Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

your not wrong their, he made many friends here just so he could win the contests, he seemed a pretty decent bloke and around all the journals and offering advice, but it was all to win the contests, im sure he even won one before he got caught but i could be wrong, he got caught when he entered a bud he had found online and i think it might of been jandre who noticed the bud was all ready from this site and had won a few months before,

we certainly dont need members like that
Yes don p there are certain plant fertilisers that have recent been made illegal on Sirius maybe that has something to do with it but I guess if it did u wouldn't be able to buy off the bay.
Mudpie..... I'm sure 100% sure I remember that dude from one of my stints of intense 420ing. That's crazy he would go to those lengths. But I guess it's happening all the time. This months p.o.m has had cheating and a disqualified member. I also never realised one could re enter nugs or plants month after month lol I see nugs there that was last month if I new that I'd of entered my 2 best slh piks again.

Ouchhhh dp that's Gota hurt mate. Obviously u never donated for credit or constant gratitude but must of been a sickiner when the guy fuked of n abandoned his journal never to be seen again.
Iv got a few monthly prize winners here in my grow journal :)

Hey dp what happened to 420? Did it have a surge of new growers at some point when I was away? I remember Pom and nom contests with 4-6-8 entry's and now the competition is so dam fearce....
High AlexPad108 I hope you are enjoying this fine skunkday:cheesygrinsmiley:and after reading your last post I would encourage you to enter your buds over and over again as you deserve the respect for the wonderful grow you did last journal,:smokin:
I wasnt aware that folks were cheating on the contest this makes me a little sad but also helps me realize that I have the BEST MATES on 420 world which is better than winning any contest cause I already won by meeting you an the rest of the gang that hang out in and around our journals:grinjoint:

:420:FOR EVER :high-five: :hug::hug::hug::rollit::passitleft::idea:
I feel the love from u jaga and all the gang also :)
I think if I'm to have a real shot at nug o the month some time il have to grow something "blue" or something "red" or "purple"
To me they are usually the standout buds just with how they look.... They would be what I'd reach for out the cookie jar lol
High AlexPad108 I hope you are enjoying this fine skunkday:cheesygrinsmiley:and after reading your last post I would encourage you to enter your buds over and over again as you deserve the respect for the wonderful grow you did last journal,:smokin:
I wasnt aware that folks were cheating on the contest this makes me a little sad but also helps me realize that I have the BEST MATES on 420 world which is better than winning any contest cause I already won by meeting you an the rest of the gang that hang out in and around our journals:grinjoint:

:420:FOR EVER :high-five: :hug::hug::hug::rollit::passitleft::idea:
Hey Alex good weed Sir! Hey Jaga, and peeps. If these people are that sad to be trying to cheat, they clearly don't get what this great site is all about. They are clearly not people that could be positive forces on here! Yes the comps are great and I'm very proud to have won one, yet its the 420 community with their compliments, comments, positive vibage and support that is the real prize. If you put in, you get back its just that simple. I'm honestly far more proud of the friends I have made on here and the amazing following my journal has received than a few nice free things!

Sorry for my little rant!
Black cat 1... I couldn't agree more. The community here is superb and the knolage iv gained in the years iv been a member is worth more than prizes could be. (Although nice) lol this place has become a little section of my busy life. My unwinding time is spent here amongst the friends iv made. Some one mentioned a meet up in the damm. How cool would that be?

Hey mosur spimpmiester the 2nd... Snoop dog no1 lol
It's good over here mate truncated v is doing well she's sleeping at the moment. We've got little buds everywere :) litterely everywere I'm very proud of the girls in the cupboard. Been a pleasure so far to grow them.4-5 weeks and il have 1st harvest (pepper jack) 7ish for super lemon. Can't wait :)

How are u? And black cat one? And dp and RICO n everyone popin by?

See I all in the mornin. Lights out on Sirius
Hey-hey-hey Alex!! So how long was I stoned for?!?! I missed shottafire's journal and I missed one of yours as well?! Am I too late?
Hey guys..... Little update.

Day 23 of flower
Stretch is about over
Pepper jack stopped stretching and forming buds on about day 18
And I'm fairly sure the super lemon is now all stretched out.
Some time tomorrow or Wednesday at latest il be having one final tie/tinker with super lemons branches to try and put them were I want them to be. There a bit of a mess at parts crossing over each other and stuff like that so a half hour sort out is called for
After that its time for me to sit back... Feed... Lightly defol and watch those buds bloom :) I like this stage in a grow.

Piks to follow tomorrow/Wednesday
you can thank spimp for promoting the contests, for the last couple of months he has reminded everyone to vote and this has got a lot of new members entering the contests, but yep i remember when their was just 3 or 4 entries per month and life was so much easier, now its so hard to pick who to vote for but its a much fairer system, as long as the contests dont get abused then its all good, but if members just join to win the contest then leave then its not good for the site or the sponsors,

but cheaters get caught and what goes around comes around, its all about the kharma, its why i do what i can to help others, at least then they may help someone else when they need it,
420 deserves the credit not me. I try to welcome new members and generate a voter turnout, But is this captivating place with harmony and knowledge that keeps them here. My Spaming may increase the votes a tiny tad, but all the good work in helping, welcoming, and teaching is why we have more votes. It seems like a high percentage of 'new joins' are sticking around because of everyones hard work in these areas. When I started 6 months ago many of these threads lay dormant. Anyone who has spent time doing good here is why we have more active members i believe. Ive seen an upswing in 'helping' around here and that makes me smile.
420 deserves the credit not me. I try to welcome new members and generate a voter turnout, But is this captivating place with harmony and knowledge that keeps them here. My Spaming may increase the votes a tiny tad, but all the good work in helping, welcoming, and teaching is why we have more votes. It seems like a high percentage of 'new joins' are sticking around because of everyones hard work in these areas. When I started 6 months ago many of these threads lay dormant. Anyone who has spent time doing good here is why we have more active members i believe. Ive seen an upswing in 'helping' around here and that makes me smile.

i know that if it werent for you, rico, and a few others, id be looking elsewhere... but thanks to yall, i am happily learning a good bit here
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