Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Alex, that pepper-jack looks stellar! You're rocking that s#'t!! +reps!
My gosh those daily self quotes get better n better. I can't think wat ul come up with tomorrow.
Watered with molasses this morning. Will not be opening the grow room door now until Saturday morning. For nutrients n possible defol.
The days are flying by. Il have home made meds again soon can hardly wait

Hello and happy weedsday to all my 420 friends
a scrap is a tangled mess and you do it so well,
will you be running a scrog next grow as well, maybe a week or 2 more of veg then that screen would be full, im pretty sure you got less stretch this time round im sure you mentioned it somewhere,

the problem is that when the canopy is even you get less stretch per branch as its all spread out, just like the buds, instead of getting a few big buds then some small buds you end up with a nice even harvest with lots of nice sized buds.

looking good mate should start to fatten up for you now they are past their stretch and settled into flower, its all good
Hey don Paul. Yes mate next time we Scrog again also :)
I'm hunting for strains already. I want something 8 week that's purple :)
Two plant Scrog flat Scrog one pepper jack n one some thing purple.

I can't really gauge the veg right with this grow mate. I mate a goog reflector last grow with my CFls horizontal very close and last grow vegged very well and quick. This time I didn't bother enought had CFls vertical and they didn't veg very well.

Next grow dp il buy a metal halide and give that a bash for veg. They ment to be the daddy :)
But looking at it agreed sir we should of vegged the pepper jack another week. The super Lemmon hasn't gone to plan. It's grew more like a regular plant with there Scrog screen being on an incline. I'm sure the "v" is for some but I think flat Scrog 2 plant setup is more for me :)
Il be happy at the end don't get me wrong :)

Hello and good day to the whole 420 community
To have walked so humbly along the holy path, to have fought so valiantly against the scrog of truncation. With each careful step the truly truncated one has lit the dark path! All future warriors that deem themselves worthy , will have his sacrifices to gleam from. Now that our hero has won true understanding of this ancient practice. his journey is near its end,He must pick the next step wisely! Knowing that he leads an unseen army in his wake!
Best of green sir Alex of Sirius
Good morning planet earth :)
This is Sirius calling

DAY 33 flower

Things starting to smell up now. Getting happier with the trunk emery day :)



Black cat one. U are spoiling me with your daily words
Every time I see uv posted something a few lines long I giggle before reading.

Nothing to update yet plants been fed. Got the boy till Monday so the cupboards closed until then. At that point weel be on week 5 of flower. Week5!!! Dam that's came around quickly

Spimp hey mate :) I see those buds too there coming along nice now were all meet n tidy in there
Stroll on harvest

New strains to come next grow
Oohh New strains. So far I can def say that Tutt is awesome, also she is supposed to have got a record in a spanish cup a while back, hydro and registered 32/33 THC levels. Strain loves training so would suit a scrog. Just an idea.

May the truly truncated one choose a strain using the secrets he unfurled from shrouded hidden depths of his last journey, his hard fought bbattles in the lands of truncation. These deepest most sublime of secrets he now weilds with measured ease. Like the champion at arms he lays waist to all before him. Clearing the path for his followers!
looking great alex, well done,

ive tried growing many many purple strains, none turned out purple, purple urkle is going to be my next option. blue mystic produces nice blue buds and both fuzzy duck and BID have grown the strain and both grew blue buds, so i got some of them to plant in the next day or 2 so hopefully ill have some blue ish purple type buds at harvest, but plants like purple widow, auto purple, purple cheese plus a few others never turned purple at all,

actually im lying, i did make one plant turn purple, i did say make as well, i had this purple auto strain and it was winter where i am, so each night this auto went on the window sill with the window open so it was getting really cold at night, a few weeks later it still hadnt turned purple and was growing ok, so then i had 2 options, i could either stick it in the fridge over night or as it was snowing outside i could put it on the balcony and leave it their, well i went with the balcony option, so each night it went on the balcony until i got up then it went back under the lights (cfl's at the time), after a few days of freezing temps it did turn purple, it turned a nice dark purple, i smiled and was chuffed i had grown some purple bud.

then i harvested the plant and let it dry and it was still purple, some strains after harvest go back to green during the drying process, anyways this stayed purple, so i rolled a spliff and lit it up and then i wished i never, never coughed so much in my whole life, that stuff was nasty harsh, it was like smoking pain stripper, burned on the way on then ripped me to pieces on the way out, so lesson learned, never put plant out in freezing temps to bring out the purple colour, so it ended up in the trim pile and got used for hash.

now if you check out sub cool online and how he uses super soil to grow plants then you will see that most strains will turn purple, even none purple strains will turn purple, so clearly their is something going on in the super soil that lets the plant bring out its purple colours, pretty much all strains will turn purple given the correct conditions, now this is what im wondering and not proven or tested, but as sub cool uses super soil and no nutrients at all and he has most strains turn purple late in flower, to me this suggests their is something going on in the super soil, or the soil is lacking in something towards the end of flower, so im wondering if it is to do with the nutrients we use, ive tried many purple strains and got no purple, sub cool grows none purple strains and they turn purple, so im wondering if their is something that stops or makes them turn purple.

hopefully this blue mystic will turn blue/purple towards the end of harvest, if not im giving up on the purple challenge and ill grow what i like then if it turns purple ill clone it and use that pheno type to produce a true purple strain that turns purple without having to go out in the snow
Hello don p. nice of u to stop by always a pleasure. Thankyou for the kind words mate much appriciated.
I wonder why the cold temps made ur plant taste like razor blades lol
Hey at least it looked nice :)
Iv never came across tha Man U spoke of who uses the super soils but I will now be having a search. I can't think of any reason why his normal strains would turn purple unless it was to do with the soils..... I can't see it being something in the soil lacking though. I mean iv grew in shite soil before start to finish with nill nutrients and never had that so it would make u think its something extra in the soils that turn them. A ingredient generally not used but the rest of us.
Interesting. Let me no ur findings mate. Also good look with ur coming seedling I hope u get the colour u want
I'm also interested in red strains you no the type more red than orange

Bc1 hello :) no worries mate we all get busy. I am guilty this grow I'm not as active this grow in my subscriptions as I usually would be. Simply not having the time with working stupid hours and having a family my 420 time is limited. Soon when the winter really hits my job hours will reduce as were out of season so probs my next grow il be like a fire fly buzzing around 420 all hours :) stroll on the winter. Shame about your mag deff. I am popping back over ur grow see if you got info on Epsom salt dosage. Iv never used the stuff
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