Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Well done smoke is ALWAYS the best smoke lol. :) :party: Just shy of an oz is pretty cool for free imo. I haven't even got my seeds yet but I still can't wait to "taste" them lmao :lot-o-toke: Do you use an ec/ppm meter mate? If so, what did you keep the nute levels at? Ohhhh, and ph? lol :morenutes: :reading420magazine:
Thankyou oz..... I won't lie mate. Iv not looked at ph for two years. My tap water must be pretty good. I'm sure my nutes send it up n down but iv not had any issues. Living here in the land of the gods I guess I'm blessed with cannabis friendly water
Our water is SO hard even Chuck Norris talks nicely to it :rofl: When you shower it doesn't wash the dirt off it KNOCKS it off lol. :rofl:
Soft Southerner lol. No such thing as PH up here mate. Darn't brush my teeth incase the water PUNCHES THEM OUT lol :loopy:
I rearanged my Scrog today before work. I untied a lot of branches to give them freedom and to stop buds touching. I also tied some branches into the centre were pepper jack used to live.
I think they will enjoy the extra room. I'm watering every two days.
Monday. : nutes 75% strength
Tuesday. :///////
Wednesday: molasses
Thursday. :///////
Friday. : nutes 75% strength
Saturday. :///////
Sunday. : molasses

Etc etc etc getting very thirsty at the moment.
Each feed is 1.5 litres
Good info mate :) Molasses.....ASDA? lmao....gonna give it a go, if it's good enough for you n LA then it MUST be good shit :) Think I'll do some myself and see if I grow lol
Lol holland and barrats for the molasses mate
Asda sel it in solid form. We want it more in a treacle. £1.89 for a 1lb jar in h&b the health store.
Best asking for it ul be looking forever lol
One tablespoon into a jug with a drop of hot water stir till dissolved then ad it to ur cold water shake n it's good to go :)
1 tablespoon or so per 4-5 litre is about right but a guide only I don't think under or over can really hurt
Mate, you are a mine of info......maybe we should tip off ASDA that they're missing something. As for H+B....THEY are drug pushers :rofl:
Lol all I no iv learnt here from the comunity. Don Paul advised me about were to buy the molasses previous to this I used lyles black treackle. This is a good alternative to molasses but lacks a bit of the goodness.
Lmao about asda n h&b...... But to keep u in the loop I think the "drug word" talk is frowned upon here by the powers that be the mods :)
Also any words that are actual drugs like jimmy white etc is also not allowed. I seen someone told off for mention g's strain of weed "Lucy" and because the strain was named after a proper drug it was not allowed to be spoke of.
Not me ranting mate just keeping u informed. Remember marijuana ain't a drug at 420 it's mother natures natural healer
Well said, SER 801 :thumb:

Wise words again mate :) I'm in full agreement too. Being raised in Australia and spending lots of weekends in/on a commune taught me loads. Harmony, respect (both self and for others), patience and understanding.....among a few. Hey, I'm very much a live n let live guy and I have no wish to offend or upset others. Especially amongst the membership or administration of 420. Love this place dude. :love:
Going to do a little update on my grow now mate. Took tour and LAs advice and putthe beans in a container on damp kitchen roll. 2 tap roots showing I think or.........maybe I'm too stoned to see straight lol
... Hey, I'm very much a live n let live guy and I have no wish to offend or upset others. Especially amongst the membership or administration of 420. Love this place dude. :love:
+reps :)
Thanks Spimp....much appreciated. Congrats again on a well recognition :bravo:
Hey Alex. Hope all is good in Pepper/Lemon HEAVEN ? :)
Hey mate alls good here just sat in the Chinese waiting for my takeaway :)
Pepper land is a thing of the past now just Lemmon land remains. Not looked at then since feeding before work but they'll be lovely I'm sure. They got everything they need :)
I see ur journals moving along nicely mate :)
3 days off for me now il be having a tinker around with the garden on Monday moring and be uploading some piks :)

Oz it's foookin freezing init
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