Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Pepper jack 7 weeks 3 days of flower---- harvested
So.... I had a tester pipe off this pepper jack last night. It was very pleasent indeed. Stoney. Harsh on my throat but hay oh ya can't have it all lol. I think its a 7-8 week strain so it's bang on to the book for harvest but could proves done with one more week if I'm honest but!!!!!! I am totaly sick as f**k of paying £20 for a 8th which is realy a 16th and is mainly leaf. This will dry over the coming week and last me until the super lemon haze is ready :)

Firstly two pre manicured pictures :)



Now roughly manicured shots. I never do a tight manicure. It will dry from this and be smoked :)






Thankyou black cat one..... Had to bump my set of piks they fell a page off ur post :)
Thankyou spimp and don p my friends :)
Don it's ridiculous is it not

Spimp ola friend... I won't lie they not the most dense not the most crystally. I'd say medium density
And run of the mill mid grade weed. Better than sourced localy though :) + it was from a free seed.
Party time starts in 3 weeks when the slh is ripe
Iv got some creepy crawlys guys. The picture below is very close up the total area in picture is about the size of a big thumb.
I found these white crawlys when I lifted out pepper jacks pot. They were living in the shadows in the damp underneath the pot. They don't jump they just walk slowly. Anyone no what they are? They are not in the soils just underneath the pots


Here's what the Scrog looks like now. Iv shortened the middle section to pull the Scrog together

Hey swvoodoo no mate no covering they are brilliant white they look like mini white elephants lol look to have trunks at the front lol they been cleaned out now god noes
Thanks LA I figured close it together less wasted light. They were funky lol
Hi mate.......I know, I know bout bloody time I got my hairy big ass over here.....better late than never lol. I'm now going to read EVERY page so I can get in the loop. Whooooa those little furkers remind me of "silverfsh" only guessing dude but here's some Wiki info.

Silverfish are nocturnal insects typically 13–25 mm (0.5–1 in) long.[2] Their abdomens taper at the end, giving them a fish-like appearance.[3] The newly hatched are whitish, but develop a greyish hue and metallic shine as they get older.[4] They have three long cerci at the tips of their abdomens, one off the end of their body, one facing left, and one facing right. They also have two small compound eyes, despite other members of Thysanura being completely eyeless, such as the family Nicoletiidae.[3][5]
Like other species in Apterygota, silverfish completely lack wings.[3][6] They have long antennae, and move in a wiggling motion that resembles the movement of a fish.[7] This, coupled with their appearance, influences their common name. Silverfish typically live for two to eight years.[4]
Oz about time lol nice to have u here. Ur free to read from the beginning but u don't have too just look at the piks if u like lol
Dam silver fish can live that long.... I thought they'd be a 6 monther creature. These were all white though mate and I'd say between 2-4mm in length. Sod it there gone now anyway lol

Spimp ola sinour I will be popping by his grow to off my invitation :)
Hi mate. Maybe Thrips then. I found some pics but couldn't load em....dumb ass me lol. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of your grow pans out mate :) In the meantime, have some +reps for great work and being a top bloke too :high-five:
Thankyou oz :)
Thrips look more like them than silver fish but I just done some searching and he closest I can find is "white spring tails" I never thought of Therese as I thought they were black and and only lived on the surface of soil but it would seem they live allover and come in colour white too

This is most similar I found

Yea weird critters for sure. I think I read once they can be benificial in some way....... Not in my garden !!! Lol
I wiped all I could see of them up and binned them hopefully that's that. Don't want any issues with this slh in its final 3-4 weeks
Yea weird critters for sure. I think I read once they can be benificial in some way....... Not in my garden !!! Lol
I wiped all I could see of them up and binned them hopefully that's that. Don't want any issues with this slh in its final 3-4 weeks

Too true mate....nearly there :) THEN fumigate lol. :thumb: :rofl:
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