Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

you can thank spimp for promoting the contests, for the last couple of months he has reminded everyone to vote and this has got a lot of new members entering the contests, but yep i remember when their was just 3 or 4 entries per month and life was so much easier, now its so hard to pick who to vote for but its a much fairer system, as long as the contests dont get abused then its all good, but if members just join to win the contest then leave then its not good for the site or the sponsors,

but cheaters get caught and what goes around comes around, its all about the kharma, its why i do what i can to help others, at least then they may help someone else when they need it,

You hit that right on the nail mate it is all about our Karma:bravo:
Yep karma is a funny thing. You are of coarse forgetting another important factor In all of this. Me! My sparkling witt, my amazing posts and just my general presence here. SORRY COULDN'T HELP MYSELF LOL.
To be serious for a second, as sir spimpin spimpster said even I have noticed an upturn in people aiding one another. I found myself feeling it only right that I start journaling and giving back on here because of all you guys that aided me on my path. Winning a comp, simply confimed to me that here is my place and the circle of knowledge and karma here has now made 420 my second little family of friends.
True... Spimp is always promoting the monthly contests :)
Spimp accept ur credit :) it is well due :)

Black car 1 :) u do bring a smile to every day for me. I enjoy reading ur "good day" messages in my and other journals. Each day and journal is a new msg :)

Good day everyone who views my journal... Sorry for my absence I have just got home from work! 9pm bloody ridiculous
you make the site a much happer place light addict, its always good to read your comments.

their does seem to be a more active site over the last few months, so its all good for 420mag and the sponsors, its the wealth of info you can gain from been on this site that amazes me, their some great growers on here and its good to see a few of them helping out in the help parts of the site.

keeps new members happy and keeps them coming back for more,
Hey bc 1 I sure did stop by and ur new device seems super. I like the idea of the morning shower :)

Day 25 Flower







Do you plan on any Defol?

Good weed sir Alex. :) Girls are looking very nice and truncated today!

Funny u should mention that I was meaning to include it in the pictures....
Iv been doing defol a bit at a time day by day but for the last 6 days the girls have only seen me on two occasions to feed them. I now have the boy until Sunday so il be going finger nail nipping crazy on Sunday evening stipping my girls back to near there birthday suits :)
Nah just my odd little brain spilling its nonsense ramblings as it does.

Nope Light Addict you are a great guy to have around and congrats on the plant of the month:cheesygrinsmiley:
Even if you think it is a simple rambeling I enjoy it and hope you continue:grinjoint:
Hello jaga I agree. I like to read black cat 1"s posts
How are u sir?
I had a sneak peak in the cupboard. Man have I got my work cut out when I take the boy home. The slh is overgrown. Major defol this afternoon
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