and she is under a LED light bulb 15w shining as 150W

Next up is Pineapple Chunk 32 days today!! She is under a CFL 20W shining as 100W

Our concern is maybe lights are not enough.. they don't seem to grow "fast".

And here comes unknown skunk bag seed baby 9 days today. :love:
She is under a fluorescent light daylight tube.

AND here are the new babies!!!
They were soaked in water 25/8 for a few hours (4hrs ) and then placed in coco pellets the same day
and popped up 27/8
Today they all are 3 days old!!
All under the same fluorescent light and coco pellets placed in soil mix since they needed support on stems.

2 Blue Dream

Jack Herer 1 & 2

Jack Herer 3 & 4


Auto AK is not looking well and might not make it ... I didn't take a picture of her.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my babies and I am looking into getting a better camera for pictures....

Have a lovely day and happy grow love to all of you :circle-of-love:
Looking good Angry Bird. Keep up the good work!

Hi and welcome to my journal :) Grab a seat anywhere and feel just like home :circle-of-love::smokin::passitleft:

I wish I could buy from you but we have serious problems over here
Hey AngryBird Haggis is more of a Scottish thing but they do eat Black Pudding too.

I'm wondering something though looking at your pics. It looks in the pics as though you have planted the seeds all in the same pot, if this is so are you expecting problems when it comes to repotting them individually? I'm wondering as I have just this minute seperated two clones that I rooted in the same pot and I had a bit of a nightmare trying to disentangle the roots, have you something in mind when it comes to doing this? I'm hoping I'm wrong, but it is a concern. Go on, set my mind at ease. All the best :)
Hey AngryBird Haggis is more of a Scottish thing but they do eat Black Pudding too.

I'm wondering something though looking at your pics. It looks in the pics as though you have planted the seeds all in the same pot, if this is so are you expecting problems when it comes to re-potting them individually? I'm wondering as I have just this minute seperated two clones that I rooted in the same pot and I had a bit of a nightmare trying to disentangle the roots, have you something in mind when it comes to doing this? I'm hoping I'm wrong, but it is a concern. Go on, set my mind at ease. All the best :)

Hi yes I have them in coco pellets and they were flying in height.. more fast than I thought they would... We expected slow growth like the first seeds and thought..ok Monday for soil etc...
My thought is to re pot them BEFORE roots get bundled up but I am facing another problem!!

ALL MY JACK HERER have been found on the side !!

I have the 2 Blue Dream in there too, but only Jack H is effected

I Made support of straw and pipe cleaner ( Y shape pipe cleaner stuck in the short bent part of straw)

It has not been over watered and lights are on about 10 cm above them...
leggy young ones will do that sometimes.

you did good with the straw and pipe cleaner.

i use a piece of rubber coated garden wire straight down like your straw, then up by the plant either a loose loop around the stem or a loose open ended horseshoe shape. all of the 1 piece of wire. you might see some of them in my journals.

heck i even used a toothpick with a twist tie again a large loop for the stem.

have fun eh
definitely separate them now...I had 2 in a starter pot that after 2 weeks were near impossible to separate...if the stalk is long enuff' on the Jacks...put them a lil deeper and let the dirt lend some support...and if ya need it...I really think you should boost your wattage as well...your 32 day plants, although healthy... seem underdeveloped ...even its just more CFL' of luck...cheerz!...h00k...
HI all
I did re plant all of the babies. The only plants not re potted is the pineapple chunk and bagseed
I was waiting for the grow store to get perlite and they are all in I would say 80% perlite.

We have a hot climate here in my parts of Super south Europe and it is easy to over water in fear of drying out..I figured perlite would help to prevent that :)

I am waiting for the ladies and babies to bounce back...Deep Cheese had problems too bad aeration in the bottom of pot... She is hanging in there.

And Dr.Hook yes we are adding lights all the time. Now we have 2 LEDS 50W each 1 LED 150W 1 LED 100W

and one florescent light 18w

I will see what I can salvage.
Hubby is on a strict DO NOT water order...
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