Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Hey mate alls good here just sat in the Chinese waiting for my takeaway

Hi Alex :ciao:

Would you like some cheese with your chips'n'Currysauce?

Lol. Don't chuck the containers away mate they come in handy ;) BALTIC mate, fooooking BALTIC! Got icicles hanging off the end of my.............nose lol. Defo sleeping in the tent tonight, padded insulated floor, 82 degrees OHHHH God, I wish I was a plant lol :)
Can't wait for the pics dude :slide:
Is that urs RICO? I'd like that sprinkled on my house special szchaun :)
Hey oz it went in the bin iv got a stack of them..... Very handy indeed mate
Iv often wished I was plant...... Usually when iv had no bud...... If I was a plant I'd off sacrificed a finger to smoke
Todays TOP TIP.....Don't try smoking your finger 1), it won't light and 2) it FUKIN hurts trying lol :lot-o-toke:
How be the weary warrior? Your tumultuous truncational journey is nearing its end. The great beast does lie cleaved truncated no more! Still a beast when so wounded should be given respect. She should be heeded and tended just only once more. you must gain her last treasure before you finally show her the door!

Keats? lol :)
Hey guys jay ozz hope use are well today :)
Light addict..... Did u do the script writing for "the 300" lol
Dirty Steve. Love the name lol. Feel free to take what ever u need.
But I'd recomend reading my last journal. The link is beneath my reply the green writing below. That is a better way to grow slh than this method. Also any help just ask. Set up a journal...... It's the way forward mate
Steady on Alex, he's after my girl Gert Grrrrrrr lol :)
Hope all is well in Lemon Land buddy? Errrr, no crumbs on the carpet either :thumb:
Thanks alex! Ive started a journal. It doesnt have much just yet but you can see where im at. I know what you meant when you said it was easy to tell the sativas from the indica as i too have that same issue (which im quite happy about :) ) Im gonna keep a close eye on this one as well. You are all a great bunch here at 420 and im quite happy to be learning from all yall!! :peace:
Dirtysteve, get your journal tag posted in your sig then more will jump onboard. If you need to know how to do it just ask OZ he's a real wizz kid at things like that!

I thought we had to pay extra for sarcasm ? :cool: Ohhhh and a "kid" I ain't lol. :rofl: My birth certificate is written on papyrus with a quill. Dude, I'm carbon dated lol
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