Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Thanks oz and light addict my friends :) I hope life is kind to u guys today .

Shotta hey mate thanks and yes it got chopped 2 days ago at 7.5 weeks here's a shot of it after trim


Thankyou jay and RICO..... The slh is frosting nicely :) and drinking a lot of liquids.
I think another day and pepper jack will be dry. She's hung in my second cupboard. In there is my hps ballast with a small fan pointed at it. She's hung a few feet above
Hmmmmm maybe I need a new camera. Or a camera that ain't my phone lol this has been brought to my attention lol don't want to spend to much though... £50-$70 any ideas?
Hi mate. We went to Spain in July and needed a new camera before going (lost mine lol) bought a beauty off Fleabay for £25. I'll be using it to take pics of my grow :). Can't go wrong dude....point and click :)
Haha the sell LEDs and CFls and plant pots and molasses in block form. As oz said they've got a comprehensive stock of blue cheese. They sell odour control and they also sell blueberry oz...... I may write a letter to mr asda lol
SHIT, the penny has just dropped.....WalMart is funded by DRUGS!!! And have you seen some of the staff??? Permanently spaced dude. Those trolley collectors are tripping bro :) :lot-o-toke: Hey, they do Veg n Flower too...and you and I have both bought BIG pots off them. :yahoo:
Soo ladies and gents we have dry bud now
Total weight for pepper jack free bee is 26.2g
Not earth moving yield but it was a free seed and that 26g more than pays for the whole grow in terms of what I'd of paying for 1/8ths so the 2 super Lemmon haze still in flower have been free to grow :)





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